RISKS AFFECTING INTERNATIONAL FAST FOOOR RESTAURANTS LIKE SUBWAY Subway is one of many international fast-food restaurants facing threats of operating overseas. The fast-food industry requires diversification to maintain and overcome the challenges. Some of the significant risk factors affecting the fast-food restaurants are cultural and religious diversification, government interference, completion, and the gross domestic product of a country, among others. Diverse culture and religion. We have different groups of people throughout the world, practicing different cultures and religions. Culture and religion influence the taste and preferences of most people. Some individuals do not consume certain types of meat, while others prefer less meat in their sandwiches, for example, the French. It is essential not to ignore the diverse culture in different countries. Instead, they should first try to understand the culture and religion of a country before setting up a restaurant to maximize success. Therefore, culture and religion diversification can be a significant set back to fast-food restaurants like Subway if ignored. Increased competition. In countries such as Europe, competition in the fast-food business has risen dramatically. The Macdonald’s is…

Registered Nursing Statement of Purpose Throughout my visits as a child to the hospital, I had the opportunity to engage with different nurses, and through my encounter with them, they made a strong impression on me. I was deeply moved with their role to not only respond to emergencies and caring for the patients but also their availability after things have stabilized mainly to bring comfort and creating awareness to the patients together with their families. The care I received from the nurses and the paramedics when I got hit by a car in my childhood triggered my quest to endeavor a career in nursing. It is my ambition that I will be able to make my dreams come true through my application to be a Registered Nurse. LACC Nursing Department is very appealing to me because of everything it offers. Its primary mission statement aims to educate students for registered nursing positions at entry level in a wide range of culturally diverse health care environments within the society. My interest in nursing has led me to work at EMS…

Government policy Summary Every country has a government, and the government is responsible for creating all the rules and regulations that govern a particular country. In the case of industries, the government has laid down some rules and regulations that ensure that the industries follow the right procedures in conducting their businesses. Every industry has its own rules and regulations, and in this case, the engineering industry has some standards that the government has set as guidance for the engineering business. In most cases, industrialization has often been hindered by the policies provided by the government. The engineering industry has not been left behind, and it is one of the sectors affected by this kind of hypothesis. Tax is the most common policy that has affected most industries in each country around the world engineering industry included. High taxes have influenced the development of the engineering industries because when they try to import raw materials or their products, the government is there to ask for taxes. Most engineering industries do not have access to raw materials in their countries; therefore,…

how to become a Federal Government contractor Government contracting is an area that keeps evolving, as legislators and presidents enter and leave office, and also as the economic landscape changes. Various industries are essential to keeping the federal government running. From financial services to supplying goods, reputable and experienced retailors are needed to support the federal government. Below is a guide on how to become a Federal Government contractor. Launch a business The USA government gives the contract to corporations as well as sole proprietors. A variety of government contracts are reserved for small ventures. Government contractors must form a successful track record. Government agencies frequently base part of their final decision on the referrals of your previous clients. Register Upon acquiring a good business reputation and experience, you can confidently register to bid contracts. There are several steps you need to follow to complete registration, such as acquiring identification numbers linked to your company`s credit and industry. Furthermore, you need to register your business through the Federal government`s portal, Central Contractor Registration, and acquire a past performance evaluation. For…

State of flow reflection I have always known a state of flow as a mental form attained when a person is performing an activity having been absorbed in an energized attention, fully involved, and satisfaction in the process of completing the action. However, I never had the same feeling when performing any of the activities in the past until recently when I turned my radio to listen to classical music. I was focused and felt amazing, like there was nothing in the world apart from me and the music. I was surprised to realize that it was true that flow is a powerful state of mind where one feels tremendous and extremely productive. It does not require one to force anyone like I have been doing to attain the state of flow. I further realized that it is not something that occurs by accident that can put you in a flow state; it requires one to understand something that can trigger him or her to get at the flow state. Just like Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s studies reveal it, most of us…

Ruling on State V. Stu Dents In the State v Stu Dent’s case, the number of charges against the accused is extensive, and the craved result of each penalty should fit the crime in question.  First, look at the accusations that are being applied to Mr. Dent’s case.  The main charge is for the homicide of Uma Opee.  He also has charges of assault of a police officer, kidnapping, burglary, and crimes related to drugs.  The evidence was piling up against him, and it seemed to be a clear-cut conviction.  It appeared that when police apprehended the suspect that he was going to go for the insanity defense.  He was acting erratically and ranted about aliens, and claimed he was God at one point.  This, in turn, added the assault on a police officer charge when he hit the officer that was detaining him. The accused was found guilty on all counts except for the burglary charge because of the unavailability of proof that the possessions of the victim were grasped minus her knowledge before her death (University of Phoenix…

Relevance of the United States Constitution: Is the Constitution of the United States still relevant In the Essay the United States Constitution was created for the following purposes; Framework for National Government consisting three arms namely Executive, Judiciary and Legislature Each with separate powers derived from the people, Constitution was to Separate Powers of the State and the Federal States, Protect the Liberty of Individuals from internal and external intrusion, and permanent protection of territorial boundaries from foreign aggression and harm to the people, animals, and artifacts in the country. Key Strengths The writer laid bare the statement of the problem, the origin of the Constitution, Its primary Objectives, and Role. However, the Constitution is holistic documents that not every subsection should review on its own, and the world is very dynamic. Every department is it in the Military and has a set of rules or acts that govern and can be amended without touching on the Constitution per se. For one to analyses the Constitution on, it’s required that we take into consideration the amendment acts of every arm…

Restoring Federalism to the Fight against Poverty In the United States, the Mexican and American war brought the American Federalism. According to history, the growth of sovereign power in the national government was mainly caused by the divisions between the southern states and the northern states. The restoring federalism to the fight against poverty article discusses how President Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty made things right. However, he did not support that freedom of speech and freedom to religion were supposed to be protected by the federal authority. Minimum income and health care are not constitutional rights, so they are not protected by the federal authority; however, some individuals believe that they should be. President Johnson’s biggest mistake was when he applied an approach appropriate for civil rights to a sphere where the invocation of rights does not work. This has led to many years of misguided effort so as to use congress and the federal court so as to impose uniform anti-poverty policies in every state in the United States. Currently, the central role in the fight against…

Practice Hours Completion Statement I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed (NUMBER OF) practice hours in association with the goals and objectives for this course. I also confirm that all required course approvals are in place from my faculty and practice mentor. It is needed that different objectives and competencies of the course are achieved within the 25 hours of the practice. The goal of the RN-BSN program in the university is that the students should be able to integrate the values of the profession so that they can be able to improve the nursing profession in areas such as life-long learning, leadership and involvement in politics that will help in enhancing the profession. During my practice for the 25 hours, I was able to manage patients through the provision of nursing care. Among the various patient care, I was able to handle patients with terminal illnesses such as cancers and cardiovascular disease, through pain management. Besides, I was able to ensure the spiritual and emotional needs of the patients and their family members were met through listening to…

WHAT ARE THE MOTIVE BEHIND U.S GOVERNMENT AND OTHER GOVERNMENTS’ WORLDWIDE ENCOURAGEMENT FOR FOREGHN DIRECT INVESTMENT?   The term FDI is a business term which is referred when an individual or a business owns ten percent or more of an upcountry’s company’s capital. There are several main factors that motivates U.S government encourage for foreign direct investment as well as other government worldwide. These factors can be highlighted categorically basing on economic and political stability in most countries .As a result many countries have preferred it U.S included. Many governments mainly encourage FDI in their countries in order to create jobs, expand mainly local technical knowledge, as well as to increase their economic standards preferably. Some countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong there before realized that FDI would help them grow exponentially hence upgrading living standards of its citizen as well. In comparison, for some decades many other countries in Asia controlled FDI in their countries by making it mandatory to be having extensive paperwork and bureaucratic assurance as well as local partners for any business. These regulations created…

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