Plea Deals as Alternative Dispute Resolution In the Missouri Vs. Frye case of 2012, Justice Anthony Kennedy states that “Criminal justice today is, for the most part, a system of pleas, not a system of trials.” (Viano, 2012). The sentiments by the Supreme Court justice signify the extent to which plea bargains influence the American justice system. Plea deals are a form of alternative dispute resolution that has become quite common in the criminal justice system. While America prides itself as a beacon of democracy for its adherence to the rule of law, the exponential growth of a culture of plea bargains paints a different picture (Dervan & Edkins, 2013). The prevalence of plea deals as an alternative dispute resolution technique has resulted in the conviction of numerous innocent victims. Therefore, to gauge the real effect of plea deals on the justice system, their benefits and shortcomings must be analyzed. Plea deals have become a defining feature of the federal criminal justice system in the United States. Berdejo (2018) defines plea deals as agreements between prosecutors and defendants, whereby suspects…

Alliance One International Inc An analysis of the company based on Porter’s Five Forces Alliance One International Inc faces the threat of new entrants in the market.  Many Tobacco investors are likely to join the market and have their share. However, Alliance One International Inc can overcome this threat by introducing the new product as well as services in the market. The new products will bring more customers to the company and also challenge the old customers to continue buying the company’s products. Alliance One International Inc can also overcome the threat of new entrants by reducing the cost of production, to reduce the price of the products. The company also faces the bargaining power of suppliers. Powerful tobacco suppliers increase their prices and convince tobacco companies to buy at a specific price (Alliance One International Inc., 2018). However, Alliance One International Inc can overcome this challenge by having many suppliers to prevent single or few suppliers form hiking the rates. The company can also create a strong relationship with some of the suppliers that will not take advantage of…

Airline Regulation Earlier this year, the Office of Special Counsel released a report that faulted how the Federal Aviation Administration’s employees accorded Southwest Airlines preferential treatment as alleged by a whistleblower (Pasztor  & Sider, 2020). The issue of focus for this paper is the Federal Aviation Administration’s handling of Southwest Airlines’ inspection. This paper focuses on how my understanding of this issue has changed for the period I have been researching it as well as the effects of my earlier-held assumptions in helping me understand the topic under review. Changes that Have Occurred in My Understanding of this Issue Numerous changes occurred in my understanding of airline regulation. I used to think that the FAA had the final say as far as the regulation of the aviation sector is concerned. The nature of regulation I am talking about entails registering an airline and ensuring that it meets the necessary minimum requirements in terms of the condition of its aircrafts and the experience of its human resources. However, I have learned that the government, specifically Congress, has immense direct contributions to…

The Weather Underground as Third Wave Terrorism Introduction Weather underground was a united state radical left military organization. The young citizens of America used Weather underground as a sign of the anger they felt, because their presence in Vietnam was denied. The weather underground was basically known as Weather Underground Organization (WUO), this organization was well known during the 1960s and 1970s because during this period, it was very active and it had gone all over the headlines because it had brought the focus and attention of the United States. The Weather Underground Organization was established and founded in the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan. This organization included the national governance of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and all those people that encouraged them and supported them in the early 1969. The anger of the students continued getting fierce, and this resulted for in them going into the streets to demonstrate, so that their problem could be heard and also solved. A large number of the students continued in sighting their student mates, the number of…

The analysis of performance productivity of air transport organization The analysis of performance productivity of air transport organization has attracted more attention. Traditional techniques have been applied to access their financial position, such as observing revenue levels and total costs.  This led to the development of a new data envelope analysis, which is used to analyze performance basing on the airport’s inputs and output (Singh, 2016). The department tries its best to address the issue of charges and rates at a local level between the airports and the users to minimize the need for Federal Intervention to resolve the problems. Landing fees are computed according to the Airline Operating Agreement. This AOA agreement ensures that the taxes collected can pay all the operating expenses. Airport charges provide vital information concerning fees and charges that are levied by the airport commission.  Many airport commission charges are incorporated in the tenant leases that are fixed in accordance with specific lease terms. All aircraft are subjected to a minimum landing fee based on the weight of the aircraft calculated at a rate of…

The Corona Virus Pandemic and the 2020 Presidential Campaign in the United States While many people could primarily view the corona-virus pandemic as an economical and social threat, the perception of the Republicans, represented by President Donald Trump, and the Democrats, represented by Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, are a bit different especially with the election coming in November. According to the New York Times, the pandemic has significantly changed the 2020 campaign, with each group trying its best to reap the highest share of the voters. The pandemic has posed a real-time test to the three presidential candidates. Most of the citizens are examining their ability to express leadership amidst such a life-threatening global crisis.   Whereas most Republicans feel that Trump’s administration is doing its best to combat the pandemic, the democrats have, once and again, criticized the approach that the ruling party has adopted over the crisis. The Democrats, through their prospective candidate Joe Biden, have blamed the president for failing to put in place measures that would resurrect the economy in case the pandemic plunged the…

Comprehensive Plan for a New Government Introduction For several decades, Central Korea Republic has been ruled by a tyrant who not only meted atrocities against those who opposed his rule but also embraced communism to have a firm grip on the country. The citizen of the country found within the Asia continent has experienced deprivation of great magnitude as the government controls every aspect of their lives. Through forceful thwarting of dissenting voices and division of the citizens of the country along their tribal lines, the country has continued to suffer immensely under the tyrant. However, through unmatched civil unrest, the dictator was forced out of power. Still, his cronies and a fellow tyrant from the neighboring country continue aiding the cronies to destabilize the country through the bombing of citizens and other crimes against humanity. Thus, the essay highlights various aspects of domestic and foreign concerns in a bid to stabilize the country after the coup. Domestic Concerns In a bid to help the country back on track and giving the citizen a voice in governance, the governing style…

  Capital punishment for minors Capital punishment should not be allowed for minors. One of the major factors that explain why minors should be excluded from capital punishment is the fact that past studies have made a conclusion that a minor’s brain is not well developed (ACLU, 2019). What this means is that there is a high likelihood that the child’s judgments will be poor. This is evident from the development stages of human beings. It is clear that at the early stages of life, the decisions of a child will be based on what he/she sees around and not what is considered morally right or legal. Therefore, the teen will tend to make hasty judgments that will lead to offences that may lead to capital punishment. Minors often tend to make poor decisions based on their emotions as well as peer influence. Mostly, teens will make decisions, depending on what the others are doing. This is unlike adults who tend to be quite autonomous in their thinking. Therefore, if a decision is made that the minors should be subjected…

Private and Public Labor Relation Systems. The National Labor Relations Act 1935 was established to promote collective bargaining among workers and protect the rights of both the employer and employee. Labour relations system is the processes through which employees, trade unions, employers, and the state relate to set a healthy working environment for purposes of contract arbitration and collective bargaining (Bercu& Vodă, 2017). More strengthening is needed in these labour systems for effective labour practices. Public-sector labour relations system operates under government agencies such as unions, while private sector labour systems are under companies or individual businesses. The sole purpose of private labour systems is to maximize profits while, on the contrary, the public labour systems agitate for worker’s welfare and effective service delivery. It is profits that determine how private employees are paid (Bjerke, 2014). For the city government’s employees, they should collaborate with the union in introducing new social and economic measures that will advance cooperation and quality public service delivery. The state, through the federal labour systems, needs to cut down on the heavy taxes that workers…

how Diversity influences the Army and its importance   Diversity means understanding that every person is unique and recognizing the differences amongst ourselves. The differences can be along the dimensions of ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, politics, and social-economic status, among other ideologies. In the Army, diversity is defined as the different attributes, civilians and family members, and background of the soldier that enhances their global potentials and contribution towards the realization of an adaptive, culturally astute Army. The diversity in the Army is perceived as their strength and with the countries becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. The leaders in the Army purposes to recruit the best and qualified candidate for the service, a factor that has attracted diversity in the Army. According to various researches such as the Pew Research Center, it acknowledged in the recent past, and the Army has experienced a continuous increase in diversity. For instance, in the U.S, racial and minority groups made up to 40% in 2015 from 25% in the 1990s. It is a clear indication that the Army…

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