The maintenance of democracy Outline Democracy Thesis: A democratic government is one that gets power from the citizens, although it is not superior to the dictatorship form of government, and has been challenging to develop and maintain in several countries due to the complications in the choice of leaders. A democratic government is a government involving using the power given to the citizens to lead a country. In a democratic setting, an assumption is made that the majority opinion is always right. The citizens hold the absolute power to elect people of their choice as long as they meet the criteria set in the various statues. A democratic government generally means a system where the rule of the majority prevails. A representative is chosen by the citizens, and another assumption is made that the selected representative bears the opinion held by the citizens they represent. Democracy has been wrongly perceived as being superior to dictatorship. Democracy and dictatorship are independent systems of government that develop from individualistic circumstances. Deciding that democracy is better than dictatorship may be biased in that…

Death Penalty Outline Death penalty in the state of Georgia has been in place for several years. During the reinstatement of the capital punishment, death penalty was left for some crimes although the number of offenders awaiting execution constitutes of less than 0.09 percent of the total prison population. Death penalty in the state of Georgia is applied only on three crimes. Airplane hijacking, treason and murder are the only crimes punishable by death in Georgia. The main consideration before conviction is whether the offender has a prior conviction over capital crime. Death penalty cases have become rare in Georgia. The decision to pass a death penalty is procedural and does not happen on most cases. A panel of juries has to be involved in coming up with a unanimous decision and thus prosecutors have been going for other punishments. Georgia has been reporting the highest number of death penalty cases. After the 1976 reinstatement by the US Supreme Court that forced amendments on the allowance for death penalties, most states came up with strict terms that made it difficult…

The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists Constitutional Compromise My thesis in this essay is the compromise undertaken by the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists to ensure that the United States Constitution accommodated all parties. The United States Constitution was originally written in 1787 at the Philadelphia Convention. After the constitution was written, the next formal process was ratification, a process that required nine of the thirteen states to approve of the constitution before it became official. As the constitution underwent ratification, two sides emerged, one side supporting the confirmation and the other side did not support the process. The Federalists supported the sanction, and the Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification. Most people who had written the constitution were Federalists, and therefore, Anti-Federalists felt that the constitution did not address the needs of all Americans equally. The primary concern for Anti-Federalists was the excessive power handed to the central government. On the other hand, Federalists believed that the nation required a powerful national government to thrive. To ensure that the United States had a constitution that addressed the concerns of both sides, the Federalists…

Annotated Bibliography on Death Penalty Gross, Samuel R. “The Death Penalty, Public Opinion, and Politics in the United States.” . Louis     ULJ 62 (2017): 763. Samuel Gross researched in 2017 on the public opinion held by Americans concerning the idea of death penalty in the states. After conducting research from several sources, Gross found the hidden details of death penalty idea. Gross came to learn that the execution was based on luck and not aimed at bringing a solution to the crime rate issue. The article provides information on the need to stop death penalty application in the US. Hurley, Connor N. “A Measured Approach to the Death Penalty.” (2018). Death penalty has been applied without substantial evidence to support its effectiveness. Hurley came up with a measured approach in 2018 to assess the effectiveness of death penalty. Hurley recognizes the association between opposition of death penalty and religious beliefs but finds out that the process is mulled by several problems. The article by Hurley is important in showing the weaknesses associated with the death penalty process. Moore, Zachary.…

POLITICAL RESEARCH PAPER  The Issue:  To research, and discover credible reliable information. Research:   Research ALL the following sections.  Refer to the syllabus for all requirements, formats, and due date. Analysis:  Please research, site examples and analyze all sections by using at least 2 political sources from 2 different political perspectives.  Thorough research increases the chance of  a better grade. Section 1:  DISCUSS forms of Government and what it is like to live under each form of government (Do not quote, or give definitions)[unique_solution] Communism Socialism Republic Totalitarianism Anarchy Section 2:  Historical Documents. Research and discuss federalist papers, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Limits, and Constitution.  Include the following in your discussion. Date(s) of Document: Author(s) of Document: What was the purpose, goal or intent? Section 3:  Discuss federalism and discuss an example of a current court case. Section 4: Finances/ Budget.  Discuss the following. Federal Reserve Free Market State and National Debt Government (Federal and State) Spending. Section 5: Discuss 3 political issues discussed in class.  Use factual information only. Must use at least 2  sources from 2 different political…

 Forms of government Communism Living under a communist government is both advantageous and disadvantageous. The advantage is that the government can create massive industrial power and other projects since economic resources can be mobilized quickly and on a large scale. However, communism eliminates the free market; the law of supply and demand gets defied since the government that sets prices. That way, the planners fail to get feedback about the type of needs of the people and therefore lack a guideline on how to improve their services. Socialism Living under a socialist government gives one a sense of responsibility. In this type of government, everyone in society receives a share of production according to the contribution they made towards it. There is no chance of exploitation as profits get shared according to individual contribution. Living under a socialist government also eliminates poverty since there is an equal distribution on social amenities such as health facilities and education institution. However, a socialist government has a lot of power, and there are chances of the leaders abusing the position and power for…

Vague constitutions The constitution of the United States established the national and common laws and also guaranteed fundamental rights for citizens. A  constitution is vague for American citizens when they do not understand the laws regulated, prohibited conduct, and how punishment is imposed. Vagueness can be seen when the rules or rights have a broad language and is not clearly defined anywhere. Constitutional uncertainty can be helpful or a disadvantage to the people, especially in decision making (Williams, 2017). Vagueness extends into two clauses in the fifth and fourteenth amendments of the constitution. Vague constitutions have the following advantages, and it encourages cooperation amongst political leaders. Political leaders work together to determine specific clauses through negotiation to ensure a democratic process. The vague constitution easily adapts to changes, and the world is changing a particular constitution rapidly can create problems for social and political circumstances (Maxwell, 2013).  Vagueness helps to prevent arbitrary enforcement of the laws; this is the decisions and rules that are based on justice; the disadvantage of constitutional vagueness is used to nullify specific criminal laws and…

The Crucible review When things get bad, some people think it’s best to run away from their problems rather than face them. Some people would rather die for something they strongly believe in than lie to save their life. The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller that makes you ask yourself these questions. It is a play written in 1952 about the real Salem witch trials. In the play, people of the Salem village are accused of witchcraft because of a particular character that is trying to blame “witches” when she is caught doing something she isn’t supposed to. At the end of The Crucible, Abigail flees Salem to escape the punishments for her fraud, and John Proctor is facing the death penalty for a crime he did not commit. The crime being witchery or witchcraft. Hale tells John that he should lie and live because life is God’s most irreplaceable gift, but John decides to stand up for what he believes in rather than living a lie, and he hangs. I believe that Proctor and Elizabeth made the…

Early Theories and Government Operations Abstract Modern-day operations are defined by a specific consideration on better systems that help identify critical processes that help establish a strong change development. The level of management across different situations is determined based on different approaches that identify better measures for a reliable system and implementation of better performance. Classical management systems have provided an understanding of how various government agencies operate. Various ancient theorists implemented different strategies regarding management to be adopted. Therefore, it is essential to help define a strong change process that can be defined in improving change development. The United States constitution and articles of confederations have been critical in determining the level of engagement and the limits that individuals have as well as the government in determining better change. Theorists such as Max Weber, Frederick Taylor, and John Gantt developed different classical theories that focused on promoting organizational performance. These theories have transformed over the years, which present a well-defined system for successful change. Some of the modern operations and staffing have implemented specific guidelines adopted from these theorists.…

Lowering the property tax with few tricks You may have heard that most of the homeowners have complaints on the property tax. The local governments calculate the tax, and the property owners have to pay it. The government assesses it, based on your property value. The property tax is the source of revenue to the government. Although the government use it for benefitting the society, the tax is a burden to lots of homeowners. Every year, the homeowners find an increase of property rate. The homeowners may not get a chance of reducing the standard tax rate. However, they can lower their tax bill in other ways. You can look for consultants to get Atlanta lower property tax services. How do consultants help you? With the guidance of consultants, you can understand the details of your property tax bill. You may have paid your property tax in the past years without knowing to read the bill. It is much confusing to the homeowners to find that there is no connection to the property tax between two nearby towns. The assessors…

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