The Islamic State Terrorism involves unethical and well-calculated plans to conduct activities of insurgency, among other objectives. While terrorism activities might have existed in a different form, recording of severe terrorist attacks began towards the late 1990s and in the wake of the 21st century. Notably, September 11, 2001, is a remarkable date when the United States realized a surprise attack by the al’ Qaeda group. Since this attack, the world has continued to record terrorist attacks from an array of terrorist groups. Each terrorist group forms for a specific purpose or objective. Some of the famous terrorist groups include Al Qaeda, ISIS, or ISL (Islamic States) and Taliban, as well as Al Shabaab and Boko Haraam ((Bouzis, 2015). This paper discusses the Islamic State. In this regard, this paper will give a detailed analysis of the group, including its origin and evolution. This document will also examine the Islamic State’s structure and its organization’s mode of operation. While noting that each group forms for a specific mission, this paper will examine the Islamic States’ primary targets. Further, this document…

Doctor Ho Wang Lee’s contribution to virology Doctor Ho Wang Lee’s contribution to virology includes being the first scientist to discover a virus, formulating its diagnosis methods, and creating a vaccine for the same illness. The virus caused the disease to humans, and he named the virus Hantaanan.  Moreover, the doctor formulated a procedure for diagnosing the ailment that resulted from the Hantaanan virus in addition to creating an effective vaccination for the disease caused by the virus in humans. The contribution of Doctor Hong Wang Lee was remarkable since it served as a significant innovation in the international society of medical researchers. More specifically, a lot of resources inclusive of highly regarded scientists have been put in place for thorough research on viruses since 1950 (“Ho Wang Lee”). Despite Doctor Ho Wang Lee origin from South Korean, which had little advancement and resources for medical research the moment, he made a significant achievement in the field of medicine. Doctor Lee provided critical but overlooked insight, such as the three steps in virology, which have significantly contributed to significant discoveries…

Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried Introduction O’Brien, in his novel The Things They Carried, pictures himself as a soldier sent to Vietnam in the late 1960s on an American mission to combat. He describes the war as terrible for the American soldiers like himself, the Vietnamese civilians, and his fellow soldiers. O’Brien links his childhood with his being a soldier in the novel and his present self as a writer and explores the trauma he undergoes after the war. The connection between the Narrator, Child and old Timmy When expressed as both character and author, Tim has similar experiences in the two cases. O’Brien shares the same name as the protagonist in his novel and also a similar background. Like O’Brien in the story, William Timothy Junior was born and spent his early life in Minnesota at the borders of South Dakota in America. His childhood compares to that of his characters in the novel, marked by American kid-ness, summers spent on baseball leagues, and later as an adult spent his life on jobs and girls. During his early…

The study of families in an era of globalization requires an awareness of how families and family members “make decisions” about transnational migration. The study of families in an era of globalization requires an awareness of how families and family members “make decisions” about transnational migration. It also requires awareness of how the immigration experience can affect the mental and cultural frameworks people use to understand and give meaning to everyday life. These include ideas about who, among family members, is entitled to certain things; what obligations a person has to other family members; and how to arrange one’s life post-immigration so that they can meet these obligations AND adapt, survive, or thrive in a new culture. Drawing from course materials, discuss examples of the following: 1.) The use or “deployment” of gender, by female and male family members, to negotiate a family migration decision that works (either pro or con) in the person’s favor. [unique_solution]2.)Migration experiences that affect the way people define or think about their social identity or legal status. 3.) Migration experiences that shape family members′ interactions…

Introduction to International Politics In your introduction, provide a brief version of your response. What are your main arguments? Briefly explain your chain of reasoning. Also, provide a brief “roadmap” of the rest of the paper. If choosing one IR theory over another, briefly discuss why you found the others less helpful. You do not need to spend much space on this, but do briefly explain why other theories are not as applicable. Make sure your paper flows well and avoid “jolts” or jumping from one topic to the next. This is why “mapping” (see point 1) is helpful – it provides a guidance and general structure to your paper. Allow yourself plenty of time to do sufficient background reading and research. For instance, if you are not familiar with the Iraq War (2003-), make sure you understand the timeline of the conflict, the politics in the run-up to the war, and the political arguments used domestically to justify the decision to go to war.[unique_solution] In your research, start with the resources at the library, especially books and scholarly articles.…

Examination of A GLOBAL HEALTH CHALLENGE in canada Due Dates:  Submit paper to TurnItIn Learning objectives: Through completing this assignment, students will be able to demonstrate: Competence in using the library databases to find relevant, useful scholarly articles on a topic relating to a global health challenge in Canada. Critical thinking skills and an ability to read and summarize relevant concepts in   journal articles. Correct use of APA format and appropriate spelling and grammar. A deeper understanding of global health disparities within Canada. How current healthcare literature can inform global health nursing practice. YOUR PAPER SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING *Refer to rubric for a more detailed outline*: An introduction A clear definition of a global health challenge (within local, urban, rural or remote communities in Canada (student’s choice) with statistics on the incidence and prevalence in the chosen context. Topic: Childhood Obesity in Canada   A description of the most common and/or most relevant challenges that clients and/or communities face because of this health challenge. A critical analysis of the impact of historical and political influences and/or policy on the…

 rights and privileges as parts of states’ constitutions In most democracies around the globe, rights and privileges are parts of states’ constitutions. People understand the “literal meanings” of both terms, but sometimes confusion arises between their concepts, especially when individuals want to enjoy the same privileges as rights. Privileges are particular entitlement to immunity extended for specific or restricted groups granted by the State or relevant authority under a conditional basis (Van & William, 2010). Privileges are related to, but different from, immunities (Bogen, 2003). It can be considered to be an exemption from a particular legal duty or restraint, as the obligation to testify in Courts. As a result, Congressional members are privileged from being arrested. They are also immune from testifying or answering in other places for their debate or speech. How the term “privilege” is applied in the Constitution suggests that it is a form of right distinguished not by conditionability or revocability, but by the fact that it may not be asserted until the relevant authority take action against it (Bogen, 2003). A privilege provided by…

Write an essay answering this question explicitly: 1) Marxists believe that the distinction between rich and poor states is more relevant for understanding world politics than the distinction between democratic and non-democratic states Write an essay answering this question explicitly: 1) Marxists believe that the distinction between rich and poor states is more relevant for understanding world politics than the distinction between democratic and non-democratic states. Do you agree? One of the references must be: The Globalization of World Politics, An introduction to international relations (seventh edition) authors: John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens[unique_solution] Write an essay answering this question explicitly: 1) Marxists believe that the distinction between rich and poor states is more relevant for understanding world politics than the distinction between democratic and non-democratic states. Do you agree? One of the references must be: The Globalization of World Politics, An introduction to international relations (seventh edition) authors: John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens Write an essay answering this question explicitly: 1) Marxists believe that the distinction between rich and poor states is more relevant for understanding world politics…

influence of the government of shifting to modern technology usage In our current society, the use of modern technology has prompted the government to shift to digital ways of offering services to its citizens. The benefits ascertained from the use of the new technology surpasses the traditional method of granting government services to the nation. In emphasizing this, several other changes have been made in the government sector to strengthen the use of technology in offering services. For example, the connected government act is one of the amendments recently passed to validate this ambition. With the increased advancements in the use of the internet and its benefits, the government website is no longer seen as a tool of acquiring information but as one with several other benefits to a people’s nation. Clear guidelines and stipulations on the creation of mobile websites of the government are listed in the connected government act. The acts require the apps enlisted for government websites are acceptable in the mobile phones’ screens, unlike in the past, where they were designed only to suit the computer…

State Responsibility state responsibility shows what a state needs to protect its affairs and the principle governing the breaching of international duty. An example is given of French agent that fled to New Zealand to protest against the testing of nuclear weapons but killed by their states. The killing of the agent brought the question concerning the rights possessed by a country regarding statehood matters. According to judge Huber, the international character’s right involves a global responsibility. Three articles from the international law commission are used to understand the challenges faced by state responsibility. State liability which talks about compensation for damages as a result of harmful legal acts. State responsibility goes beyond compensation. State responsibility stems from the failure of the government to control certain events or people when expected to do so. International laws determine the international wrong Law of the sea The Law of the sea governs the activities of any nation that goes beyond the territories in the oceans. They give a clear indication of the right to exploit resources in these ocean state boundaries. These…

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