The Case of Darryl Hunt Conviction of a person for a crime that he or she did not commit is one of the greatest tragedies in the U.S criminal justice system. These wrongful convictions are often associated with causes such as erroneous investigations, but they are usually resolved through forensic science involving DNA testing. The following essay describes the case of Darryl Hunt, who was wrongfully convicted and exonerated. Why Hunt Was In Custody and What Happened Ultimately Darryl Hunt was in custody because he was wrongfully convicted of two murders that he did not commit. Ultimately, when new evidence emerged, he was exonerated and freed. In August 1984, Deborah Sykes, a 25-year-old white, was sexually assaulted and murdered. Following the murder, Darryl Hunt, a 19-year-old African American man, was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime. Three years later, Darryl Hunt was tried again and convicted for the 1983 murder of Arthur Wilson, an African American man. In1989, both cases were overturned on appeal. However, in 1990, Hunt was acquitted and was convicted again…

Job title: Police officer sergeant   Job characteristic: a sergeant will be responsible for arresting criminals who break state, federal, or local laws. After any arrest, they shall be responsible for presenting criminals in a court of law for answering charges. Sergeants shall carry investigations on any susceptible crime. They will be in charge of the police officers under their rank. Sergeants are directly answerable to Lieutenant and shall pick any direct orders from Lieutenant. Job responsibilities: sergeants will be responsible for junior staff, directing them on their daily work. They will ensure they inform the police on any changes in the department, including advancement in technology. In case of arrest of a criminal, they will be responsible for testifying in court cases as demanded by the law. Sergeants will ensure their juniors follow their rules strictly, thus upholding police integrity. Ensuring the upkeep of the department’s records. In case the Lieutenant is away, a sergeant shall take full control of the department. Minimum qualification: Any applicant should have at least a high school diploma and must have graduated from…

Part-time Legislature vs. the Full-time Legislature States The legislature is a considered body in the government that is sanctioned to make change or appeal laws of a state. It forms an imperative fragment of government in the division of power prototypes, which are differentiated from policymaking and jurisdictional forms of government. Laws enacted by the legislature are usually known as primary legislation, which can be used to steer and observe governing actions with authority to amend the budget involved. In states legislation, different states use different forms of legislature whereby some use part-time legislature, and others use full-time legislature (Fico, p.49). These various forms of bureaucracy are different from each other in terms of the way a state operating under each category has different performance indicators like budgets, levels of taxation, job creation, and legislative efficiency. A full-time legislature is also referred to as a green legislature whereby the most time of legislators is usually a full-time job. States under this type of legislation are the most common in the world’s population states, whereby they have a large number of…

Death penalty


Memo Hello. I hope you are doing great. The general topic I have selected is “The Controversial Legality of Capital Punishment.” The law clearly defines crimes that should attract the death penalty. In some countries, capital punishment is a legal action, while in other countries, their laws prohibit the same. Laws governing capital have changed over the years. Numerous parties have questioned if capital punishment is moral (Matthew, 2018). Most of the individuals who defend and support capital punishment argue on the grounds that all societies and governments are morally obliged to ensure safety as well as the welfare of all their members. Adding to the argument mentioned above, murderers pose a significant threat to the safety of their fellow society members (Markkula Center, n.d). The controversial issue on this particular topic that I will focus on is to determine whether capital punishment is ethical or unethical and if capital punishment should be illegalized. It is essential to focus on the issue because it has been a subject of concern, not forgetting it has attracted a lot of debates in…

A Need Statement. Immigration into the United States by natives of other countries to seek refuge has been rampant in the recent past. With the statistics rising to about ninety million immigrants by 2019, statistics that were done by the Current Population Survey (CPS), it is critical to address the problems faced by the immigrants, such as lack of proper housing and sanitation, lack of food, employment, and basic education. The immediate community is affected by the problem since their lives are endangered due to security threats and diseases arising from poor sanitation (Cochrane & Poot, 2019). The target population who will benefit from this research proposal are people living in refugee camps and especially women and children. Different organizations have put efforts to address the problem. The Syrian Community Network and The Catholic Charities, for instance, have put measures in place to help refugee children with after school programs, provide emergency housing and family welfare program. Although these measures have been in place, not all refugees have benefited from the program. More resources need to be put in place…

Singapore’s political Singapore’s political environment is stable, and it boasts of no national debt, consistent positive surplus, as well as a high revenue for the government. Economically, the country is ranked as one of the best in the Asian region and tops as a destination for investments. It is a friendly environment for businesses. Political stability has also ensured that the country attracts foreign investments and promotes economic growth. A constitutional monarchy, Thailand, has been run by a military government from 2014 to 2019, causing instability, which in turn affects the economy and the process of doing business. Corruption, bribery, and business requirements for foreign companies makes it challenging to invest in the country. However, unemployment is very low as a result of the booming informal sector. It is also attractive to foreign investments as reforms are favorable to businesses. Japan’s political nature is relatively stable, being ruled by an Emperor who is more of a ceremonial figure. Policies on national security and close relations with the United States of America ensure that the country maintains both political and economic…

THE GIFT OF FEAR In our society almost everybody in one way or another has or will experience stress and violence in their places of work, at home, in school and in their relationships. Most of the chaos and violence do not just erupt abruptly but it takes a gradual process and conflict for the serious violence to occur (Welch, 2015). Various warning signs would be seen before the real violence occurs for example people exchanging bitter words, some people resorting to be quite not to talk to the other parties and some people avoid the other parties by changing routes or even quitting their houses or places of work. According to Gavin de Becker strategies should be developed to avoid violence and resulting trauma. He says that prior to violence various warning signs will be seen which he term as pre-incidence indicators of violence. These will help individual to solve the underlying issues and avoid violence or face violence in a point that you understand the underlying issues well. Some of the pre-incidence indicators include giving a promise to do…

The Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson The Textual Analysis Essay: Students will read the primary source: “The Declaration of Independence” (Thomas Jefferson). Students will write a 21/2 -3 page textual analysis essay that establishes background information of the primary text, includes supporting background information from the secondary readings (research), states a thesis that connects the research with the primary reading, provides an interpretation of the unified theme of the readings, and reaches a conclusion that is supported by scholarly criticism. (MLA/In-Text Citations / At least a four (4)-source Works Cited; (~850 – 1,000 wds; 25%)[unique_solution] The Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson The Textual Analysis Essay: Students will read the primary source: “The Declaration of Independence” (Thomas Jefferson). Students will write a 21/2 -3 page textual analysis essay that establishes background information of the primary text, includes supporting background information from the secondary readings (research), states a thesis that connects the research with the primary reading, provides an interpretation of the unified theme of the readings, and reaches a conclusion that is supported by scholarly criticism. (MLA/In-Text Citations / At least…

GENERAL ORDER 1 IN ARMY             Generally, in army there are usually three orders which control the operations of the soldiers on their line of duty, the first order being “I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post when properly relieved.” This order implies that for any soldier who is on duty, he or she has to remain available and attentive to the assigned post. He or she is as well remains to be accountable for anything which might happen during his assigned duration in the post and therefore expected to be prompt and always on time without taking a break from the post up to the moment when he is set free by being replaced by another officer, who then takes on the same responsibilities which had been bestowed on the first soldier. Observing this order is of great importance especially for the officer on duty because he or she remains accountable for anything that might happen within the limits of this post while during the moments he is on duty. The soldier…

The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine Introduction The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine is one of the greatest artworks of Jacques Louis David, a prominent French painter of the 18th century. Louis David did this painting between 1804 and 1807 to mark the turning back of France from a republic into a monarchy (TripImprover, 2019). Louis David drew the painting in the request of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was being crown as the first emperor of France on December 2, 1804. In size, the painting measures 979cm x 621cm, and it is shown below:   The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine (Weartxbox, n.d) Relationship between the painting and the ceremony The artwork is a fair presentation of the events that happened during the coronation of the emperor. At the center of the picture is the chief dignitary, Napoleon. He is standing in the middle, and he is ready to crown his wife, Josephine, as the new empress (TripImprover, 2019). The emperor has put…

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