
I statement

I statement When I was in grade ten, my parents decided to take me to a boarding school. My parents did this because they thought being in boarding school was the best thing for me as a way to prepare me for college education and also give me ample time to study. I had no problem with this and was glad to join the school, even though I missed my family a lot and was looking forward to the holidays. Before I joined the school, we used to go out with dad on weekends a lot. My dad, however, got a demanding job that required some of his time even during weekends, so when I came home or holidays, I did not expect much of weekends out in the park. He, however, had a few weekends for himself, and I expected the first one he will spend with me out, given that we had been apart for a while and had much to talk. I was astonished to see him go with our dog the first time he got a…

The Military during the American Revolution             The American revolution period is quite a significant point in the history of the country. It was the colonial revolt that occurred in the 18th century between 1765 and 1783. The aim was for the Americans to defeat the British and set free their land. Therefore 13 American colonies embarked on the journey to fight for independence for their country. They did so through the formulation of the continental army, which was the responsibility of the second continental congress. The continental army needed support from the local militias and volunteer troops. These were usually under the control of individual states. When they came together, their commander was General George Washington. In the end, the army defeated the leading British t the formation of the United States of America. Therefore, it is correct to say that the creation of this great nation was a collective effort between the continental army and the militia. Thus, the purpose of this document is to reveal the war strategies, the strengths and weaknesses of military planning during the…

Essential Information You Need To Know About Backpacker Tax In Australia   {According to landmark ruling, Australia have used backpacker tax to tax the foreign workers.|With regard to the rules of the landmark, the people working from the eight countries have been taxed in the form of backpacker tax.|The government of Australia has imposed a tax on foreign people whose residence are from the eight countries.} {This was brought by treaties which required the foreign workers to be taxed just as the same way as the local rulers.|Backpacker tax was due to the agreements that were formed which demanded that only as the domestic workers are taxed, similarly, the foreign workers should also be imposed.|Following the treaties that required the people outside the countries to be taxed just like the local workers, a backpacker tax was introduced by Australia government.} {Backpackers, students or a holidaymaker eligible are required to pay the Australian refund tax provided he/she meet the necessary criteria.|Whether a student, a backpacker or 417 visa holders, everyone is expected to contribute to Australia refund tax as long as…

tax system of the USA and tax structures Introduction The major concepts covered in module 4 were cost-benefit analysis, taxation in the United States, standards and characteristics of tax systems, and capital budgeting and finance. Through the topic, I had a better understanding of the importance of cost-benefit analyses in the public sector. Before the class, I had little knowledge of the taxation system of the United States. The class readings provided vital information on the tax system of the USA and tax structures. Also, the class readings provided relevant information on the desirable characteristics that good tax systems should have to avoid pressuring the public. The contents covered were compatible with my overall learning objectives. What I Learnt from Module 4 One crucial learning outcome that I managed to take away from the course is the usefulness of conducting cost-benefit analyses in the public sector. From the class readings, I learned that cost-benefit analysis is a strategy that can help to provide a way of organizing information about a program under considerations so that priorities are reasonably established. The…

Police Brutality Deadly force is excessive and unnecessary force applied by the police while handling the civilians. Excessive force is the use of more than the required force to handle a situation. Deadly force by police officers has been reported in many ways. The main form of applying this deadly force is physical. The police constables often use guns, pepper spray, and nerve gas to threaten or at the time, even hurt the civilians physically. Another form of the deadly police force can be through false arrest, psychological fear, corruption, racial outlining, improper and inappropriate use of tasers, sexual abuse, and even verbal abuse. Globally, cases are reported daily, regardless of the laws set to guide the police work and the civilians from police brutality. Most of these cases remain unsolved, with the victims walking away free. The United States of America is one of the leading countries in the world, where police reform has failed to take action. Forms of police brutality have ranged from beatings, assaults, murder, torture, and assault. Police brutality may also encompass harassment, intimidation, verbal…

Is regional government answer to urban sprawl? Briefly explain why or why not. The regional government is a total remedy to suburban due to delegation of powers. The regional government allows for the development in other urban centres rather than concentrating in one city for the central government. It permits expansivity and growth in a controllable manner. Regional governments reduce the high cost of living in significant towns, air pollution, reduce jams and traffic and restrict agricultural capacity Briefly explain why the regional government has not been widely adopted? In many countries, regional governments have not been embraced since there lacks a transparent sharing of responsibilities between the national government and the regional government. The fund allocation to the regional government is also another stumbling block towards the adoption of the regional government. Identify three reasons that local governments oppose state mandates? Government mandates towards the local governments may be opposed for the following reasons. They deter the local authority, and its legislature requires a lot of procedures and reporting, it is very expensive. What are the differences between sprawl…

Professional Nursing and State-Level Regulations The Board of Nursing regulations has created regulations that the nurses follow in their practice. This is through tireless efforts made by legislative advocacy of NP. The practice and state environments evolve continually to keep the information updated. The Nurse Practice Act defines the practice of APRNs. The board of Nursing governs the practice and for some states, the nurse-midwives are controlled by Midwifery Board and public health.   Additionally, in some states, the category of CNS is not determined by NPA, meaning it is held in a similar scope of practice by any given registered nurse (Brooten & Gordon, 2018).  The Act defines board of nursing and its authority, power and composition. It also helps identify requirements for getting licenses and the titles and types of these licenses. Nationally the capability of nurses to operate to a full extent with regards to their training affects all NPs. The comparison by example involves a review of my state that is District of Columbia, and the nurses APRNs have full authority in prescription together with licensure,…

Professional Real Estate Agents Owning real estate is an everyday activity among many investors. Real estate can be a way of getting cash not only to yourself but to the people who rely on you too. Whether you are buying or selling real estate, it will be suitable if you select agents that can help you get the services appropriately. The agents are many across the world, and choosing the best can be a challenge for people who are new in the industry. The following are the considerations to make the best real estate agents. First, you need to consider the experience the agent has. It can be hard to select an agent who will serve you ion class if you do not know where to get the services. In most cases, experts will give you a service that will fit the cost you will be charged. If you meet experts, also, it can be well as you will get to know the estimated value of your property.  The agents are not the same in the experience, and you should…

Statesmanship in Public Administration Introduction Public administration can be defined as the action of an individual appointed by the government to offer services to the public or implement government policies in society. Public administrators are also known as civil servants, are individuals who are expected to serve the public and offer solutions to their problems when possible (Newswander, 2019). Civil servants are expected to be fair, responsible accountable, and possess the quality of statesmanship. These qualities enable the administrators or civil servants to offers brilliant services to the public, which results in a cohesive and peaceful society. The civil servants can also be called statesmen as they are employees of the state or the country. Statesmanship can be defined as a morally brilliant leader. For one to be classified as having statesmanship skills, he or she must exhibit essential qualifications like having a vast amount of wisdom and skills, which enables him or her to make wise and valid decisions in everything he does (Gould, 2014). Unlike politicians who would do or say anything for the sake of getting elected,…

Story of An Hour review In the article, “Story of An Hour,” Kate Chopin uses a bleed state of mind and wholehearted emotions to diversify and give an image of how Mrs. Mallard, who is old and has heart complications, is taking up the news she received about the death of her husband. Although marriages are supposed to bear love, the story reveals the irony in Mrs. Mallard and Brently Mallard’s intimacy. The writer says, ‘in bearing the sad message,‘ Mrs. Mallard is yet to receive news of the demise of her husband, Brently Mallard, who succumbed to an accident. She is in the company of her sister and her husband’s friend, Richard, who, on the other side, fears to inform her of this significant loss that has occurred here. However, she seems worried, and only weeps once after receiving news of her husband’s demise. She does not weep as other women do, it does not take her long to isolate herself from her husband’s friend and her sister, and she locks herself in a room. Makes sure ‘Facing the…

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