Locate the vision statement of an organization of your choice and explain the vision statement’s importance. McDonald’s mission statement is “to be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat and drink.” Just like in other company companies, this mission statement plays a significant role in McDonald’s. It identifies the purpose of the company’s work, hence giving it a better understanding of its goals that it tries to accomplish. Lack of a mission statement could make the firm struggled in its quest to plan for its future. Does it seem relevant in today’s environment, or is it outdated? Explain your reasoning. This mission statement does not seem relevant in today’s environment. The message seems to be vague as it does not provide a clear direction in its services. “To be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat and drink” may not give a clear impression, especially to new customers who may not have enough information about the company. Besides, the current business environment is more than just products and services. Therefore, the mission statement seems to be outdated at…

Narrative on Herrera, Blas Maria (1802-1878) The Texas Revolution (October 2, 1835 – April 21, 1836) was a major armed resistance of colonists from Tejanos and the United States against the centralist government of Mexico. One of the most important native Texans who took part in the armed resistance is Blas Maria Herrera (1802-1878). Herrera served as a courier, soldier and scout during the revolution. However, despite his input in the resistance, his name is not popular and has received minimal recognition for the role he played in the Texas War of Independence. Herrera played an active role during the Siege of Bexar that took place in the year 1835 where he served under the command of Colonel Juan Seguin. Col. Seguin assigned Herrera to spy and monitor the activities and movements of the Mexican troops and report to his seniors how the Santa Ana’s troops were advancing. Unfortunately, his seniors ended up discounting his reports after they reached Col. Travis. His dedication to service led him to be selected as a part of the military group accompanying Jose Francisco…

The system of governance Governments have adopted different systems of governance throughout the history. The system of governance adopted, along with the individuals who are in control of the government, has had great impacts on the manner in which countries develop. There are many systems of government each with its distinct characteristics around the world even today, ranging from federal, unitary and confederal system. It is therefore very important to understand the distinct characteristic of each system as well as their functions. In federal government for instance, power is distributed state governments and center making it indispensable for its existence. For administrative purposes, provincial governments are granted autonomy by the central government. In this system also division of power has been made in such a way that matters related to national importance are dealt with by the central government whereas those of regional interest are dealt with by provincial governments. The second characteristic of federation is its written and firm constitution. The constitution under this system of government is highly respected and considered as the highest of the laws controlling…

deplorable state in my residence I am a tenant in apartment 4B on your residential building along (insert street name). I am writing to bring to your attention the deplorable state in your building for the past month. The tenants are afraid that matters of cleanliness have been neglected and are not taken seriously leaving them are not looked into with the seriousness that they deserve. First, the building is not frequently cleaned as agreed in the lease agreement leaving the hallways extremely dirty with an awful smell. The garbage area has piles of garbage that remain uncollected for a long time spilling over the garbage can resulting to a foul smell and attracts flies which is a health hazard to all tenants. Also, the drainage system is clogged thus bath and dishwashing water flows out very slowly and sometimes leaves some foul smelling residue on in the tubs.[unique_solution] The elevator has not been operational for the past two weeks and no effort has been made to repair it despite the numerous complaints from the residents. This has been giving…

The state of health care provision in Ghana Introduction: The Ghana Health System A health system, according to Roemer (1991) is the interplay of resources, organization, financing and management, all of which must come together to provide service to a giving population.  Health system in Ghana is managed by the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Services (GHS).  The Ministry is in charge of setting policy, norms and standards and the GHS, a semi-autonomous department under the Ministry is in charge of direct service provision. Health care is provided through three channels; the first is Government/Public facilities, the second private for-profit and the third, private non-profit, usually run by churches and NGOs. Payment methods used in primary and inpatient care After experimenting with various delivery methods, with mixed results, in 2003, Ghana introduced a National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) to offer the poor financial protection against shocks, and reduce the financial burden to health care through the removal of out of pocket payments (Kusi et al., 2015). The NHIS covers only 40% of the population, those outside the scheme…

Government and private sectors One of the biggest challenges that many government and private agencies face today is that of cybersecurity. Nowadays, almost every transaction carried out by a government, or a private agency is backed up by a system in one form or another. This has given rise to the need for securing the data stored in them, as well as ensuring its safety when it is being transferred to another person. Many types of external attacks might end up compromising this data, which is mostly private. These attacks can be in the form of malware attacks, botware attacks, worms, denial of service attacks, phishing attempts, social engineering, and others. These attacks can be prevented by a few precautionary measures, such as installing antivirus software in the system, scanning the system regularly for viruses, installing Intruder Detection Systems (IDS and Intruder Prevention System (IPS), and by using secured network while transferring private data, among others. Government and private sectors today are mostly unsuccessful in providing cybersecurity. As a result of this, much valuable data is being compromised when an…

Global Social Democracy Introduction As a political movement, Global Social democracy describes the emergence of contemporary capitalism and the rise of the industrial proletariat. Social democracy was a liberating move that saw the development of the modern social class workers in response to the social-economic demands and political aspirations of the people. In the earlier days, the industrial working class faced many risked that had no amicable solutions considering the guided based economic system. The effort to political and economic liberation saw the formation of different social democracy to attain freedom. The first social democracy was called First International. It was an initiative of the French and British working in London to form in it in 1864. It aimed to prevent the importation of cheap labor from   France into Britain. Generally, the First International was to protect the trade union rights through solidarity among the laborers. Though the movement was not successful considering the internal division between the revolutionary Marxists and the anarchists. This witnessed the formation of the Second International. It was formed in 1899 by the European socialist…

Government system and The Madison’s dilemma Define the dilemma, list, and briefly describe the four institutional choices countries make to address the dilemma. The dilemma described below is how to handle democracy properly. Democracy requires a balance where the rules support both participation and contestation. For a nation to have a valid government system, should they either concentrate the power or disperse it. There are four institutional choices that a country can make. The first crucial decision is to decide whether the constitution should be unitary or federal. Unitarian principles are the ones in which the law allows the central government exclusive and final authority over policymaking. The local, state, and regional governments grant the central government veto power. In federalism, the constitution gives power to two or more governments. They overlap political authority over the same piece of territory and group of people. Another institutional choice is choosing a presidential or parliamentary or hybrid semi-presidential system. The third institutional choice is to have a judicial review of parliamentary supremacy. The last option is to have plurality or majority-rule versus…

Socrates’ Apology Socrates is a philosopher from Athens who was charged by two crimes; the crime of failure to recognize the god that the state recognized, and the crime of corrupting the youths. He introduced a new deity different from the one the Athenians knew. He was finally executed in 399 BC after a trial in court. Talking of Socrates’ Apology would sound as if he was sorry and apologizes for the crimes that he was charged. It, however, is not the case here; the Apology here means the dialogue that was between Socrates and his accusers in defense to himself. In fact, from the nature of the conversation, the philosopher is never sorry for the crimes, he works hard to let people know that he is the one on the right side and his accusers on the wrong side. From the many dialogues with his accusers, his conversations with Meletus is the one that is featured and mainly tells us who Socrates was. Socrates turns out to be so influential to the youths and a great enemy to those…

American Revolution. The ideas of enlightenment shed light on the American revolutionaries. The views gave the technocrats a sense of believing; thus, they were willing to fight for their freedom as the American people. Great men and women rose to the occasion to defend the dignity and freedoms of the American people. Determined with courage, wisdom, patriotism, and talent, they braved the cruelty of the British and fought for their fundamental human rights. People, such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abigail Adams, and Alexander Hamilton, went on unbowed by the oppression and the dogmatic traditions and regulations installed by colonial masters. According to Boucher (1797), the ideas of; fundamental human rights, economic freedom, opposition to taxation, isolation of colonial gentry, anti-Catholicism, need for sovereignty, and resistance to military oppression greatly impacted the revolution. The ideas were a collection from the dubbed “American experience”, British legal values, and the European enlightenment. To begin with, the stamp act and Boston tea party influenced the idea of opposition to unlawful taxation that was melted upon the Americans. Previously, before the British…

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