Letter from Birmingham Jail               Dr. Martin Luther King Junior wrote the “Letter From Birmingham Jail” with the primary purpose of addressing the problem in the United States and Birmingham during that time. The letter elaborates the massive injustice that occurred in the community of Black people in the Birmingham. For the purpose of justifying his urge for racial equality as well as justice Martin Luther Jr. employ ethical appeals, emotional appeals, and logical appeals to articulate his thesis and in the sentence structure. The thesis of the letter is suited in the second as well as the third paragraph. It states that despite the fact that he was not from the Birmingham, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior wanted to be there due to the huge number of injustices whites were doing toward the Blacks. Through helping to the Birmingham people, he will assist people from anywhere since the “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” (718).  He discusses the thesis’s reason for his undertaking in the direct action and non-violent protest.  The thesis provided a good reason…

Compare and contrasts the presidencies of Harding, Coolidge and Hoover During the early 1920s, Americans became increasingly weary from the fighting in World War 1 and they were disillusioned by a failure to create a new world order by President Wilson. As a result of the growing calls for stability popular support for the Republican party’s plans grew since they promised the weary nation a return to normalcy. The republicans stopped promising progressive reforms in operations of the government and instead they their focus shifted to settling into the traditional ways of running the government. In 1920, close to eight years under the authority of a progressive Democrat government, Americans voters decided to elect a conservative Republican government who was to become the first of the decade’s tenure of three republican presidents. The major beneficiaries of the Republican government were big business owners and those who favored isolationism. Harding, Coolidge and Hoover were the three Republican presidents who ruled the US for the decade starting 1920 onwards. In terms of similarities, there are few things that were common for the…

The Outline The need to Abolish Capital Punishment in America Introduction Capital Punishment involves executing offenders. Capital Punishment has raised issues since it seems to discriminate against the poor, minorities, particular races, and religious communities. Thesis Statement: The paper will evaluate the arguments against capital punishment in America. Body Value of human life Human life is considered to be valuable, such that even the worst murders should not be executed. Their bad conduct cannot destroy the offender’s life. Right to live Everyone is subjected to the right to life, and executing offenders violates human rights (Cheatwood, 2015). Execution of Innocent individuals Capital Punishment could lead to the killing of innocent people due to the flaws within the criminal justice system. The innocence project has exonerated many innocent people who were on death sentence, which portrays flaws in the criminal justice system.   Retribution is Morally Flawed Retribution seems to be morally flawed, which is problematic to both practice and concept. Retribution is a sanitized form of vengeance, as portrayed by capital Punishment (McDermott, 2001). Capital Punishment is not applied retributively in the…

International trade and investment International trade involves the exchange of goods and services between nations or between citizens of different countries. International investment, on the other hand, consists in investing on a global level, through capitalizing on the various advantages offered in the worldwide community, with the aid of different potential strategies (Hirsch, 1976). International trade enables consumers in a given country have access to products that are not available in their country, and at cheaper rates. According to Vernon (2015), international trade is into two major classifications. These are the classical country-based theories and modern firm-based theories. The classical country-based theories consist of different other international trade theories, such as mercantilism, absolute advantage, comparative advantage, and Heckscher-Ohlin theories. The modern firm-based approaches include country similarity, product life cycle, global strategic rivalry, and Porter’s national competitive advantage theories (“What is international trade theory?”, 2015). This assignment seeks to answer questions on both comparative and competitive advantage theories, and how a nation may enhance its competitiveness on the global market. Michael Porter introduced the competitive advantage theory in the 1990s (Huggins…

Congressional Medal of Honor The United States Armed Forces play an essential role in ensuring that the country is safe from external aggression. Many men and women place their lives at risk to protect ours. Other members display extreme courage to protect their fellow soldiers or the public in hazardous situations. In realization of the essential role these soldiers play, different awards and decorations have emerged since the nation was founded. One of these awards is the Congressional Medal of Honor. This is the highest and most recognized personal awards for military personnel who display notable acts of courage. One of the soldiers who have been awarded the medal recently is an Iraq War veteran, David Bellavia. While the significance of the Iraq war has been called into question numerously, the role members of the armed forces such as Bellavia played is indispensable. His courage saved soldiers in his squad. In the footsteps of his grandfather, who was a World War II veteran, Bellavia joined the US Army Infantry in 1999. After the 9/11 attacks, he bid his wife and…

IMPERIALISM AND INDUSTRIALIZATION SINCE 1750 During the 19th century in Europe, the political and the financial forces of the world dramatically changed the European continent in a way that altered the nation and the lives of the people. It took less than a century for the absolutist standards of the old administration to shrivel away as most people thought of freedom and democracy of their nations. Revolutionists and imperialists took over all the Europe, fueled by industrialization and powerful economic connection by the advancement of social endeavor to cater for the welfare of the people. Additionally, the supporter of independence sentiment and imperialism increased the changes in the nation by escalating racism and the competition between different classes of people[1]. As this research paper seek out to display, however, rebellion, industrialization and imperialism had no stable and reliable pattern. Mostly, they differed considerably depending on the nation and the people that took part in the progression from 1750 up to now. Therefore the transformation witnessed in the world, due to changes in the imperialists and industrialization increased a lot of…

Indoctrination It involves educating an individual to accept a set of beliefs without cross-examining the beliefs. Indoctrination is significant because it enables one to uphold and respect the doctrines guarding a set of beliefs, and it, in turn, shapes the conduct of people. Hitlerjugend It is an organization established by Adolf Hitler to educate and train male youths in Nazi doctrines. The organization was created following the shortage of regional and district leaders in Hitler’s armies. Hitlerjugend is significant because it offers insight into the involvement of the German boy in the Hitler army. SS SS was the black-uniformed elite troops and self-described political servicemen of the Nazi party. It advanced with the success of the Nazi movement, where it eventually gathered colossal police and military powers, which nearly made it a state within the state. SS is significant because it shows the dominant group that existed during Hitler’s reign. Herschel Grynszpan He was a Jewish Refugee who assassinated Kraut, a junior level diplomat of Germany. He slew the Diplomat to avenge the crimes committed against the European Jews by…

plan for my new government, identifying the domestic and foreign concerns that are facing the country The rule under the overthrown dictator had seen my country sink to a dissolute state. Most economic, political, and military structures are far from being functional. Some members of the public still pay loyalists to the former dictator and are causing constant violence in the country. A neighboring dictator has been sited to be supporting this group of people in advancing their activities. The paper outlines a plan for my new government, identifying the domestic and foreign concerns that are facing the country. Ways of achieving beneficial economic structure and national unity are also discussed, emphasizing international organizations. Domestic Concerns Identify governing style and principles that correlate to this style My government will base on a democratic form of governing. The people will have power over what happens in the government and the country at large. They will participate in the decision-making process and will choose their representatives through free and fair elections (Magstadt. 2017). The elected representatives will represent the needs of their…

Furman vs. Georgia Furman vs. Georgia is a 1972 case where Furman appealed to the Supreme Court his capital punishment sentence by the Georgia court. The Supreme Court ruled that the capital punishment system impacted at that time was uncommon and cruel and that it was against the 14th and 8th amendments. There were no standards to determine when and when not to impose capital punishment. The Supreme Court reinstated the judgment by overturning Georgia’s death sentence on Furman. It further gave two guiding principles that each legislation needed to follow for a death penalty sentencing system. First, the Supreme Court required that the system provides conditions to limit and direct sentencing done by an appellate court. The system also had to give the jury or the judge the freedom to think through reasons that would exempt the defendant from capital punishment, such as the reputation and the character of the defendant. The opinion of part of the jury in Furman vs. Georgia’s case was that capital punishment had a problem since it could be used to discriminate based on…

Government Branches and Policy             The three levels of government (federal, state, and local), play a critical role in collectively formulating universal healthcare policies. While the federal government mainly provides financial support and indirect support to states and overall the healthcare system, it plays a limited role in service delivery. Formulation of healthcare policies poses complex legal, social, and ethical issues. The goal of health policy is to promote and protect the health of individuals and communities. Officials in the various government branches can achieve this objective in ways that protect human rights. An example of a healthcare issue under debate by the government is the provision of medical care for the poor. American Liberals are of the view that the health of the poor should be an obligation of the government. On the other hand, the American Medical Association insists that having such a policy would lead to socialism and endanger the relationship between patients and doctors. In the USA, there are no plans for socialized medicine or “panel doctor” that exist in most European countries (Sharpe, 2019). In…

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