Comparison Paper:Treaty of Versailles to Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points The Treaty of Versailles This paper compares the Treaty of Versailles to Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, by outlining strengths, weaknesses of each argument, in addition to what the major war nations achieved and lost according to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Concerning the Treaty of Versailles, the agreement had various strengths. To be more precise, the German had to take responsibility for starting World War One, as indicated by clause 231 (Schoenherr, 2004). Now, this was an advantage because it provided sufficient justification for most of the remaining terms. And what is more important is the federal system of Germany had to compensate for the damage they made during the war. As a result, they paid reparations of 6,600 million Euros (Schoenherr, 2004). Another essential advantage of the treaty is that it brought about peaceful relations in most parts of Europe. As a result, there was the establishment of the League of Nations to monitor and foster friendly relationships all over Europe. The implementation of the treaty meant that…

President Wilson speech to Congress History Wilson, commonly referred to as the President travelled to Europe at the end of the first World War and rallied support to bring peace back in Europe by declaring a war that was going to end all the wars. On April 2 1917, President Woodrow Wilson addressed a joint Congress session to request a declaration of war against Germany. President Wilson decided to declare the war against Germany because the Germanys had increased submarine warfare against the American merchants. Wilson’s war address to the Congress provided a foundation for American foreign policy. In the speech to Congress, President Wilson convinced the Americans to accept all the costs and sacrifice to bring peace in their land by declaring a war against the Germany Government. During the joint Congress session, Wilson justified his support for the American involvement in World War 1. President Wilson stated how the Germany government had acted ruthlessly to the American merchants and passengers. In the address, President Wilson identified how the Germany policy had swept away and sunk all the vessels,…

reasons why police officers tend to use excessive force on citizens Use of excessive force by some police officers on suspects and criminals have been a major issue in the policing sector for long years. Since the introduction of firearms, there has been a mixed reaction on whether police officers should be allowed to use the guns. Two arguments exist where a portion of the public argue that allowing the police officers to use firearms endangers the lives of the unarmed public members. The other part of the public claims that police unarmed police officers can easily be attacked by the enemies. Research has been carried out to investigate on the reasons why police officers use excessive force on citizens. Some police officers may be influenced by racism to use excessive force on suspects. Also, research has shown that the police officers with low education level tend to use deadly force on citizens. Research has established various reasons why police officers tend to use excessive force on citizens, which has caused policies that control police officers’ power to change overtime.…

Importance of “Favoring Many” In Democracy             Athenians established the first world’s democratic constitution in 510 BC. The new ruling method was advanced into its classical form by the changes that were brought about by Pericles in nearly half a century later after establishment. It was during Pericles’ ruling in Athens that the most significant achievements took place in Greece (Taylor, 2018). In contrast, the other countries continued with the different forms of leadership, such as hierarchical and monarchical. Democracy itself is a leadership technique where decision making is characterized by equality among all the members of the group. This leadership tool is beneficial as it helps in improving the participants’ character and also has good policies and laws. For instance, the Athenian citizenship gave full participation in each decision that was made in the state regardless of the class or wealth. The political life was limited to males of native parentage and excluded slaves, children, women, and alien residents. Still, this act of equality in the political arena led to the evolvement of the idea of universal egalitarianism (Taylor,…

Legalization of marijuana in Colorado and other states Introduction The main purpose of this analysis is to document the marijuana legalization in Colorado and what ultimately led to do so. Currently, Colorado is serving as the nation’s experiment essentially by allowing other states and nations to observe the effects of this legislation. Being one of the largest states in terms of land mass, Colorado has always been a state Colorado is one of the largest American states mostly in terms of land mass analysis. The state is located in in the Rocky Mountain region on the western of United States. Therefore, diverse natural recourses in the state have led to the attraction of the plain Indians and the Pueblo people. Admittedly, the discovery of Gold in Colorado has, therefore, attracted many investors and new settlers which have played a major role in sustaining their economy for quite some time. However, Colorado continued relying on its natural recourses as well as tourism and agriculture schemes to sustain its economy but needed to find other methods to increase it. Recently, different states…

Health Inequalities Essay   ASSESSMENT AIM The aim of this assessment is for you to select a particular health inequality and to evaluate the factors that contribute to that inequality. This assessment is an opportunity to gain a more in-depth understanding of health inequalities experienced by a particular group of people and to demonstrate your knowledge of that topic, critical thinking skills, and ability to express yourself in writing.   BACKGROUND As you will learn in this unit, there are many factors—biological and psychosocial—that contribute to health and health inequalities in society. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health inequality as “differences in health status or in the distribution of health determinants between different population groups” (WHO, 2017, para. 2). While some health inequalities may be the result of biological factors that may not be modifiable, others are the result of differences in the distribution or allocation of important resources that have an effect on health (e.g., differences in access to education or healthcare). Inequalities that are avoidable are termed health inequities. For example, thinking globally, life expectancy in Australia…

The Bicycle Thieves             Every actor wants their films edited immediately; they are done with the shooting of all the scenes. Most of the people prefer the editing part as it enables the movie to get the desired outcome and capture the attention of the viewer. Most editors take this opportunity and insert some headings that will guide the viewer on the main storyline of the film. In most cases, editing does not contribute to the main scene of the film. The editing, in most cases, involves light and sound adjustments to ensure that the viewer does not struggle while watching the movie. The editing ensures that there is no loss of the central theme of the film, and the documentary feel is maintained. In the editing of films, the storyline is always kept constant. This paper focuses on the little contributions of editing films concerning the bicycle thieves film. Editing helps in improving the pace of the film. The main aim is to improve the speed of the storyline and avoid the dragging of the scene, which will result…

Discuss a contemporary United States phenomenon Format: Students will produce a 750-word essay using cited material from the course. Please double space the paper, use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and MLA in-text citations with an attached works cited page.   Due: March 3rd via blackboard and a hard copy to class.   Weight: 200 points or 20% of the total course grade.[unique_solution]   Assignment Description: Discuss a contemporary United States phenomenon using the course material thus far lectured upon, viewed, discussed, and/or read. Please use at minimum 3 sources from the course to analyze a contemporary phenomenon that might better be explained or understood with knowledge acquired from the course.   This is a free-form paper in the sense that you will be graded less on a rigid structure or approach and more on content and use of course material. Consider this something like a well-informed blog post or a short article on a particular modern or contemporary cultural, social, political, and/or economic occurrence. Potential topics could be, but are certainly not limited to: immigration/migration crises, rising world nationalisms,…

TAX REFORM FOR ACCELERATION AND INCLUSION In order to find out the effects of Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law toward the basic commodities sold in Baguio City public market, the researchers collect thorough information by conducting an interview with 12 respondents from Baguio City public market regarding their experiences and perspectives on the effects of Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law to their business. The researchers asked the respondents about the changes on their selling price, customer demands and sales performance. The researchers chose the following themes: increase in transportation fees, product unaffordability, decrease in product demand and increase in expenses. [unique_solution]Moreover, the price set for a product or service has a very significant effect on how the consumer behaves when price is significantly unaffordable or higher than expected, the response can be disappointing (Balle, 2019). Rising prices will reduce demand if consumers are able to find substitutions or alternatives, but have less impact on demand when alternatives are not available (Kramer, 2019). The effect of Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law toward…

THIRTY-EIGHT WHO SAW MURDER DIDN’T CALL THE POLICE Can′t be in 1st or 2nd person point of view. PAPER ORGANIZATION PART – ESSAY EXPECTATIONS: Introduction: Establish the background and context of the main idea. Slowly discuss and elaborate concepts, arguments and/or issues that surround the main idea. Discuss the subtopics you wish to address, to effectively and logically to take the reader through your paper. It should be at least one full page. Provide only one or two sentences about the story in order to jump into the subject you wish to address. Never summarize the stories – there is no need since your reader knows the stories very well. Thesis Statement: The thesis statement should be the last sentence of the Introduction. It contains three subtopics and one main idea (unless instructed otherwise). For example: Poe uses imagery, narrator’s feelings and foreshadowing to create fear. Below are two perspectives of the Thesis Statement template: X uses _____________________, ___________________, and __________________ to create_________________. Author’s last name* uses Subtopic #1, Subtopic #2, and Subtopic #3 to create Main Idea. Feel free…

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