General Emory Upton-The army’s Mahan review As many people may perceive, history is molded by individuals who work hard to accomplish a better future for the generations to come. Among such pioneers of history is General Emory Upton, who made a significant contribution in shaping the modern United States’ military army. This is described by Brown (1953) in his article “General Emory Upton-The army’s Mahan.” This paper provides a critical review of Brown’s article by examining his analysis on the work and life of General Upton. Brown begins his article by describing the early life of General Upton. Upton graduated in May 1861 at Oberlin College and was viewed as an exemplary student. Later, he was appointed as a Lieutenant at West Point, where he trained troops and fought in his first battle during the war of Bull Run. Even though he was injured during this war, he became prominent for his wise contribution of effective tactics during wars that aided in defeating the rivals. According to Brown (1953), Upton’s fame for his work rose during the civil war. It…

“First Blood” a classic action movie First Blood “First Blood” is a classic action movie directed by Ted Kotcheff and released in 1982. The movie was based on the Vietnam war, which had happened seven and a half years before the movie was published. In the movie, Sylvester Stallone acted the role of John Rambo (former Green Beret) who fought against small-town bullying police. Throughout the movie, Mr Stallone decorated himself as a fearless man who would go through himself in any action scene due to his fists and speed. From the movie, the author set great physical power and strength scenes with Mr Stallone taking all the police who mishandled him. Most scenes are centred in the Pacific Northwest forest since they involve fights between Stallone and the Sheriff’s officers. Mr Stallone was offering a kind offer to sign a peace deal, but he declined peacefully, thus leading to his arrest by Sheriff Teasle’s military. Rambo was mishandled by the cops, thus making him escape the arrest and bring-down the whole police department. Through his skills, he manages to…

What are the crucial things to note for bus rentals Trying to find the right transport can be quite a challenge when you have just landed up in a new place. You might be there for a relaxing tour or an important business conference, and yet what you’ll be doing is running here and there looking for the right Bus Rental Dubai. It wastes your time and gets you annoyed. So, book bus rentals before your arrival, and note the things given below at the time of your booking. Insurance certificates A legitimate bus rental service will have all the marks that distinguish a professional company. The company will have liability coverage for the drivers and the buses. This means that you will not have to pay up anything in there is an accident or if the driver is injured. The driver also needs to have proper commercial licenses to prove that he is suited for the job. Servicing of the buses You can ask the company if its fleet has undergone inspection during recent times. Any company worth its…

Benito Mussolini Benito Mussolini’s Revival of European Imperialism in North Africa and How he became Adolf Hitler’s Ally             Benito Mussolini was known as an Italian journalist and politician, who became Italy’s Fascist Party dictator from 1925 to 1945. He was further becoming as the Prime minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943, after forging the paramilitary movement, which was in 1919. Besides, he led Italy constitutionally until the year 1943. Mussolini further established a dictatorship, after dropping the democracy of pretence. He was an inspirational leader who enthused several totalitarian rulers such as Adolf Hitler. Mussolini advanced the revival of European imperialism in North Africa, by reinforcing Fascism across Europe and most primarily in Italy. Although some leaders wanted to separate themselves from fascism system, their regimes were considered similar to that of Mussolini’s doctrine. However, the political elite members in Spain, such as the army and the Spanish monarchy, further established a new imperialism era in North Africa. This was realized after the creation of Morocco between 1912 and 1956. According to the Fascism believe, the strength of…

Abraham Lincoln Issues Emancipation proclamation In September 1862, US President Abraham Lincoln delivered an opening Emancipation Proclamation which stated that all the slaves who had participated in revolt contrary to the Union should then be freed forever. Lincoln’s declaration only applied to the Confederacy slaves and not those in the bordering states who had remained dedicated to the Union. President Abraham Lincoln was hesitant to declare the Emancipation Proclamation, following the issue of earlier slavery since he feared that bordering slave countries might be tempted to join the Confederacy. As time went by, Lincoln prudently approached the abolition subject, and when he acquired support gained adequate confidence until he fully issued the proposition to Confederates. Abraham Lincoln declared Emancipation Proclamation when the confederates failed to respond to his proposal ( Editors, 2019). Besides, the president became hesitant since the proclamation was not defined by the state laws but was just a presidential order. He advocated for antislavery adjustment in the Constitution to warrant its perpetuity. After issuing the proclamation, Lincoln supporting the Confederacy would be seen as supporting slavery; therefore,…

Interpretation of the Amendment in the Bill of Rights The Tenth Amendment The tenth Amendment claims that any power, which is not listed in the US constitution, is either left to people or states. The Tenth Amendment was incorporated into the Bill of Rights to define the power of balance. This is between the states and the federal government. According to the Amendment, the constitution often plays a part in granting powers to the Federal government. Some of these powers include the authority to collect taxes, the supremacy of declaring war and, control of activities in businesses and organizations. However, since the Tenth Amendment has not specified the powers that are not listed in the Constitution, the Supreme Court in the US has set out the ruling, which classifies the laws affecting family relations to be reserved to the people or states. Some of the laws that affect family relationships involve divorce, adoption, and marriage. Moreover, unlike other constitution Amendments that are entirely exposed to ambiguous terms and vagueness, the Tenth Amendment is considered to be precise. The constitution’s broader…

The New York City Government centralized structure The New York City Government has a highly centralized structure that is divided into three branches, namely the Executive, judicial and legislative. The Executive is responsible for all the services in the city and the enforcement of city and state laws. The judiciary consists of the Court Systems in the state. The legislative, on the other hand, is the City Council consisting of 51 elected officials responsible for proposing and revising bills. The New York Government has employed approximately 75000 employees who occupy 300 million square feet in buildings such as offices and warehouses. Therefore, the government owns some buildings in the state and leases some buildings to cater for its real estate needs. This paper analyses a case study of space optimization for its real estate portfolio. From the economic downturn in 2008, there was a decrease in the tax revenue in New York State, leading to a deficit in the budget and a strain on expenditure. The state was faced with the challenge of reducing administrative functions and find a strategy…

The Birth of a Nation The Birth of a Nation is an American film classified as a silent epic drama which was released on February 8, 1915. The film was co-produced by Lillian Gish who is the lead cast in the film and D.W. Griffith (Dixon, & Wintz, 2015, p 6). It is plotted as part history and part fiction, with the story revolving around the assassination of the Abraham Lincoln and an existing relationship between two families during the American Civil war as well as the Reconstruction period. The film also known as ‘’The Clansman’’ which is also the name of the novel from which it is based, was the first blockbuster Hollywood hit (Dixon,& Wintz,2015, p 21). It was also the longest film since it was a three hours movie which held the record of being the most profitable at the time. Besides, it was also the most artistically advanced film then. Throughout the entire movie, African Americans have been portrayed as brutal, lazy, degenerated morally and also dangerous. To this date, it is has earned the title…

Roles of police psychologists Abstract Police psychologists came to play as a means of evaluating, assessing, and filtering recruits to the police service as it determines the fitness of an individual to the ensuing function. Their roles are varied based on the extremes surrounding the police service. Based on the varied tasks, an individual requires a doctorate in psychology with experience in related psychiatric situations.  The stressful nature of policing made psychology have multiple roles in providing solutions to the unit. These include selection during pre-employment exercise, evaluation for fitness of duty for officers, clinical interventions for officers who have undergone traumatic experiences, crisis or hostage negotiations, and solving the intricacies surrounding police use of brutal force. However, flexibility remains of necessity in police psychology based on the dynamic occurrences that the society experiences in the contemporary field. Introduction The late 1960s saw the involvement of psychologists in the police unit following the recommendation by the commission on disorder report. There was an increase in civil unrest due to the number of police disorder cases experienced during that time.  These…

International Trade Agreements   Summary In this paper, the author, Dani Rodrik, is concerned with the transformation of trade agreements beyond import tariffs and quotas. The objective of the article was to present an alternative to using trade agreements to neutralize protectionists and instead focusing on agreements that promote rent-seeking-interests, politically well-connected firms as well as multinational firms. While many trade agreements tend to enhance domestic interests, trade agreements suggested in the article could be utilized to promote international interests instead. According to Rodrik, trade agreements can only be viewed as efficiency-enhancing policies if they were focused on eliminating trade restrictions, including quotas and import tariffs. Rodrik criticizes the re4cent trade agreements, including the Trans-Atlantic Trade, Investment Partnership, and Trans-pacific Partnership, claiming that they do not act in favor of free trade agreements. In this article, free trade is perceived as an appropriate medium for promoting technological progress. The author suggests that economists who conflate trade agreements with free trade base their arguments from a political economy perspective that views import-competing interests as the most powerful and dominant tools of…

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