INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT With the adopted compensation philosophy, the city of San Luis Obispo has that states that the city is committed to providing competitive competition in the strategy of attracting and obtaining qualified employees. By benchmark approach, market compensation gathered periodically to describe how competitive and payment will be evaluated. The survey data provides the data required in the analysis as the city prepares for the salary forecasts for the municipality fiscal forecasts 2021-23 plan and also on the agreements on employee groups and compensation and benefit. The consultant working with the stuff too determine the number of benchmarks classification not expected to be more than 20. The pie off benefits and anticipated cost of living adjustments may be gathered and thus delivered within timeline and budget constraints. The market median later calculated and identifying the distance from the norm for the city’s benchmark data. This project is to deliver a report in the final form following the review by the city stuff. The task takes place from March 2, 2020, and the news is to be ready by…

There is no authentic evidence that proves this to be true. Another legendary story is the “curse of Lake Lanier,” which involves a lake that people believe is haunted due to the number of lives it has claimed. There are several articles by different authors that support this theory, while others do not agree. Some reports suggest that the lives lost in lake Lanier was just an unfortunate accident and not because the lake is cursed. The legendary story is similar to the Bigfoot story in that in both stories; some people believe the legendary is real and those who think they are false. The two stories tend to show similarities when it comes to the pieces of evidence presented. Both the stories have no portion of unquestionable evidence to back up the several claims of different authors. Another similarity is the presence of fake evidence to back the stories. For instance, in the bigfoot story, the footprints seen were later discovered to be false similarly in the story of lake Lanier; it is found that the lake was built…

Covid-19: Germany cases soar to over 50 thousand, Government vows to tighten restrictions. Germany recorded 6,294 new cases diagnosed in the last 24 hours, registering a total of more than 50,000 cases infected patients and 325 fatalities, as per data released today by the Robert Koch Institute. The entity responsible for disease prevention and control also indicates on its official page that Bavaria, where confinement was decreed almost a week ago, and North Rhine-Westphalia are the most affected federal states, with each one of them recording over 10,000 cases. Germany on Friday proposed using the digital tracking method to isolate people with the new coronavirus. The strategy document, released by the nation’s Ministry of interior recommends following the South Korean method and using smartphone location data to identify who came into contact with someone with the disease. Currently, half a million tests are carried out in the country every week to diagnose covid-19, but the number is expected to increase soon. The new coronavirus, responsible for the covid-19 pandemic, has already infected around 572,000 people worldwide, of whom more than…



Explanation The process in which light is converted to energy is known as photosynthesis. This energy is later used by living organisms to fuel their organic activities. The chemical energy from this process of photosynthesis is stored in the forms of sugar and carbohydrate molecules. This is then synthesized from carbohydrate and water. This is where the name photosynthesis originates from. Photo means light, while synthesis means the combination and putting together something. Oxygen is released as a by-product of the process of photosynthesis. This is the oxygen that most living organisms, most especially animals, depend on. Most algae and cyanobacteria perform the process of photosynthesis. These organisms are known as photoautotrophs. It is important to note that photosynthesis contributes highly to the oxygen content on the earth’s atmosphere. Most living organisms are dependent on this process. It is essential to note that photosynthesis can be performed differently by different organisms. However, this process begins with the conversion of light to energy. The light-matter is absorbed by chlorophyll which is a green matter contained in most plants. The chlorophyll is…

What is a Party? A political party is a structured assembly of people who have the matching philosophy, or who else have the similar party-political positions, and who field contenders for votes or elections, in an effort to get them voted and thus accomplish the party’s program or agenda.   Question 1 A diverse coalition (V.O. Key) This theory entails a temporary alliance or partnering of different political parties to come together and combine their objectives to develop a coalition (Hrebenar, 2019). However, these political parties must be having similar values, interests, and goals which, when combined, conform a more reliable and powerful coalition. Strengths An alliance increases the prospects for success since they have combined power, and hence their convincing power is high and can gain more citizens during elections. A coalition escalations the impact of the political parties’ effort since being involved in an alliance portrays that many people develop a well understanding of the goals and hence campaign on your side. Again, the individual political parties’ visions and missions are broadened by this unity. Thus they form a…

Timeline of the Groups Travelling in the United States’ Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation The new world was the Americas and the lands that made it up. There were several groups of people who moved into the new world, driven by particular intentions such as finding areas to farm. Some of the people included the Olmec, who were huge people known for carving giant heads, The Maya and the Aztec. The groups were lead to the new nation bu factors such as the collapse of their governments and empires and other factors such as famine and drought. Some of them were brought to the new land due to their economic activities, such as trade, as seen in the case of the Olmecs, who were the first Americans. Thie paper is an analysis of the people who traveled into the New world between 1585 and 1630, taking into consideration the reasons for their movement. The first group was the Jamestown Settlers, who were comprised of 104 men and boys who chose to settle in the new world and named It Jamestown after…

ANALYSIS  OF  MULTINATIONAL  COMPANIES Multinational means involving several countries or  individuals  or  several  nationalities. Therefore, a  multinational  company  refers  to  a  company  that  has  offices  and/or  factories  in  different  countries  and  a  centralized  head  office  where  they  coordinate  global  management. Multinational  companies  can  also  be  referred  to  as; Multinational  Enterprise(MNE), Transnational  Enterprise(TNE), Transnational  Enterprise(TNC).This  essay  will  discuss: structural  organization  of  multinational  companies, how  they  operate,  categories  of  multinational  corporations, the  top  five  multinational  companies, their  characteristics, reasons  why  a  company  would  want  to  become  multinational, the  models  of  multinational  companies, advantages  and  disadvantages  of  multinational  companies  and  both  positive  and  negative  impact  of  multinational  companies. The  organizational  structure  of  multinational  companies  are  faced  with  two  opposing  forces  when  designing  their  organizational  structure. They  are  faced  with  the  need  for  differentiation  that  that  allows  them  to  be  specialized  and  competitive  in  their  local  market. Therefore, the  structure  adopted  has  to  find  balance  between  the  opposing  needs  and  also  remain  in  strategic  alignment  for  the  company  to  thrive. Multinational  companies  have  therefore  evolved  many  structural  permutations  to  suit  their  business  need; subsidiary …

Analysis of multinational Companies There has been an emergence of many businesses in the present world, mainly because unemployment has led people to seek alternative sources of income. For this reason, therefore, a majority have started different kinds of businesses with the hope of attracting customers to boost their business. The majority may be looking for networks both locally and internationally to help with ideas on how to improve, increase customers to the market. Eventually, due to networking, many businesses prosper and expand domestically and globally. A multinational company is enterprises that operate in their own country as well as many other countries. They, however, have their central office located in one specific country that can coordinate the administrative management of all the other office branches. These multinational companies can establish and offer services in at least two or more Countries. To be able to know whether multinational companies benefit or cause harm to the countries hosting them is the reason for this research. This research paper seeks to examine both the positive and negative effects of Multinational companies, mostly…

American evolution The Revolutionary War began in 1775 and lasted till 1783. As with every war, those involved each have their strengths and weaknesses. The British army and navy were considered the best in the world. They had numerous soldiers that were highly trained, paid and fed well, disciplined, and well equipped with quality weapons. The British Empire also provided funds, some of which were used to acquire additional Hessian soldiers from Germany. Many African and Native Americans were enticed to support the British with the promise of land and freedom. However, Britain was far from America, which made it slow and expensive to send supplies and troops across the Atlantic quickly. This distance also delayed important news about the war, which made planning difficult. The British leadership was never able to convince the people to support the war. Therefore, not many British volunteered to serve in the army. Also, since they were in an unfamiliar land, the soldiers did not know the layout of the area. And this made it hard for the British generals to strategize appropriately. At…

THE   AMERICAN  EXCEPTIONALISM American exceptionalism is a state whereby American is seen to be unique from other countries in terms of the political system, and the way of life differs in comparison with other countries. Exceptionalism is viewed as having a different background in almost all fields of life. America exceptionalism has been a debate for a long time if its either a concept or a myth and many opinions are brought on board. America has been presumed to be more fancy and to have a relatively different lifestyles from other countries. Apparently America exceptionalism is a myth. What is believed to be true is not really so. Many assumptions have been made in the judgement of whether it’s a concept or a myth. The values and the systems of governance are seen to be quite different. To some extent America is seen to have a predestined position in the world. A position that is personified to her though that’s not a fact. Out of the powerful historical background ,America is seen to possess  a lot of success in it…

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