Who is a Traveler?   Introduction If travel is the “movement from one place to another,” then everyone is to be regarded as a traveler. It does not necessarily mean that this definition is wrong. So, who is a traveler, and who is not a traveler yet moves from one place to another? To some people, the word “traveler” and “tourist” have the same meaning. However, to other people, the terms have different meanings. Let’s take a look at this.   Definitions Travel is a multi-dimensional word. The more you think about this term, the more its meaning seems to broaden. In its simplest sense, a traveler is someone who goes anywhere. Funny, right? With this definition, even going to the grocery store is a form of traveling. To make it more understandable, we will look at who is considered a traveler. After that, we will study who is not considered as a traveler but moves from one place to another.   Who is a Traveler and their Characteristics? One main characteristic of a traveler is that the person makes lots of journeys…

Role of Technology in the Book 1984 It is evident that even though the technology was not as advanced in the book 1984, there are several key things that technology was used to propagate. The technology was in the form of telescreens as well as hidden microphones. The telescreens had been mounted in every house. The microphones were placed across the city, respectively. These forms of technology were mainly used in ensuring that the Party was able to monitor all the members all the time. In this case, the technology was being used by the Party to advance totalitarianism on its people. It is through this technology that the people were denied the chance to think on their own as well as be in a position to make their own decisions based on the issue of the Party and whether they felt that the Party was doing things in their favor or not. The Party, therefore, used technology to violate the privacy of the individuals. Even though there were no computers in 1984, the Party has advanced so much to…

Analysis of the Constitution The United States Congress holds part of the institutional powers. In my personal opinion, the most significant institutional power is the authority of the US Congress over the country’s finances and budgets (Epstein & THomas, 1998). This institutional power holds much significance over the general operations of the country. Through this institutional power, the US Congress can exercise control over the payment of debts, laying and collecting taxes, excises, and imposts and make sure that the general welfare and defense of the United States of America is provided for. This institutional power is quantified as the power of the purse and enables the seamless running of the whole country. In the US Bill of Rights, the first section contains the ten amendments to the US Constitution. Of the ten rights, the most important personal right, in my personal opinion, is the “freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments” (Neil, 2015). This individual right is essential as it looks after the interests of seemingly forgotten members of society. Even when facing criminal charges, humanity and the uprightness of…

Moral Authority of the State Introduction When it comes to the question of individual responsibility and duty to the state and per the law, there are instances where it may be contrary to moral values. It is noted that each citizen has to obey the law, but the question comes in if it is against their morality. Socrates raises the question of the moral authority of the state as he views the state as a moral community that is linked by the association of virtuous people to have common justice and happiness. Thesis In essence, individuals know the comprehension of the moral principles that drive a society; thus, justice becomes a product of individual adherence to morality. Socrates argues that the formation of knowledge and comprehension virtuous behavior is created through the development of habit as well as education. Thus the basis of justice within the community depends entirely on the moral principles of individual that is expressed by their comprehension of moral principles. Socrates notes that the underlining foundations of obedience citizens doing their part to ensure the maintenance…

Tax and Trusts Solicitors As age catches up with you, it is potent that you have some arrangements for the people you cherish. Make provisions so that they do not have to suffer once you are gone. It is always very crucial to have them in mind and to allot something to sustain them in the future. Yes, you may have a drafted will already, but have you looked at the tax implications that the inheriting parties might face? With probably a huge chunk of resources taken as Inheritance Tax from your estate, how will you be sure that your loved ones acquire maximum funds from the estate? Redkite Solicitors, we are aware of how crucial it is that your estate is divided according to how you would exactly want it. It is the sole reason why our specialists are always on the move to assist people and clients on these tax matters. We will ensure you are well acquainted with all the tax trusts and planning hence allowing you to distribute your wealth to your next of kin. The…

attempts to try reform or abolish capital punishment Death penalty has been since history used for punishing individuals who commit specific crimes. This dates back in the eighteenth century during the reign of King Hammurabi who declared death penalty for crimes that were being committed by people (Stephen, 2010). In the seventh century, Draconian made death penalty as a punishment for all crimes that criminals do. This was executed through burning alive, impalement, drowning, beating to death and crucification. Hanging was the main way of death penalty that was being executed in Britain. During the reign of Henry VIII in sixteenth century at least 72000 people were executed through burning at stake, boiling, beheading, boiling, quartering and drawing. This was mainly done to punish people when they refuse to confess a crime, treason and for marrying a Jew. In 1700s capital crimes had increased in Britain and crimes that were punishable include cutting down a tree, robbing rabbit warren and stealing. In America, recorded first capital punishment was of Captain George Kendall in 1608 that was punishment for spying for Spain.…


Soda Tax

Soda Tax Many people love sugary drinks. They have been increasingly popular and a part of everyday life for a long time. While tasty, they may not be the healthiest. As these are extremely popular, the government has seen an opportunity to make money off of these sugary drinks by increasing tax on soda. However, the move to create a soda tax is not only for generating revenue but also to incentivize people to drink other healthier options. In my opinion, I see it is fair to impose a tax on soda to fund Kindergarten. The soda companies are making a lot of profit because they market their products more to people with low income. Therefore taxing soda will help to create revenue to bring projects that can benefit residents in the city of which the majority are poor. Taxing soda drinks to Support free Kindergarten will be beneficial to most people, especially the poor, to take their children to Kindergarten. According to Kenney, the profit collected will be taken back to the neighborhoods, which are the biggest customers of…

DNA Exonerations and Discoveries in the U.S. In 1989, Gary Dotson was the first wrongfully convicted individual to be proven innocent through the then-new science of DNA testing. Almost two decades later, more than 200 individuals have been exonerated by post-conviction DNA testing and released from prison, some from death row. In 15–20% of these cases, police-induced false confessions were involved (Garrett, 2008; www.innocence project.org). A disturbing number of these have occurred in high-profile cases, such as New York City’s Central Park Jogger case, where five false confessions were taken within a single investigation. In that case, five teenagers confessed during lengthy interrogations to the 1989 brutal assault and rape of a young woman in Central Park. Each boy retracted his statement immediately upon arrest, saying he had confessed because he expected to go home afterward. All the boys were convicted and sent to prison, only to be exonerated in 2002 when the real rapist gave a confession, accurately detailed, that was confirmed by DNA evidence (People of the State of New York v. Kharey Wise et al., 2002). Post-conviction…

Government budget deficits and debts Issue/Problem(s): Considering the period between 1970 to 1990 the Canadian budget indicated more spending than the money collected from tax which resulted in budget deficit which resulted in debts. This was able to affect governmental investment, interest rates, and savings. The Canadian government in 1998 introduced a balanced budget which included surpluses which assisted in the reduction of the debts. The 2009 recession brought back the deficits and accumulation of debts through the political parties indicated their determination to adapt back the balanced budgets however the provincial governments have not been successful in reducing debt. The government budget services have been able to cut down debts value from 588 billion dollars in 1997 to 490 billion dollars in 2008. The federal debts impose a financial burden for generations to come and will place them at difficult situations.       Current Background/Situation: The federal government should implement an increase of tax which is used to fund the CCP for retired individuals. This will redistribute income from current generation towards the elderly generation who receives extra…

The Death Penalty in the USA The death penalty is simply an execution of an individual as a result of committing a serious and specific crime that is against the laws of the land.   Many people in the USA tend to have different views on the issue of the death penalty on individuals who commit crimes. For instance, a majority of Americans support this act with arguments that for a society to be best served, and then it is important to get rid of such kind of people from the world. Consequently, some death advocates argue that death penalty should be continued since it prevents people from committing similar crimes in the near future. Studies conducted recently in the United States Shows that about 61% of the citizens are in favor of this penalty while 39% are against. Convicting individuals who have committed serious crimes such as murder is expensive as perceived by many people who tend to believe that their coins would largely be saved if these individuals are easily done away with. According to the study, those individuals…

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