A case between Mather an estate broker and Bowen, the owner of the estate   From my analysis of the case below, whereby it’s all about an estate broker who is Mather and an estate owner who is Bowen, Bowen, the estate broker advertises an enterprise from which he issues brochure stating that brokers and prospective tenants would be registered and including a schedule of commissions. It is this where Bowen and Mather come to sign a contract where Mather alleged that in December 1995, she called Bowen via a telephone call that she wished to bring a prospective tenant. In the potential phone call, Bowen acknowledged that Mather would receive a broker’s commission when the CRC leased the premises. It is there afterward where we come to see Mather bringing the CRC representative to view the property. Also, they later completed Bowen’s client-broker registration form, which proved Mather as the broker. With Bowen signing the form identifying himself as the lessor, two weeks later, after the trade agreement, CRC submitted a written lease offer that identified Mather as broker…

battle between the Army and the Navy when it came to aviation There was a battle between the Army and the Navy when it came to aviation.  Many perceived aviation as an addition to what was currently in operation in the Army and the Navy.  There were a select few who believed that the airplane would take the place of the battlefleet.  The United States needed to be ready for any eventualities, and aviation was going to put the country in a better position in preparation for another war if necessary. The military started buying planes early in the 1900s because they acknowledged the potential use of aviation in the battlefield (The Big Picture: Fifty years of aviation, 2008).  The military used its personnel to tests the planes and improvised the airplanes by adding bombs and machine guns (The Big Picture: Fifty years of aviation, 2008).  The use of airplanes saw the birth of the aeronautical engineering profession and the development of helicopters during that period (The Big Picture: Fifty years of aviation, 2008).   Aviation was introduced to the…

Explanation of different information systems From a computer science point of view, an information system is an integration of different components working together to produce information. There are various components that are in an information system. These components can be identified through the use of a five-component framework. This is a model of the component that a system entails. From this framework, the components are; computer hardware, software, data, instructions, and users. Through the integration of these components, there is a production of a system. To analyses the component, the hardware and users are the outermost components of the system. Software and instructions are a procedure that is used to run an operation. In this, the software instructs hardware while directive instructs users. Data is the connecting component that connects a computer and humans. When all these components work together, useful information is produced that can be used to solve problems in real life. During the development of an information system, the purpose is first defined, and through it, the nature of the system is determined. Computer hardware includes keyboards,…

Understanding Families Introduction Today, dealing with family relationships can be a challenging factor; as a result, most people do not seem to have the strategies that promote efficient family interactions. However, various techniques are appropriate to build on family relations. One simplified approach is Dr. Ronald W. Richardson’s ‘family of origin therapy technique’ that focuses on boosting individual self-esteem and capabilities, then employing a counselor or family therapist to resolve potential disputes. Another common strategy that many people assume is communication. In that, adequate communication amongst family members ensures understanding when there is any form of conflict or disagreement. Consequently, it limits gossip and malice by clearing up misinterpretations or misunderstanding that could break family ties. Also, communication promotes mutual support and provides a comprehensive perspective on challenging situations and insights. In the long run, family bonds become stronger. In a bid to provide a richer understanding, this paper answers various questions by describing my personal family experiences while applying what I have learned from Dr. Ronald W. Richardson’s book ‘Family Ties That Bind.’ When I stopped my regular habit…

                                                    Fiscal and Monetary Policy   Part 1 (Fiscal policy and monetary policy) Fiscal policy deals with government expenditure/spending and income/earnings. The tools that are used in fiscal policy are taxes and spending. What differentiates fiscal policy and monetary policy is that the control of the former is by the president and the congress and deals with spending and taxes while the latter deals with the purchase and selling of securities to regulate money supply in the economy. As a member of congress, I think that the government should draft and enact laws that will ensure that there is a balance between the federal budget that will ensure less spending. Over expenditure by the federal government affects the economy negatively. Scenario 1: The government is currently spending three billion, one hundred million on programs and brings in three billion, five hundred million through taxation. Does this create a budget surplus or deficit?  Explain. 3.5billion-3.1billion= 0.4billion This budget creates a surplus. A surplus budget occurs when the amount of revenue or income generated by the government is greater than the expenditure..…

Layman’s Explanation Key Concepts Definitions Research Problem. This statement concentrates mainly on an area of great concern, a specific condition that needs massive improvement, a difficulty that requires elimination, or any troubling type of question that exists scholarly in literature, in practices, or in theories that need meaningful-based understanding and proper investigation. This term is a theoretical, systematic analysis of all applied methods in a field of study. This particular term comprises of academic reviews of what makes up all methods and all principles associated with a specific discipline of knowledge (Maxfield & Babbie, 2015). Units of analysis. These are viewed as entities that frame anything that gets analyzed in studies (Maxfield & Babbie, 2015). This term is also considered as an entity that gets studied as a whole, whereby it comprises the existence of various factors of change and causality. This term is viewed as a spectacular explanation or idea that is tested through experimentation and study. It is more than just a wild guess. Sample Population. A population gets viewed as the total number or summation of animals,…

Effective Listening Basic Leader Course (BLC) has been an excellent course that has provided me with useful information on good leadership. Effective listening is one of the best topics in the course.  I was interested in this topic because communication is essential in the Army. If leaders in the Army lack good communication skills, conducting different missions will fail since passing the right message to the team will not be done in the right way.  For communication to be successful, learning how to effectively listen is essential. This will involve being in a position to fully understand verbal and nonverbal cues used by the speaker. Effective listening is an important topic that helps Army leaders to be effective. Importance of Effective Listening Army leaders spend most of their time motivating people inside and outside their chain of command to improve decisions, thinking, and attract actions that will result in more exceptional outcomes. An effective Army leader effectively listens to words of a speaker and is interested in understanding their meaning. The listener ensures that they hear what the speaker wanted…

Effective dissemination Delivery of information is a crucial part of the strategy in the report. The main effect of the circulation of data is to focus on matching the news with a concern audience. There are ways to deliver information from the slogan to YouTube videos. The concept here is that the method that should be adapted should target the audi8ence to the data. The video is an effective means to deliver information to the masses where there is a need for engagement of interest to an issue communicated. The YouTube videos are cheap; hence it has opened a new way of delivering information to the mass. The mass media get also used to reach a broad audience. A large population uses mass media to provide information to the target population. The press, radio, and television get commonly used to convey the information. The media will also affect disabled people like the blind who can listen to the radio. The organization also wraps the information in a way that it has evidence from a profession. The data should describe the…

Eat Drink Man Woman   In the film, what are the old relationships, and what are the new relationships? Make sure you give examples. How do the old Confucian values of the proper relationships conflict with the new Western values? Make sure you give examples. (250 words minimum, 50 points possible.) The Chinese film, which was produced and aired in 1994, is a comedy-drama Taiwanese movie starring Sihung, Yu-wen Wang, Chien-lien Wu, and Kuei-mei Yang. The relationship is one of the fundamental aspects of the films because it elaborates on the relationship between a Chinese master chef and his three daughters. The old relationship is characterized by its incorporation with Confucian values, whereas the new relationships examined in the movie are in line with the western culture. Mr Chu’s firstborn, Jia-Chien, a school teacher, is used to illustrate the difference between old relationships and new relationships as in her past relationship, she is heartbroken by Li Kai that made her give the world the cold shoulder (Hu, 132). Jia-Jen fabricated the story later in the movie to develop a barrier…

EBOLA: SHOULD AMERICA CARE? Introduction Ebola is a viral disease that occurs in the form of viral hemorrhagic fever. The disease attacks human beings and primates. The causative agent of Ebola disease is the ebolaviruses. The incubation period of Ebola disease usually takes between two days to three weeks of exposure or contracting the virus. Ebola was first discovered in the year 1976 in two African countries by the names Sudan and Zaire (Pavlik et al., 2018). For that reason, the disease was named after a major river in Zaire called Ebola. During this historic outbreak, the disease was regarded as a pandemic because it first infected about two hundred and eighty-four in Sudan with a fatality rate of 53%. The second case of the Ebola outbreak was reported in Zaire, where it had infected three hundred and eighteen people. The second case was much more extreme because it was characterized by a fatality rate of 88% (Pavlik et al., 2018). The third case was reported in Virginia in the year 1989, when some monkeys were imported from the Philippines.…

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