Assignment 04 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation                     Assignment 04 Part A History of Capital Punishment in the United States Capital punishment is another word for the death penalty, the legal execution of a criminal. The word capital originates from the Latin word head (Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2012). In ancient times, the death penalty was carried out by beheading. However, such a form of execution has never happened in the United States. The U.S performs capital punishment either by poison gas, shooting, hanging, lethal injection, or electrocution. Currently, all states in the U.S practicing capital punishment use lethal injection (Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2012). However, they are free to use any of the other options apart from beheading. In America, the death penalty was practiced as early as in the 1600s. This form of punishment applied to even the slightest crimes, such as pickpocketing or stealing a bun in a shop (Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2012). However, in the 1700 and 1800, most states…

Code Sections Name Institution     The first code section is 1.100.001, which delves into matters to do with integrity and objectivity (AICPA, 2014). The code looks into the issue of conflict of interest in an organization. In the situation, a professional perform a transaction for a member of the family or a colleague at work; it can be asserted his or her judgment was impaired. Therefore, there is a possibility that such actions will not be optimal since there might be a misrepresentation of facts and data.  With that in mind, every professional is supposed to declare any conflict of interest before taking on any client. The second code section is 1.200.001 addresses matters to do with independence. This code section stresses the need to ensure accountants who are in public practice expedite their mandate in a manner that is free from any form of influence. Notably, there are several situations where the independence might be compromised, for instance, in the situation the accountant makes investment decision for the clients and when the accountant takes temporary custody of the…

artist’s statement An artist’s statement is an artist’s written description of their from a sample of their drawing. Someone can also say it’s a verbal presentation is for and in support of their work to give the viewer a deep understanding of the artist’s creative work. Moreover, in other original words, one can say it’s a description of an artiste’s creative work that is being drawn from an art showing and indicating the creativeness of the artiste’s work. The below work is a general description of my creative work; its primary core value is to bring uniqueness in explaining what surrounds us more appealingly, and that is through the use of wise drawn images that are going to indicate the artisticness on the work. My work is going to be presented in a more creative format such that I will begin with my artistically drawing, followed by the image description, which is going to elaborate my images work and the reason for coming with an image. Lastly, I am going to have a profound story of the images work that…

Federalism Can Solve the Abortion Fight             Federalism has appeared to be a challenge to democracy in the US with the mixture in the system, causing conflicts between the national and state governments. A central government is always stronger as laws passed at the top are applied with less resistance from lower agencies. The US, however, faces a situation where states hold power to come up with policies that are not in line with the national government’s plans. Some of the policies may be a contradiction in different states. The abortion laws have, for a long time, been a case of contention with states coming up with laws that befit the interests of their residents. Federalism in the US has been accused of giving equal power to both the national and state governments. The states have been allowed to come up with policies that do not necessarily require the support of the national government. The national government has been forced to adhere to the policies developed by various states to avoid unnecessary conflicts. However, some policies may come out differently…

Taxation of International transactions Introduction Taxation refers to money collection from involuntary levies. It is a government function which is compulsory. It applies to individual incomes, capital gains and estate taxes. Taxation happens both domestically and internationally. In international taxation, tax levies are deducted in accordance with tax laws of different nations. The taxing procedure varies from one government to another. This makes it difficult to determine a general procedure that can be used to levy international taxes. Instead, the taxes are levied with respect to the measures of income generated from economic activities.  For example, the net income presented by accounting transactions such as profits from gross incomes and gross margins (Charles and Robert 2011). Tax laws, impose income levies more on business enterprise than on individual earnings. The jurisdiction suggests that all business entities be taxed in a uniform manner for all types of income earned while individual levies are taxed with respect to the sources of income and the amount earned as well. Many tax laws pertaining enterprise taxation emphasis on double taxation where an enterprise is…

THE DEBATE ON AUSTRALIAN DAY Standardisation According to “change for our future”, Australia needs a unifying national day instead of the Australia day celebrated on January 26.  This day may not be a representation of the Australian independence but rather a description of Australia’s dark history. The day represents British settlement which is irrelevant since Australia is comprised of people coming from different parts of the world. The article also reports that the day has lost its backing popularly and should therefore not be celebrated. The article “pride in Australia” reports an entirely different point of view. According to this article, Australians should take pride in the Australian day and preserve the traditions in celebrating it. The fight for change is only noise made by minorities using media for their advantages. The main aim for the battle for reform is a little conspiracy with a completely different agenda in mind. This fight for change aims to terminate the national day entirely and not to change it has argued. Australians should, therefore, stand for what is right for Australia. The debate…

COURAGE AS DEPICTED IN BOTH “THE ALCHEMIST” AND “KING LEAR”             In most cases, literature by different authors has come into convergence in regard to how issues are tackled, and that’s one of the key factors which indicate its role in achieving the common goal of enlightening the common people through its role as a third eye. A typical example of literature convergence can be seen in the way the theme of courage has been tackled in both the William Shakespeare′s “King Lear” (Shakespeare) and Paul Coelho’s “The Alchemist” (Soni, 85). From the two books courage has been portrayed as the brave step which is taken by an individual amidst challenges and which empowers the person to face those challenges with an utmost integrity and to overcome them. What we learn from the two stories is that courage is realized after taking the first step and acknowledging the consequences of taking the courageous step. In Paul Coelho’s “The Alchemist” for instance, the boy’s heart is in fear because of the suffering to come as a consequence but by acknowledging the…

different theories of constitutional interpretation that members of the US Supreme Court have used to make judicial decisions There are several different theories of constitutional interpretation that members of the US Supreme Court have used to make judicial decisions. The two main theories are judicial restraint and judicial activism. Judicial restraint is the philosophy that justices* ought to interpret the Constitution as closely to the original language and original intent of the document as possible. Judicial activism is a philosophy that justices interpret the Constitution in the light of the modern times. Because justices on the US Supreme Court have the power of judicial review (the power to declare a law unconstitutional) and thereby may make decisions that affect the entire nation, justices frequently enter heated debate on the legitimacy of each interpretation philosophy. Moreover, it is not uncommon for one justice to accuse another of using a particular interpretation ″style″ simply to achieve a result they find politically favorable.* Judicial decisions are further complicated by the concept of precedent. Precedent is the idea that similar cases should be decided…

confederation and federalist article and discuss the impact of Constitution of the United States on political innovation The federation government in America is composed of three branches in the U.S constitution which includes the legislative, judicial and executive. There are power and duties of the departments which serve different roles defined by the Acts of Congress. The paper seeks to analyze the confederation and federalist article and discuss the impact of Constitution of the United States on political innovation. The paper further looks at the effects of the federalist papers given as primary sources on the ideas presented in the constitution. The Federalist No. 10 supports the ramification of the constitution in the United States. Federalist No 10.discuss how groups of people are formed with the interests other than the one which is of the whole community (Hamilton, 2016). The paper addresses the issue of domestic faction on the citizens in the United States which is inevitable. This is due to the man’s nature and the behavioral changes in human characteristics which have different opinions regarding the constitution. The domestic…

Secondary source review analysis Metadata The structure of an article plays an essential role in determining specific concepts that are assessed in the article. Every author ensures that they develop a title that provides a preview of what the article is about.  The article that forms the basis of evaluation, in this case, is the Charles Creighton Hazewell on British India highlight the two opposing ideologies that countries have based on their abilities. The headline of the article provides a review of the fact that every country condemns conquest, especially when they do not have power. However, when a country has power, they eagerly rush upon it. This statement is accurate and presents an emphasis on vital historical times. The article was published in 1857 in a November issue. The article reviews one of the gloomiest year, 1757 in England. The country underwent a difficult period where they lost their supremacy powers to their rivals in all engagements. England was engaged in war with France. France and Austria were allies and enemies of England despite having prior enjoyed two century…

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