The electoral system in the United States of America The current electoral system in the United States of America According to the Constitution, the president is elected indirectly by the citizens through the Electoral College. In this system, a state has a fixed number of electors based on its number of congress representatives (Felicetti, 2014). The electors are required to cast their votes to choose the president. In the current hypothetical situation, the country has 538 electoral votes (Wlezien, 2015). From the electoral votes, the candidate that receives more than half of votes is declared the president. The proposed system recommends that the country adopts the democratic system of governance. The system supports the majority rule in which the candidate who gets the most popular votes is announced as the president. A comparison between the current system and the proposed electoral system In recent years, a debate has arisen over, which is the best electoral system for the country. Different arguments have since emerged during the course. We must, therefore, analyze the pros and cons of each of the methods…

The current electoral system in the United States of America According to the current Constitution, the president is elected indirectly by the citizens through the Electoral College. In this system, a state has a fixed number of electors based on its number of congress representatives (Felicetti, 2014). The electors are required to cast their votes to choose the president. In the current hypothetical situation, the country has 538 electoral votes (Wlezien, 2015). From the electoral votes, the candidate that receives more than half of votes is declared the president. The proposed system recommends that the country adopts the democratic system of governance. The system supports the majority rule in which the candidate who gets the most popular votes is announced as the president. A comparison between the current system and the proposed electoral system In recent years, a debate has arisen over, which is the best electoral system for the country. Different arguments have since emerged during the course. We must, therefore, analyze the pros and cons of each of the methods to determine which is more superior. One of…

Government Intervention and Regional Integration     Introduction Protectionism entails designed national policies aimed at restricting free trade and protecting domestic industries from competition from foreign industries (Cavusgil et al., 2014). In other words, protectionism is a policy that provides a home industry with an unfair advantage versus international competition. It arises in the form of administrative rules, tariffs and non-tariff barriers such as quotas targeted at discouraging imports. Protectionism is the leading government intervention in international business. Government intervention may use investment barriers to target foreign direct investment flows, which restrict foreign firms from operations (Cavusgil et al., 2014). A tariff is a government tax imposed on imports, which effectively increases the cost of acquisition for the customer. A non-tariff trade barrier is a policy by the government, procedure or regulation that impedes trade through other means than explicit tariffs (Cavusgil et al., 2014). The Role of the US Government Protectionism in Business Activities and Economic Growth The US government has made interventions in international business. The Bush administration in the 2000s imposed tariffs on the importation of foreign…

Why Should Electoral College be Abolished in Favor of Direct Public Election?  The United States of America is used to the grumbling over its Electoral College every four years by the political observers. Consequently, this is because of its lack of assurance that victory belongs to the candidate with popular votes win. Nevertheless, very little has been done to revolutionize this scenario. The intricacy of this system (Electoral College) denies the undoubting voter to realize its cons. The highway toward the reformation of the Electoral College is beleaguered with wrecks of numerous previous efforts. The ailment is precise, but the remedy not. Therefore, there are more than enough reasons that warranty the abolishment of the Electoral College system in favour of the direct public election of the president and vice president. For example, the Electoral College ignores Americans’ will. America’s population is over 300 million. It is quite unfair when 538 people decide will be the most influential person in the country. An excellent example that the Electoral College disregards the will of the people is when Hillary Clinton won…

Field Experience Effect on Mayan Population Introduction Guatemala is located in Latin America and has the second-largest proportions of indigenous people. As documented in history, about 50% of the Guatemala population belongs to one of the 21 distinct indigenous individuals, which include Mayan and Xinca, among others. The Mayan community has the highest number of indigenous people as compared to other groups. Despite the high population, the life expectancy of this group is 13 years lower than the non-indigenous residence. According to diverse findings, maternal mortality is four times higher than in other groups. In addition, childhood stunting rate is about 50%. Numerous factors influence the high health disparities among this population. Therefore, a global health medical trip to Guatemala was considered to address these medical disparities. In Guatemala, the government provides healthcare services to all populations. This exercise is done through the ministry of health and the public health system that offers primary care vaccination to all individuals. Most advanced healthcare facilities are located in urban centers where indigenous people have inadequate access. This issue is one of the…

Standard on Public Statement and Record-Keeping Record keeping gives guidelines to psychologists in making decisions; therefore, they aspire to be honest in their services to promote public statements. The federal and state laws, American Psychology Association (APA) and ethics code (APA. 2010b) require maintenance and psychological services as they prohibit false public statement on how people work in a place. Appropriate records can also protect the psychologist and the client in legal or ethical proceedings. The process of record-keeping involves considering ethical standards, legal requirements and other professional demands. Public statements refer to statements made in public and not in private and personal conversation. Reports can be made in a society where, after some time, the psychologists discovered that the statements made in public were false, therefore modify what was recommended earlier. There are various types of public statements; First, gossip is not allowed, in that articles should deal with facts, secondly, opinions of other experts at trial matters ((see APA 2013e; Otto, DeMier, & Boccaccini, 2014). According to public statement and record-keeping, I would apply ethical codes in my…

Donald Trump and the Politics of Immigration As a result of increased immigration into the United States, President Donald Trump came up with a policy that aimed at stopping immigration. The main idea of the policy was to minimize the number of legalized immigrants that are allowed to enter and stay in the United States. It was Trump’s main agenda to stop legal and illegal immigration before being elected as the President of the United States of America. In reaction to Trump’s plan towards immigration, the Democrats were highly critical about the policy adopted by Trump’s administration to stop immigration. This paper seeks to discuss the issues presented in President Donald Trump’s policy to stop immigration, what was the aim at the time, and its effects on African Americans and other races. One of the issues presented at the time was that the American borders were insecure, and they needed protection. The immigration policy aimed to safeguard the county’s borders from uncontrolled immigration, an influx of criminals, and dangerous drugs. A wall was proposed to be built in the border…

Digital forensic capabilities – FRCP 2006 edition impacts on an organization Information on the date is one of the most crucial and valuable things in the world. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedures were amended in 2006, and a lot of emphases have been laid on information and its storage. Electronically Stored Information (ESI) has been redefined in a way that no data can be left out of the digital warehouse. Why develop a team? The amendment has ignited a massive demand for digital forensic experts within the organizations. There are various benefits that organizations can enjoy if they have useful digital forensic capabilities. Some of the most common ones include: With digital forensic experts, they will have authorized investigators who can handle the tasks of collecting and storing important information electronically (Dirking & Kodali, 2008). This includes documenting all sorts of information electronically. The IT-related documents must be presented to the government while other records may have to be displayed in the court of law in cases of submission requests. Thus it is essential for organizations to store all…

Finding the Right Real Estate Agent {Sometimes, you may be planning to buy or sell your house due to one or the other reason.|You may be planning to buy or sell your house due to one r another reason sometimes.|Due to one or another reason, you may, sometimes, want sell or buy a house.} {For most people, buying or selling their house is not an easy task since there are several different things that are involved in the process.|Buying or selling a house is not an easy task for most people since there are many things that are involved in the whole process.|When buying or selling a house, there are many things that are involved, and that is the reason why the task is not an easy one for most people.} {When you want to buy a house, one of the things that are involved in the whole process is finding the house itself.|Finding the house itself is one of the processes that are involved when you want to buy a house.|One of the things that are involved when you…

Some of the essential facts about taxes in Ukraine that expatriates must know Ukraine is the second-largest country of Europe with a beautiful landscape. Well, it is mostly famous for its agricultural brilliance. To be precise, agriculture is one of the most significant parts of the Ukrainian economy. Besides, it is amongst the most popular destinations for expatriates. So, if you are one of them, you are in the right place. Here, we will discuss some of the facts about taxes for expatriates in Ukraine. We assure you that it will help you a lot. So, here are the points that you must know. Impact of Ukrainian tax on the expatriates Well, the first thing that you should know about tax services Ukraine for the expatriates is not that easy. Even if you are living in the US, you have to take care of your US taxes as well. However, if you want to avoid the dual-taxations, you have to maintain specific criteria. Then only you will able to enjoy these exclusions. Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Foreign Tax Credit Foreign…

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