King Lear and Paradise Lost. In this thesis, we are going to compare the characters of Edmund of Shakespeare’s book, King Lear and the figure for Satan in the book of Milton’s paradise lost. They both had similarities in their identities, and their fathers defined these identities. Satan was trying to overthrow God while Edmund become successful in taking his father’s title, the Duke of Gloucester. The means through which they attempted to replace their fathers were different, and the way they rose to power were various too. In his attempt, Satan gathered an army, and he used ouvert war in showing his skills while Edmund pulled strings and uses deceitful means the approach that Satan too tried after his first approach failed. Satan and Edmund tried to become someone else by trying to replace their fathers. They were both limited under the rigid hierarchy. Satan uses military forces while Edmund uses social entities. The techniques they both sued in achieving their goals depicts a lot in their identities and the changes that they both showed throughout their work. In…

Summary and Review of Exporting                Exporting is a process of selling goods and services to other countries. It is a way of internationalizing businesses through the expansion of markets (Vianna, 2016). Products must go through inspection under the custom authorities in both countries. Nonetheless, some states limit exportation by setting tariffs on other countries’ goods and services. According to the U.S. News, governments discourage imports and exports in the view of creating economic barriers and for political reasons by setting tariffs and increasing custom duties. Some governments, however, encourage exports by offering subsidies to the local industries cutting costs on production, therefore providing cheap products. The article talks about U.S. President Donald Trump raising import duties on Chinese products affecting the export business. According to China Daily, China is the leading country in the export business. China attributes her outstanding success in foreign trade to increasing demand for imports for the manufacturing sector, rising prices of significant products and the trading relationship with the United States. However, following Donald Trump’s tweet of increasing import duties on Chinese products, the…

State Government Performance Management  Performance management is at the core of operations of many successful organizations and agencies. It works by creating an accountable and productive workforce as well as providing a guide for developing employee skills, defining employee objectives through noble performance evaluations. It is a continuous process of ensuring the strategic goals of an organization are achieved within a specific period. It brings together various integrated activities together to form what is referred to as an ongoing performance management chain.   State Government Performance Management Performance management in state governments can be thought in the line of determining the output and outcomes of individual processes. It is performance data associated with inputs and outputs of specific policies, gauging whether they integrate with the ultimate goal of the government. Unlike in the private sector, state government performance mainly focuses on the results and achievements and not the financial factors only. This essentially means that while the focus in the private sector concentrates on performance information and business intelligence based on market share and profit, public sector programs focusing on…

The Effects of Haters Group in a State’s Welfare Rise of hate groups during economic uncertainty and their impact on a nation’s welfare During a nation’s slowdown phase, people’s crimes and barbarity tend to be high. These execrate behaviors are popular activities. An individual’s position and socialization with the environment contributes a lot to one’s behavior. In many cases, the population of thought loathes is characterized by a certain group of people and nationality, intelligence, destitution, faith and legislative reactionary qualities (Hudson et al., 2005) . These offences subsequently happen in areas that are impoverished, illiteracy, inflexible, and with great faith, and more conventional which varies in dissimilar section of a state. In a state that highly requires higher education and intelligent persons; the haters don’t succeed in earning more like their high educated fellows( Chapter 2: Discursive Nature of Organized Hate Groups 9,” ). This reasons added to the unfair condemnation faced by the splinter class is good inspiration for loathing people to act towards them. In presence of income inequality, there is a lot of vexation and bitterness…

Reasons for the Increase in Destination Weddings The Asians first practiced the destination wedding in the early 1980s. The practice then spread to Mexico, Miami, Las vigas, and in South America, it then spread to the rest of the world. The destination wedding was viewed as an exploration activity as it was practiced after or before the actual traditional marriage ceremonies in many communities. The couple were wedded traditionally and then taken to some cool place to spend their honeymoon. They were taught by the elders on what to do to make their relationship last.Several beaches and hotels were then constructed to accommodate more couples who come for their honeymoon. Beaches such as Miami, las vigas considerably grew to accommodate more people who come to enjoy themselves whith their loved ones either during the holidays or on their honeymoons. Mexico is also one of the cities which has significantly developed due to destination weddings taking place in the City. A destination wedding has become more widely spread and is now being practiced by several people in the world. It is…

Mosques and churches in Bethlehem closed because of the coronavirus. In Palestine, a state of emergency was declared     Mosques and churches in Bethlehem will be closed due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said. The measures also concern the Church of the Birth of the Lord, the place where, according to the Christian tradition, Jesus was born, writes Agerpres . Also, a state of emergency was declared in Palestine because of the coronavirus.   The closure for a period of 14 days comes just a few weeks before Easter, when thousands of pilgrims visit the church. Under the measures, all hotel reservations for tourists visiting the West Bank will be canceled, according to Wafa, in the context where there are currently several suspected cases of infection with the new coronavirus at a hotel in Bethlehem. State of emergency in Palestine Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared a 30-day state of emergency on Thursday after coronavirus cases were reported in the West Bank city of Bethlehem..   The decree was announced by Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh…

Domestic and International HRM Discuss the similarities as well as differences between domestic and international HRM. What challenges do these differences present for HR professionals? Similarities According to Parkes and Davis (2013), the aspect of human resources has become vital since several organizations are in demand of developing ways on how to enhance their operations. Domestic HRM is mainly involved with workers within one national boundary. Therefore, HRM refers to the accomplishments carried out by an organization to use its human resources effectively. That defines the fundamental similarity between Domestic HRM and International HRM.The basic similarities between Domestic HRM and international HRM involve planning, recruitment, performance, compensation, development, and training. Domestic HRM is progressively dealing with the multicultural labor force, a fact that has enabled diversity in improving IHRM practices. Tarique, Briscoe, and Schuler (2015) point out that the difficulty of operating in diverse states and hiring different national categories of employees is the primary variable that differentiates domestic and international HRM. Both local and international HRM have vital functions as well as activities in planning, recruitment, training and development,…

hair care treatment centres in Kolkata Try the new and improved hair treatment services from the top hair care treatment centres in Kolkata Not able to find the appropriate solution to your hair loss problems? Tired of trying out synthetic products to get rid of stubborn dandruff? If you are going through such crucial hair problems and finding it challenging to manage, then it is time to find the best services from the top experts of the hair care treatment centres in Kolkata. Such experts are surely going to provide you with the best affordable services for a naturally healthy-looking hair. FAQs What are the demerits of a hair transplant? The probable side effects of hair transplantation procedures involve: Bleeding from the scalp Scalp infections Redness and swelling of the hair scalp Occasional cruising across the eyes Formation of dry skin layers around the scalp where the hair has been removed or been implanted Itchy dry scalp The reduced sensation on the treated scalp regions Temporary loss of transplanted hair due to sudden shock Artificial looking small tufts of hairs,…

Do We Need More Gun Control             The problem of gun violence in America is viewed and supported from two sides. There are some people who feel that guns themselves are the problem and should be banned all together or should have more limited access to them, and others who feel like the laws are fine and that it is their right to own as many as they would like because the constitution states that it is their right to do so. This debate has been going on for some time because it is hard for everyone to agree on exactly what guns should be allowed to be owned. In this paper I plan to write about the possible causes of mass shootings and shed light on both sides of the argument in search of a solution that could satisfy the majority, if not all of Americans. Smith, Aaron. “This Is How Easy It Is to Buy Guns in America.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 19 June 2015, This article discusses how easy it is to buy a gun in America…

my internship in the Findlay Police Department I was privileged to do my internship in the Findlay Police Department. I had looked forward to this experience as I have always been interested in being in any process of the criminal justice system. Having to work in the police department would have been the perfect place to start since it is where the action was. The idea was to interact with the police and experience the different roles that they handle in the process. These are various and included patrols and crime prevention, investigations and court work amongst others. There were various roles that were prescribed for the interns in the institution. These include having to log into the system in the hours that he is expected to appear in the host agency. I was also tasked with observing and reporting the activities that would be taking place in the organization. Another role was that of communicating with the officers and non-sworn personnel working within the industry. In the case that I am summoned to the courts, it is my duty…

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