DALEY AND THE 1968 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION DISCUSSION The 1968 clashes and violence that happened in Chicago between police and demonstrators remains to be one of the biggest and polarizing showdowns to happen in 1960. The anticipated anxiety exploded on the night of Aug 28, with numerous groups being involved who had different motives and techniques. Yippies wanted to have outdoor sex while black Chicagoans wanted to challenge the brutality of the police, and the supporters of McCarty wanted several changes done in the government system. Therefore, not all demonstrators had the intention to cause chaos as purported by Chicago Mayor Daley. In the documentary, a group of Yippies can be seen holding posters while on a peaceful demonstration. As recalled by one of the demonstrators Katz, they were holding peaceful demonstrations until the police become exceedingly brutal, making them fight back. It’s during this time that Daley unleashed the Chicago Police department to deal with the demonstrators where he gives them permission to “shoot and kill” in certain situations (Farber, 2015). He deployed 12,000 police in the street and…

Governmental actions and influence on commerce The monetary impacts and societal dangers of monopolistic businesses are many. In order to fight the impacts laid by the monopolistic giants, the governments have turned to legislation as well as court cases and bring these organizations under control. Despite the fact that the procedures implemented by the US have been into action after the shift, the grounds to curb the authority in the market are consistent. While the cases of government efforts can more or less be regarded as boundless, there are two specific examples that stand out of the rest – 19th-century railways and Microsoft. 19th-century railway and government interventions As can be seen from the initial history of the US, most of the control revolved with the railroad business as its axis. The responsibility of controlling the open enterprises was initially assigned to the individual states. However, the inadequacy of the passed legislation, along with the powerlessness in controlling the railroad monopolies, clearly defined the necessity of government guidance agonizing. The first interstate admin council was formed by the 1887 section…

The impact of the government’s actions on the nation’s trade and commerce The retaliatory actions of the U.S government and the overall impact of new tariffs have a negative impact on commerce and trade. In December 2019, the government has delayed a scheduled tariff of 15% on Chinese goods worth $160 billion (Liu & Woo, 2018). The government later announced that it had decreased the 15% tariff to 7.5%. These actions were taken by the Trump administration, and it has a negative impact on trading relations with China. Apart from China, the government has also imposed approximately $88 billion new taxes on the citizens of America, and millions of products have been levied taxes in this manner. The additional tariffs are likely to reduce the nation’s GDP, and the unemployment rate of the country will increase as well. The economists understand the positive impact of free trade and claims that it can enhance the economic output of the nation. However, a recent increase in the tariffs can be considered as a trade barrier for domestic and international ventures. The U.S…

Cybersecurity action of U.S government and impact on international trade Internet expansion has enhanced global trade, and e-commerce has become one of the innovative methods of conducting business. Communication and connectivity have expanded as well. Besides that, cloud computing is enhancing the connectivity of businesses. However, global connectivity poses risks associated with cyberattacks (Forbes.com, 2020). The e-commerce sites are the soft target of hackers. Hacking and data theft have posed increasing risks. Consumer’s trust is getting affected, and digital trade is causing damage to millions of dollars. Hence, the U.S government has created strategies to strengthen the cybersecurity of networks and computer systems. The government has become severe about forming alliances and partnerships with international firms to optimize the resources and enhance the capabilities of the cybersecurity policies. The government has passed the U.S Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act so that information regarding the upcoming threats and vulnerabilities can be shared with business firms. The target firms can adapt to the necessary changes and respond quickly. The action of the U.S government has a positive impact on the e-commerce business. It…

Crime and Punishment When examined loosely, crime and punishment seem to be simple matters. After all, one commits the crime and is expected to suffer the consequences. However, when examined closely, crime and punishment involve multifaceted problems that are rarely addressed. While reading about the Texas justice system, it becomes evident that serious ills ail its structure. For this reason, it is essential to explore the problems in the justice system in regards to mass incarceration, racial disparities in sentencing, emphasis on punishment rather than rehabilitation, violation of human rights for ex-convicts, and disregard of mental health issues. Texas is one of the states with the highest number of incarcerations. Statistics show that as of July 2016, Texas inmate population was at 146,843 (Ragland). This is a staggering 780 individuals jailed per 100,000 people of all ages (Ragland). Ill-advised policies are responsible for the high rates of incarceration. TEDx Talks notes that the “three-strikes” law contributed to the increase in the prison population for the past two decades. The law requires an individual to receive mandatory life in prison if…

Vaccination for COVID 19 Covid 2019 (coronavirus) is a related respiratory infection that causes various diseases in humans and other animals. The new covid 19 spreads through droplets generated by an infected person when they cough, sneeze, or through droplets of saliva (Khan 2020). It has been termed as a global pandemic that can be spread to hundreds of people in a chain of interrelation with each other. The most common symptoms, according to the world health organization, are breathing difficulties, fever, coughs, and shortness of breath. However, in severe cases, covid 19 infections may lead to pneumonia and even death. The world is at war with the pandemic that has increasingly raised the number of deaths globally every 24 hours. Question 1. Objectives A vaccine is a treatment that improves body immunity against infection. It involves showing the body immune system, something that’s similar to the particular virus hence helping the body to be stronger when fighting against the real infection. The most critical objective of vaccination is to improve the control of infectious diseases (Erbelding 2018. The company’s…

Crime in Canada and the United States Introduction Throughout human history, crime remains one of the main challenges that continue to face society, as both past and present interventions by the criminal justice system have failed to address this issue. In Canada and the United States, crime is affecting people and society in unimaginable yet predictable ways. Still, since the 2000s, emerging studies have suggested that the former is safer than the latter. However, in the book “Crime in Canada and the United States: A Comparative Analysis,” Marc Ouimet disputes this assertion with an effective analytic design that examines crime between the two countries. He argues that Canada can only have lower crime rates or be safer than the United States only if the national and regional variations and city size are not controlled, and overall, both have comparatively the same crime rates. Youth crime is evident in both Canada and the U.S, with minority racial groups increasingly disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. Still, teenagers in the former are less involved in crime today owing to improvements in…

Government legal obligations about Coronavirus outbreak At the beginning of the year 2020, the world health organization declared the Covid-19 disease outbreak in Hubei province from China. By 20th march 2020, there were over 300, 000 cases worldwide, with the most cases in Italy and China. There over 80,000 Covid 19 cases in China, but the statistics keep changing as more cases are identified each day. On the other hand, the death rate in Italy has overtaken death rates in China. As over 4000 people have already lost their lives due to Covid-19 in Italy while in China they are slightly above 3000. The statistics keep changing as the disease is easily spread.  As we all know, humans connect and interact as they go about their prevalent activities. WHO and governments are sensitizing people to socially distance to avoid further spread of the Covid-19 since its cure has not been found yet. During this critical period, each country’s government needs to be up to the task to ensure the safety of its citizens. Without adequate protective policies in the government…

Cringle v. State Issues There were three key issues at play in the application. The first was the allegation that the charges proffered against the plaintiff were false. The plaintiff, Crangle, alleged that neither he nor his wife committed any of the crimes alleged. In that, they should not have been charged in the first place. Secondly, the plaintiff contends mistreatment and the denial of fundamental rights. He states that the state machinery in Berkeley County conspired to keep him in what he calls illegal detention. The conspiracy allegedly brought together all criminal justice and judicial organs in the jurisdiction. Finally, the plaintiff asserts that he was subjected to cruel and unusual treatment in the form of violent interrogation. He asserts that state agents and contractors threatened his wife with physical harm and stopped him from contacting a lawyer. These three issues are at the center of what the plaintiff calls a miscarriage of justice. Rule Perhaps the primary rule in use in the original case would be the Fifth Amendment. This amendment to the American Constitution outlines the protections…

The American Government Questions What do you think would happen to state employment if the federal government decided that, rather than passing laws and making states carry them out, it would simply give the states responsibility for a major social program such as welfare? Provide at least two (2) examples of what might happen in this situation. The federal government is responsible for controlling the entire nation. As such, general laws are passed by the state whereby upon approval, they are passed over to the states. This ensures uniformity, at the same time preventing conflicting rules. At the same time, the federal government directly controls the states using regulations (Cammisa, 2018). This limits the revenue they generate as the federal government controls it. In a situation whereby the state is given control, there will be more funds for the state to spend. As such, employment will significantly increase. This is because the state will be in a position to come up with many development programs. At the same time, it will also carry out expansion of the existing programs as…

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