The Plague In the Plague Barbra Tuchman provides the audience with detailed images of the plague that eliminated about a third of the European population. The author uses imagery to depict the victims’ symptoms dynamically and incredibly. Additionally, she uses vivid description tom illustrate how the filth associated with the bubonic plague, including how the rich and the poor were affected by the disease (Tuchman 555). Furthermore, she develops her essays from excerpts of other writings of historians’ contemporary to the bubonic plague, coupled with her own opinion of how the disease affected Europeans. Accordingly, Tuchman’s vivid and moving descriptions of the plague serve to convey her tone to portray the sense of fear characteristics as well as the causes of the epidemic and how the pandemic affected Europe’s religious, cultural, economic, and political institutions during that period. The author employs the descriptions of filth to convey a sensation of impending doom to the reader. She vividly and precisely the foulness of the bubonic plague and the filthy environment that fostered the disease itself. For instance, Tuchman depicts the manifestation…

The government does not create social order We harbor the assumption that society would descend into chaos had we no centralized means of authority. This idea is bunk. The social order stems spontaneously from the voluntary behavior of individuals. We discovered early on as a species that we can cooperate. We need no third party to tell us that a person stands to benefit by trading with others. By freely purchasing what excess one may have of goods, labor, or services that I produce well, I can obtain those things I desire but cannot build well on my own. I have an incentive to create more than I can consume myself. Self-interest, in the absence of coercion, provides the means for win-win social relationships. This activity, barter, leads logically to indirect trade. If I need something from you, but you do not want what I have, I go to Rufus over here who has what you want, but wants what I’ve got (still a pretty inefficient way to go, though). Thankfully, over time, this process bubbles to the surface one…

Competitive Elections article review In the first article titled “Competitive Elections,” the authors Tun-Jen Cheng and Gang Lin discuss the similarities in political parties in China and Taiwan. To achieve this, the authors focus on two political parties, namely the KMT and the CCP. Throughout the reading, Cheng and Lin analyze if the competitive election and the party system of Taiwan provides a way of analyzing and describing the institutional change in China. To achieve this, the authors firstly focus on two political parties, namely the KMT and the CCP. Secondly, they look at the conditions for competitive elections in Taiwan, which is followed by the identification of Chinese recent and current developments through the use of Taiwanese experience. The authors at last settle to the conclusion that Chinese elections are becoming more competitive as time goes on since the late 1980s, but the level of competition is narrower in comparison to Taiwanese competition in the 1950s. The second reading is titled “EAST ASIAN DEMOCRATIZATION IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE” by Yu-tzung Chang and Yun-Han Chu. It talks about democracy, which is…

Police body cam CJCR-4940: Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice and CriminologyResearch Methods& StatisticsCapstone Section PaperInstructionsDue Date: 02/05/2020The methods section of your capstone project involves a comparative analysis of different methodologiesin criminology and the criminal justice sciences in the context of the problem or topic that you selected for your capstone project. The comparative aspect may be accomplished by doing one of the following:1.Standard Option 1: Demonstrate how the problemthat you selected may be examined by either quantitative or qualitative research methods; select two articles that use quantitative methods and compare them against anarticle that usesqualitative research methods(or vice versa); oRequires 3 empirical research articles [unique_solution]2.Standard Option 2: Show how the problem that you selected can be examined at one point in time or over time; select two articles that use a cross-sectional research design and compare them against anarticle that usesa longitudinal research design to study theproblem(or vice versa); oRequires 3 empirical research articles 3.Bonus Option: Demonstrate mastery of the research methods used to investigate the problem that you selected by analyzing two articles that use quantitative methods in a…

Changing the Negative Perception of the Army Service The army is often appreciated for its service in the protection of civilians and defending states against internal and external threats, however, the general public is sometimes wary of the integration of the military soldiers into the community. Also, the army service people are often feared to have unstable mental health and emotional wellbeing, which affects them socially as they question how the community receives them. The efforts which can be cultivated to discard negative mentality towards military service members include government campaigns on veteran appreciation, involving military personnel in community and social events, and education of the American civilians about the army service. First, the perception that the army service personnel are likely to be unemployed, destitute, and all suffer from traumatic stress, or depression is changing, following the government’s campaign, “Got Your 6.” These beliefs affect the way such people are received in society, especially after their service (LaCroix, 2018). Fortunately, Got Your 6 campaign was started by the former president, Barrack Obama, Unites Government Partners, the entertainment industry, and…

Comparative Politics in Southeast Asia Comparison is a fundamental tool of analysis. It sharpens our power of desсrіption, and plays a central role in concept-formation by bringing into focus suggestive similarities and contrasts among cases. Comparison is routinely used in testing hypotheses, and it can contribute to the inductive discovery of new hypotheses and to theory building…The forms of comparison employed in the discipline of political science vary widely…At the same time, the label ‘comparative method’ has a standard meaning within the discipline and in the social sciences more widely. Adapted from: Collier, D. (1993). The comparative method. In A. W. Finifter (Ed.), Political Science: The State of the Discipline II. American Political Science Association. Singapore, when compared to almost any other democratic country, has two deeply puzzling features. · Puzzle #1: It frequently adopts policies that economists would call “economically efficient, but politically unpopular”. For example, Singapore has near-unilateral free trade, admits large numbers of immigrants. These are policies that could easily have cost politicians their jobs in many other democracies; yet they have stood the test of time…

The compromise of 1850 The compromise of 1850 that was ratified in 1850, entailed the settlement of various issues affecting the unity of the states. The compromise assisted in stopping the confrontation that existed between Free states in the North and the slave states in the South.  The main focus of the compromise was to address the slavery issue that was causing disagreement between the South and the North. Also, the conflict between north and south states was a result of the difference over the territories’ status that had been attained during the Mexican-American war, which occurred from 1846 to 1848 (Compromise of 1850 (article)). Under the compromise of 1850 that was created by Henry Clay, California was acknowledged to be a free state, the slave trade was banned in Washington, while Texas lost the New Mexico territory. The fugitive slave law of 1850 was part and parcel of the Compromise of 1850. The law permitted the American government to help the slaveholders in bringing back freedom explorers. Based on the United States constitution, the slaveholders were allowed to recover…


IT Sourcing

IT Sourcing IT sourcing follows given criteria in making decisions; Flexibility; The first consideration in determining whether IT should outsource its services is flexibility besides capability. Flexibility is the ability to locate and negotiate the terms of a contract to outsource the expertise (McKeen & Smith, 2015). Capacity is the aspect of determining the strength of IT to supervise the roles of outsourcing. The two elements are essential in ensuring that outsourced expertise can be easily located and monitored. The control; Performance of IT functions internally enables the team to exercise control over all the functions, including a meeting of the standard regulation. When outsourcing for the IT services, the significant aspects under consideration are the delivery of the services following compliance requirements and security of the IT assets (McKeen & Smith, 2015). Outsourcing may be preferred when point differentiation is not required in service delivery. Internal services may be preferred to ensure the self-control of the assets, and IT functions. Knowledge enrichment; An organization cannot outsource the services it owns. Therefore, the primary reason for outsourcing is to grow…

Consolidated Statement of Stockholder’s Equity The most challenging concept in the class was figuring out what is a consolidated statement of the stockholder’s equity and its primary function. However, with the help of reading material from the internet, including the Google scholar and accounting journals, I realized that this concept was even easier as I had expected. The statement of the stake holder’s equity summarizes what takes place and happen to the organization’s equity for the reporting period (Yang, Poon, & Lee, 2018). This concept is also similar to the popularly used statement of cash flow, explaining to the stakeholders what happened to the company’s finance or cash. Besides, the statement of stockholder’s equity also elaborates on other material transactions which do not revolve around the assets, liabilities and earnings. For example, if the company just received $100 million in IPO proceeds, equity goes up.  The SHE would also disclose the related new shares issued (for informational purposes).  If the company repurchases publicly traded shares, that Treasury Stock transaction must be disclosed.  In a way, it serves as a pseudo…

Conducting Constitutional Searches The United States Supreme Court defined laws that allowed law enforcement officers to conduct searches without a warrant. These elements may contradict the 4th Amendment that enforces the need for police officers to have a permit as an aspect that supports the judicial review of action that an administration conducts. Police officers should understand the continuous changes that occur in the Constitutional Law so that they comprehend the rationale for doing particular operations. The case “Arizona v. Gant 2009” illustrates the review that the country conducts its legal search criteria and indicates the evolution that occurs in national policies (Harr et al. 269). The following are Constitutional Law elements that officers should understand as they conduct their operations. Searches with Consent Police officers can look for drugs, weapons, or other materials that may pose a risk to the community with the agreement of a suspect. The process proceeds when an individual provides voluntary consent for the law enforcement personnel to search for a property. The Fourth Amendment requires that the person must first wave his/her rights for…

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