How to Check Income Tax Refund Status in India As a responsible Indian citizen, you are responsible for paying income tax. However, there can be circumstances when the taxpayer has paid more than the due amount. In such a case taxpayer can demand a refund of money. In this blog, we will be unveiling the ways to check the refund status and other features associated with the same.   In which case, the person might end up paying higher income tax:   In normal case, an employer deducts the tax based on the proofs furnished by the employee about an investment like 80C. But there are circumstances when the employee is not able to provide the proofs, and in such a case a higher amount might get deducted. But, later, the employee can claim for the extra amount and get the refund on the same. The second case is when an individual doesn’t fall in the tax bar, and yet the tax gets deducted on the income. In this case, as well, the person can claim for the higher tax…

Procrastination analysis The findings of the study indicate that I am not in the habit of procrastinating. It indicates that there are rare instances of procrastination when it comes to household chores, school work, and jobs. Either, sometimes I procrastinate when I am obliged to do a task which is a way of rebelling. Delays may happen in delivering tasks since I am not always organized. Either, I may find myself desiring to choose more pleasurable tasks since I do find frustration quite unpleasant. I am also somewhat a perfectionist, which makes me decide to do a job until it meets my standards. Sometimes I avoid dealing with relationship issues or even avoid dealing with health matters. Procrastination is not purely a matter of being lazy or having poor time management skills; however, it can be traced back to complex psychological reasons (Klingsieck, 2013). To overcome procrastination, one has to understand the reasons for doing it, and the role procrastination serves in life. It is not possible to overcome it without understanding the main problem. One of the ways is…

Purposes of Sentencing Abstract In the world today, just as it has always been from antiquity, some persons perpetrate different crimes. In no age has crimes been absent. Each has had its share of these delinquent acts. Notably, without controversy, these acts have always arisen because of various factors—some preventable, while others not so much. To deal with these unwelcome incidences of crime, the criminal justice system resorts to the following measures, rehabilitation, retribution, deterrence, and incapacitation; among these correctional perspectives, according to popular belief and statistical information, rehabilitation is central. Therefore, this paper shall delve deeper into these measures and give a case of why rehabilitation is regarded as central. Purposes of Sentencing Rehabilitation In general terms, rehabilitation is defined as the correction of criminals’ crime causing traits. In other words, it is the treatment of criminals to ensure they do not repeat their delinquent acts. By other scholars, the term has been defined as not just a form of preventing re-offending but especially a form of promoting cessation from offending (Raynor & Robinson 2005). To this end, just…

Financial statement, compliance, and operational auditing               Introduction Financial statement auditing Financial audits involve focusing on financial controls because they relate to reporting. They mainly focus on accounting controls found in the general ledger or sub-ledger systems (AICPA 10). It would thus be said that financial statement auditing focuses on external auditors. Internal auditors only complement the work done only on an agreed plan. The purpose of financial statement auditing is to increase credibility to the reported financial position and performance of a business. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires that all companies that are public institutions must file audited annual reports. Financial Auditing takes 6 phases, which include; engagement acceptance, planning, audit tests, account analysis, reporting, and summation. Engagement acceptance: the American Institute of CPAs endorses that an auditor evaluates the risks related to each engagement. Thus, a CPA should find out about any special situations, the integrity of management, and any pending lawsuits before conducting an audit. Planning: the standards in auditing require that an auditor prepares adequately before planning for engagement. The amount of preparation needed is…

BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE GLOBALISATION AND MIGRATION IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIE Haas, P. M., & Hird, J. A. (2016). Controversies in globalization: contending approaches to international relations. Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press.   In this book, the author explores the general effects of globalization in the western countries. My main focus will be on the consequences of globalization in western nations. The book precisely explores the impact that was brought about by the 9/11 tragedy in the soil of the Americans. He feels that since then, the American community’s sense of security was shattered. He reveals the tragedy changed the view of the American society about the people migrating to their country.  The book also shows how the tragedy not only affected the American people psychologically but also affected the American economy. The main reason I chose the book was precisely because of how the author of the book uses his skillful works to portray the aftermath of globalization in the country vividly. In addition, how he brings out the effect that a tragedy like 9/11 caused by immigrants would bring to a…

Argument of Constitutional Framers A major problem that has been encountered time and again within our legal system regards the enforcement of the constitutional limits and other statutes set to check the powers and balances of government operations. These statutes and limits are meant to establish whether the government has overstepped its’ lawful boundaries as to be determined by the judiciary, a fact prescribed in the “Marbury v. Madison” case of 1972. In many of such procedures, especially criminal procedure, where the Supreme Court is expected to determine the legality or illegality of the government’s actions, its’ been found to have complicated roots. Such is true even in this case, “Smith v. the United States,” set before the court today. However, despite the questions surrounding these cases, particularly cases of searches and seizures, are usually complex, the basic regulation concerning such cases is solely found in the Fourth Amendments of our constitution. Acceding to LII (017), this amendment protects people from violation of their privacy based on unreasonable or baseless police or law enforcement searches and seizures, stating that such…

Constitutional and political indicators of Georgia unrest: 1850s Introduction Construal of the state dominance against federal laws was the main political while slavery was the pivotal political issue that indicated unrest for Georgia as a member of the United States in the 1850s. This paper revisits both the constitutional and political issues that pointed to the unrest of Georgia in the 1850s as a member of the United States. Political and constitutional issues There were concerns about divisional slavery customs that provoked tension in the 1850s. States were split into those that aggravated for abolitionism while others upheld rights to slaves ownership by their statesmen. Georgia state laws were seen to uphold abolitionism by assenting clauses that imposed penalties and imprisonment upon people who played a role in helping slaves run away. It was alleged that other states adopted abolitionist institutions with reference to Georgia’s complex institution. The slave owners were entitled to the right to freely own black slaves who came from the north. The US congress intervention was, however, seen as interference with Georgia state affairs. The congress…

maintaining an apolitical and nonpartisan military Seemingly, today, maintaining an apolitical and nonpartisan military has become an issue of great concern to American democracy. The term military politicization is often used to describe a situation whereby service members actively express or engage in partisan political advocacy. While the US Constitution specifies the political neutrality of the military, adhering to this rule is becoming more difficult for service members. The potential pitfalls of military partisanship are severe and potentially catastrophic, including a lack of public trust in the government and the army discrimination based on service member partisanship. The military should serve the American people diligently, and having partisan service members limits the trust of the people it serves. If there is any military partisan affiliation, especially among senior officers, voters may assume that a particular political party is in control of the armed forces. This notion could instill a sense of coercion towards picking the party, seemingly controlling the military. Not only will this action damage American democracy by curtailing voters’ freedom to choose, but it will also hinder the…

Power of the Mind Psychology is a vast field that has come to help humans in the understanding of how the brain works. Through psychology, humans have been able to transcend many challenges and made it easier to handle even the most difficult of tasks. Most activities that are strenuous have been turned into simple tasks with the help of psychology. Sports and the military are two activities that can often be stressful and may require a lot of dedication from the participants. Sports and military psychology, as branches of psychology, has come to make athletes focus and perform better in different sports. Soldiers have been able to handle the stress that comes with being on battlefields for a long time. Additionally, psychology has allowed any athlete or military personnel to heal faster even after serious injuries. Without psychology athletes and military personnel would not conquer their greatest fears, they would plunder into depression, and it would take much longer for any of them to heal of injuries. Sports and military psychology are both extraordinarily vital for survival in high…

TAX RESEARCH MEMO Directions Your clients Millie and Bob have asked you to prepare a tax research memo to help them understand some complex tax issues. In the Word document titled “AC312 Unit 3 Tax Research Memo #1” you will find a summary of the issues Millie and Bob would like you to research along with the pertinent facts you require to reach a proper conclusion. You have also been provided the relevant Internal Revenue Code sections in pdf format. You will NOT need to reference any additional source of authoritative guidance to provide a complete and accurate analysis for your client. Closely study the “Tax Research Memo – Helpful Tips” Word document as well as the grading rubric for this research memo assignment as you complete your tax research memo for Millie and Bob using Microsoft Word. [unique_solution]You may also find it beneficial to review the Word document titled “Sample Tax Research Memo” to better help you visualize the proper layout and format of a professional tax research memo. Directions Your clients Millie and Bob have asked you to…

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