What factors explain support for gun control in the United States?   Introduction The positive correlation between gun ownership and interpersonal violence in the United States is indisputable. The U.S. reported few cases of homicides caused by gun misuse before the 1850s since few Americans had guns or understood how to use, repair, and maintain them (Roth, 2002). Subsequently, the contribution of arms toward homicide rates was minimal. However, cultural changes and the widespread ownership of firearms have encouraged the use of handguns as a symbol of commanding respect, as well as resolving individual and political disputes. Modern-day America, as a result, frequently witnesses unprecedented incidences of gun-related homicides. Homicide rates in America are, therefore, the highest ever recorded in an industrial democracy. Thus, gun control is vital in reducing homicide rates in the country. This paper examines several factors that influence gun control in the United States. Hypothesis Though the United States has witnessed widespread shootings and killings attributed to the possession of handguns by civilians, there has been little federal legislation aimed at controlling gun ownership. The National…

Is it possible to beat a DWI Charge Baton Rouge in Louisiana? Many DWI attorneys in Louisiana will tell you that many people ask them whether they can beat a DWI charge. The answer is a resounding yes. A DWI lawyer in Baton Rouge can recognize the weaknesses in the State’s case and commence planning a good defense. The lawyer can also help the person request and then defend himself or herself at the “ALR Hearing.” A person charged with DWI in Louisiana usually faces two cases. The first that the State brings against the person is in criminal court for the DWI charge. The next case is, however, an administrative case. Below, we discuss how DWI lawyers go about defending the person. They have got to gather the appropriate evidence for attacking the DWI charges against the person. There are certain elements of the Louisiana DWI statute that the office of the district attorney or the city prosecutor must prove.  But how can they prove such elements? The answer is with evidence. So, what does a baton rouge dwi…

How to Handle an IRS Tax Levy Effectively Tax obligations are among the toughest debts to do away with. Only bankruptcy cannot wipe out all the unpaid taxes, and the taxation authorities have more power to seize properties than other forms of creditors. For example, the IRS can use a tax levy to take possession of the property without having to bring you to court and win a judgment against you. On the other hand, a bank or credit card company would have to bring a lawsuit against you successfully, and meet other requirements. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid a levy. When does the IRS issue a Tax Levy If you do not pay your taxes (or make arrangements to settle your debt), and the IRS decides that the next appropriate action is to levy a levy. IRS will seize any property that you have a right of ownership or interest. For instance, the IRS could levy property that is yours but is held by someone else (such as your wages, retirement accounts, dividends, bank accounts, licenses, rental income,…

Key Features of an IRS Tax Levy There are many instances whereby a taxpayer may find themselves on the wrong side of the taxman. If debt reaches up to a certain point, the Internal Revenue Service may close in on you and file a tax levy against you. Challenges that come with an IRS Tax Levy The limitations of having an IRS Tax Levy imposed on you are many and cannot be underestimated. The collection methods used by the IRS include having your account frozen, seizure of assets, and even slashing your wages or salary to meet the debt owed to them. The whole situation can be overwhelming and may leave you dead and broke. What happens if the IRS has already slashed my wages? If such a situation arises, you still have several options to exhaust to prevent the impact caused by IRS Tax Levy. The law only allows the IRS to take only a certain percentage of the wage of an employee. This is according to the Publication 1494 that was passed in 2016 that prevents them from…

comparison of nonprofit organizations’ accounting statements and profit organizations’ accounting statements Introduction A non-profit organization is an organization that uses its revenues to achieve its long term goals instead of sharing the progits with the shareholders. They are usually exempted from tax. On the other hand, the profits organizations are those in business for the purpose of generating profits. this paper will entail a comparison of nonprofit organizations’ accounting statements and profit organizations’ accounting statements. Account statements in nonprofit organizations versus in profit organization For profit and not for profit organization use the four accounting statements, which are the balance sheet, functional expenses, cashflows, income statement, and balancesheet. The balancesheet in for profit’s company indicates the assets and the liabilities that the company has. It also indicates the shareholder’s equity/owner’s equity. To get the owner’s equity, assets are subtracted from the assets. The shareholder’s equity indicate the company’s networth. The non-profit organizations does ot give an indication of owner’s equity because it does not trade its shares. In place of the balance sheet is the statement of financial position, which…

Report on Financial Analysis of Liverpool Football Club                                                                                                                                         I.            Executive Summary The report is prepared to decide for the Acquisition of Liverpool Football Club (LFC), a Premier League Club. It evaluates the club’s performance in terms of financial performance, positioning, and the company’s liquidity. The report uses the financial statements and trends in the company the club for the year 2018/2019 season. The club performed incredibly well during the season with 97 points coming second to Manchester City with 98 points in the premier league and winning Champions League Trophy after beating Barcelona FC in the Semi-Finals and Tottenham FC in the finals.  The report analyses the financial statements and activities that…

Political Organizations in America For a long time, the American communities fought for the approval of the constitution. Business people, farmers and workers favoured the existence of sovereignty type of government while barter traders were against it. In 1789 the law was approved although with two different imaginations of the Republic’s status under the leadership of the then President, George Washington. Although the constitution editors clearly understood the worldwide parliamentary happenings, the American constitution did not mention about the cabinet. Parliament accredited the formation of the chief legal advisor, national, treasury and war departments. The leaders of these departments would be appointed with the senate’s permission. The most appropriate candidate for the treasury secretary was Alexander Hamilton (Shi et al., 117). Shi et al. (117-118), explains that Alex Hamilton, an aspiring politician and great philosopher, had the ambition of using the civil government to increase America’s economy by encouraging production and businesses. Consequently, Alex wanted to make America stand on its own and seize from depending on Europe. To achieve independence, the American government had to solve the issue of…

 correctional centers across the United States The author hypothesized that the correctional centers across the United States are adversely affected by policy issues that contribute to staff dissatisfaction at the correctional centers. He identified job dissatisfiers such as pay and benefits, job-related challenges, and lack of proper communication as some of the route causes of dissatisfaction to correctional officers. Further, Patenaude (51) also hypothesized that duration of stay and experience in the job also contributes to the level of satisfaction shown by the correctional officers at their stations of work. He posited that Cos, who had served for at least three years, showed more significant signs of dissatisfaction as compared to recruits who were still fresh from training colleges. The study was conducted with a sample population of 1,652 correctional officers in levels U and II from the Arkansas Department of Correction within Arkansas State. A total of 806 respondents completed the survey. The researcher performed a one-off study, and there was no follow-up afterward. The respondents were examined on a plethora of areas that covered remuneration and pay to…

IDS Theoretical Framework Activity A good design is an exercise in limitation. An object design involves adding many features, drawing more lines, sculpting more surface, loading more options with the belief that the more the elements are added, the more value is provided to the consumer. A design refers to the ability to make transparent services or products’ purpose. There are different types of analytical frameworks, but the two analytical framework methodologies used in this paper are post-modernism and structuralism. Post-modernism Post-modernism is a style of critical strategic and rhetorical practices that employ concepts such as repetition, difference, the trace, the simulacrum and hyperreality to weaken other ideas such as identity, historical progress and univocity of meaning.(Plato.stanford.edu, 2015). Post-modernism fits the designing of a storeyed building and furniture. It creates buildings that have distinct features that are not compared with anything that had come before. There are postmodernist paintings with new colours to hang on the walls. The building structure is characterized by playfully extreme forms and the humour of the meaning it contains. This theoretical framework aims at solving…

The Middle Passage The Middle Passage was the crossing of African slaves from Africa to America through the Atlantic Ocean. The slaves were stockpiled in massive cargo ships and shipped abroad to their new masters. The middle passage took the enslaved slaves away from their homeland; many of these slaves had never been on the sea before and did not know what awaited them once they arrived abroad. These voyages usually took six to eight weeks, but bad weather could increase the trips to thirteen or more weeks. Many slaves lost their lives through sickness, suicide and murder at the hands of the ship’s crew and captains. The few who made it alive were sold upon arrival. Slaves’ Experience Their owner-controlled almost every aspect of a slave’s life; this means that they had no freedom making the slave experience inhumane. The slave owners gave them new names and dictated what they could eat, where they slept, or the clothes they could wear. Many of the slaves were mistreated by their owners, who forced them to work for long hours with…

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