Government Funding of Airports: A Review of the Financial and Budgetary Concepts of Funding and Operating Airports Airports in the United States of America (U.S.A) are powerful engines for economic opportunities in both local communities and the nation. They generate more than $ 1.4 trillion, which is 8% of the Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P) in annual economic activity and employ more than 1.3 million people, which amounts to 7% of the total U.S workforce (Smith, 2018). This growth is attributed to the rise in passenger traffic through airport facilities. A recent survey conducted by Statista (Mazareanu, 2019) on the leading airports in the USA for international air passenger traffic in 2018 revealed that the John F Kennedy airport alone handled over 16 million passengers and was ranked first in Passenger traffic in the U.S. While passenger traffic through airport facilities continues to increase, the outdated aviation infrastructure cannot keep pace with this overwhelming increase. Therefore, Airports need to modernize their infrastructure to meet current demands. As airports continually work to upgrade their infrastructure to improve the passenger experience and spur…

Politics and government Ideology is the collection of ideas and ideals that are used to forms the basis of political and government decisions. The doctrines are used as a plan of action for policymaking to explain and justify political strategies and government action. Liberalism is where liberals believe that it is the role of the government to help in equality for all and equal opportunity. The government should remove all the ills in society and protect human rights. On the other hand, conservatism consists of more personal responsibility, individual liberty, free market, limited government, and strong national defense. Conservatives believe it is the role of the government to provide freedom to enable them to pursue their goals (Student News Daily, 2010). Comparisons Both liberals and conservatives believe in the hierarchy as the coordinating concept of society. They believe in unlimited economic growth since they both consider there is no other alternative They both believe in equal opportunities for all. In both cases, the absence of coercion is the definition of freedom Contrasts Abortion, according to liberals, is legal. The government…

Governmental Strategies Introduction Citizens of a prosperous, democratic country have to partake in the economic, legal, and political processes of the state through participation and inclusion of civil societies. This is the ideological perception that I have brought into the government after being elected as the President of this nation. Before my election, the country had faced numerous atrocities that created divisions resulting in crumbling of economic, political, and defense structures. A comprehensive governing structure for the new government is, therefore, essential. This paper aims at providing details on the governing principles and styles, various arms of the government, and their respective functions. Besides, the paper will address the economic structures that will be enacted by the government to provide essential benefits to the citizens and foreign investors. Finally, a mechanism of creating national unity and combating with internal and external security threats will be provided. Domestic Concerns Style and principles of the new government The new government will use a democratic-participative governing style that incorporates the opinions and views of the citizens in making final decisions (Amanchukwu et al.,…

Typology Public policies of the U.S are generally classified along the political spectrum as either conservative, progressive, moderate, or liberal. Conservative and liberal policies can be distinguished from each other based on the characteristics of their beliefs. The conservative versus liberal typology serves to classify individuals as an adherent to conservatism or liberalism in issues such as the death penalty, abortion, and economy. In an increasingly conservative versus liberal nation, the public’s political believes are of different hues and shades. The liberal policies assume that the government has a role in the realization of equality and equal opportunities for all (Sterling, Jost & Hardin, 2019). In contrast, conservative policies believe that it is the individuals who are responsible for achieving equality and equal opportunities. According to liberal policies, the government must protect human rights, civic liberties, and alleviate social ills by ensuring it serves the needs of citizens. Thus, liberal policies argue on the role of government in solving problems for its people. Concerning conservative policies, the government should provide its citizens with the freedom to pursue individual goals. Thus,…

Political Parties Relate Essay The two major political parties in the United States that are the Republicans and Democrats hold different opinions on almost every issue. Therefore, even in the subject of the death penalty, these two major parties hold different views. The Republicans support the death penalty, but they base much of this support in helping victims of violent crimes. Republicans support in courts that impose capital punishment as an option is through the belief that the death penalty deters future crimes. Democrats have also changed their support in capital punishment with some portion of leaders calling capital punishment a moral outrage infected with racial bias. However, the Democrats are not entirely against the death penalty, and they are just rethinking their view on capital punishment. The Constitution Party is strongly pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-tax, anti-immigration, trade protectionist, “anti-New World Order,” anti-United Nations, anti-gay rights, anti-welfare, and pro-school prayer. The party’s view on the issue of the death penalty is that over 80% of the affiliates support capital punishment but only for severe and violent crimes. However, a certain…

POLICE MILITARIZATION Introduction. Over the recent past, the use of force by the police has raised significant concerns in many countries. Citizens have been complaining against the police use of force. The outcome is that the public has lost trust over the local police, thereby leading to a lack of confidence. However, it must be taken into consideration that the type of force which the citizens complain about is the excess unnecessary force. The complaints against the police deserve to be given much attention because of organizational importance. It is because of the enormous costs attributed to these types of cases. Some organizations are on the verge of bankruptcy due to these cases. Several methods have been put into place, such as employing police body-worn surveillance cameras. In this essay, we shall sample out examples where police used excessive force and the methods that have been put into place to overcome the occurrence of similar cases. Cases where police depicted the use of excessive force One of the major concerns which have been raised over police militarization is that it…

19-2 College Degrees Required for Police Officers The requirements for all police officers to have a college degree serves as a screening qualification. This serves to deter other applications which do have the same qualification. Dropping the requirements so that to create a large pool of possible police offices maybe not the best option, and this means, police officers can be recruited easily and released easily. However, police recruitment agencies must avoid high turn-over as this cost of recruitment, the sensitivity of the position, and training does not allow them to keep on laying off the officer and recruiting new ones. As such, a college degree allows the police officers to have some significant investment in their qualifications, and therefore, non would wish to leave the job. The recruited officers will try their best to be retained and not invite sacking. 19-5 “Soft Selling” and Adverse Selection Soft selling happens when one party is not sure of the product’s usefulness. Usually, the seller is confident that the product works, but the buyer does not. Due to buyer doubts, the buyer…

Police Searches and Seizures Introduction You are driving your kids to school early morning, and then a police officer instructs you to pull your vehicle aside for frisking. That doesn’t sound respectable; probably it would, but how does the black or Asian minorities in the similar situation perceive it? The puzzle forms the basis of the topic of this article. Police searches and seizures commonly referred to as to stop and search. The perception and stances are different for the debates that have been going across the states about the subject matter. Under the provision of the fourth amendment, most of the police seizures demand a warrant for the same on the grounds of a probable cause. However, there are exceptional cases. In the event that a police officer lacks the consent, for performing a search or an arrest, or the officer feels the urge to search a property belonging to an individual, the fourth amendment also gives direction on what procedures are adhered to. The standards for the probable cause, getting a search warrant is compared to the quantum…

The role of government in health care The government has a responsibility to protect society interest in the delivery of health care. The market alone cannot provide access to healthcare to all Americans. Therefore, there is a need for the government to supplement by regulating any form of inefficiency or unfairness. The ultimate aim to achieve better health care needs a partnership between all authorities, state, local, and federal government, and the interest groups. The government has to preserve people’s health care interest. The state government should use the taxpayer’s money in useful ways. Ensuring that health care sectors are allocated with enough funds to run their business. Improving the current hospital’s facilities help in fostering health in the community. The government has a responsibility to create awareness of better healthcare (Colquhoun et al,2019). Ensure that the most appropriate professional are employed to work in health institutions. The framers of the US constitution had understood that any interested parties could exert policy influence. Individuals with policy goals working in the political process can influence the health care policies in several…

The Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance in Real Estate Literature review Introduction Employees, by nature, need motivation at the workplace for them to deliver attractive outputs. A motivated employee is most likely to encourage and motivate others to achieve the goals of the organization. Compensation is positively related to the performance of the sales personnel, job satisfaction, job morale, and organizational loyalty (Sirgy, 2014). There are two types of’ compensation elements direct and indirect aspects of compensation. The immediate payment includes; salaries, commission wages, incentives, and bonuses. While the indirect factors include health and life insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and social security plans. Motivational theories came up the Maslow hierarchy of needs theory (1943), Herzberg two factor theory (1959), and expectancy theory (1964). The relationship between performance and employee motivation in the past Vroom’s research (1964). With various evidence, it is clear that the relationship between the two is mutual. Motivation in management can be defined as the process of encouraging people to work better for the ultimate benefit of the organization by providing motives or compensation based…

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