Is capitalism distinct from slavery or dependent on it? Why does Williams think Smith’s argument is irrelevant to the new world context Introduction Capitalism has gone through various stages of development to be what it is today. With exchange taking place even in the 15th century, transatlantic trade saw the linking of multiple regions through voyages and with the masters of both sea and water being known, including the English and Spaniards (Harvey 67). However, slavery has been linked to industrialization due to its ability to offer free labor and fully utilize individuals who had to be maintained for mass production purposes. In my view, slavery influences capitalism and is much more significant during the early stages of acquiring resources that were later used for re-investment to determine the levels of industrialization amongst nations. First, this paper looks at the nature of slavery and the evolution of capitalism. It then assesses why Adam Smith’s argument with that of Eric Williams. Finally, the paper gives a conclusion on how much capitalism is linked to slavery and would have been much slower…

            DEVELOPMENT OF TEXAS CONSTITUTION             A constitution is a foundational governing document of a state. After democrats reclaimed control of the administration in 1873 from the sweeping democrat Governor Davis J. Edmund, their chief priority was to draft an original structure for Texas. In the year 1875, when representatives met in Austin at the statutory convention, an assembly of white, southern agrarian elites, identified as the Grange, pursued to limit the size and room of national government. In 1876, Texas electorates approved the new structure by a margin of two to one, which remains the existing charter for the state. WHY IT SHOULD BE CHANGED It is lengthy, thus, makes it hard to read it and comprehend the constitution. Specific unclear provisions and delivery of power between state officers cause a condition like policy paralysis, and confusion arises among representatives. Part-time assembly of the national regulation for 140 day intervallic sessions that causes confusion and makes it difficult to govern the big state of Texas. WHY IT SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED The administrative conferences were concentrated to 140 days…

cash flow statement The cash flow statement shows the sources of inflows and outflows of an organization for a specific accounting period, often quarterly and annually. As such, the analysis of reports of cash flows helps determine the liquidity and solvency of a firm. Noteworthy, a statement of cash flow uses cash instead of accrual basis accounting, implying that a firm could accrue revenues without actually receiving the money. A company may produce profits and taxes payable but fails to generate the required resources to stay solvent. For this reason, analysis of such statements provides insight into the solvency and liquidity by segmenting inflows and outflows into financing, operations, and investing. It reveals the ability of an entity to meet future obligations for capital and growth. Analysis of operational cash flows reveals the viability of the business plan and operations. In the long-term, the inflows generated from operations determine the firm’s solvency and its ability to pay the outflows from financing and investing activities. Moreover, the analysis of statements of cash flows helps the management to design a short-term plan…

Otto Preminger’s film Since the inauguration of filmmaking, people have been fascinated by film and its fairylike effect on surpassing realism and engaging its audience. Otto Preminger’s film offers a consistent and broad look at the struggle for the independence of the Israeli state. The film presents the existence of extreme skepticism, especially the alienation of Arab allies, such as Palestine, due to their likely effect on the Jewish state. The dizzying and inconsistent array of the anti-colonial claims presented in the film would infuriate a Palestinian Arab watching the movie due to their treatment with the Israelis. The demonized treatment of Palestinian Arabs in the film, while focusing on the primary narrative approach that dominates American thinking. In the same token, a Palestinian audience of the film would be concerned with the welfare and existence of hunger-striking survivors in the movie. The fact that the British colonials deny a ship entry into Palestine reminds Arabs in the country about the horror of fighting the entire British empire with few people. Thematically thinking, the film has portrayed the Arabs in…

social-cultural and economic impacts of gambling Gambling is legal in many countries and almost all states in the country, except in Hawaii and Utah States (Beecroft 1). Several non-profit organizations and lobby groups are advocating for a total ban on any form of gamble game on the island. Such movements aim at preventing the legalization of the gaming activities in Hawaii and additionally educating the public about the social-cultural and economic impacts of gambling (Beecroft 1). Unlike Utah, where the ban on the gaming activity is primarily due to its religious population, for Hawaii, it remains illegal to operate any gambling activities on the island. Despite not being legalized, some disadvantages and advantages are associated with the gaming activity. Question One Proponents are supporting the legalization of gaming casinos on the island. Such movement is supported by research findings in states where the activity is legalized, for instance, the state of Arizona and Nevada. Supporters for the legalization of gambling urges that the State of Hawaii will provide gambling firms with an operating license. Such licenses will promote transparency and…

Can democracy prevail in an increasingly totalitarian world? The Evil Empire Speech highlights the rise of totalitarian regimes around the globe. The article indicates that the barbarian leaders have increased their influence Stettin to Varna, a region that ranges from the Baltics to the Black sea (Halsall). However, the article encourages the need for countries that support democracy to remain optimistic as democracy is proving its legitimacy among the people. Paul Halsall portrays Winston Churchill, as a British leader that strengthened the military as a deterrence power. Churchill argued that strong leadership, time, and hope could eliminate totalitarian authorities in society. Congress’ War Powers Resolution Can the President by-pass Congress and introduce the United States Armed Forces into hostilities? The Congress’ War Powers Resolution is a legally binding law that demands the President of the United States to inform Congress before committing the U.S. forces into hostilities. The document also provides the President consults and reports to the Congress in any situation that would necessitate engaging the U.S. Army into hostilities. The President also needs to submit a notification in…

Why the Death Penalty Should be Abolished Introduction Although the implementation of the death penalty has been a controversial topic over the years, it was reinstated by the landmark ruling by the U.S Supreme Court in 1976 (DPIC, 2019).  Since 1976, the number of executed people is around 1500, while around 2700 have been in death rows. According to DPIC (2019), approximately 29 states in the United States are currently practicing capital punishment. While supporters of the death penalty claim that it deters crime and is the best punishment for those who take other peoples’ lives, their arguments lack moral support. With the increasing crime cases, it is clear that the death penalty may not be a pragmatic approach to addressing crime. The death penalty is an outdated method inhibiting fundamental human rights and an uneconomical alternative that should be abolished. Why the Death Penalty Should be Abolished In many scenarios, the decision to use the death penalty as a punishment for an offender follows several court trials. Such trials and proceedings result in high operational costs with no economic…

Unfair Punishments of Victimless Crimes and the Solution of Rehabilitation Instead of Punishments A victimless crime is an unlawful act that either directly or indirectly involves the assassin or the adults because it concurs with nature, and there is no actual victim. For instance, in today’s world, there are those unfair punishments given to people who commit crimes without victims. For example, such punishments may include sanctions such as deprivations of liberty, reprimands, ostracism, fines, the infliction of pain, incarcerations, the death penalty, and amputation. These punishments are unfair in today’s world, and instead of punishing them, they should go through rehabilitation programs. Unfair punishments are given to those who commit crimes without victims As stated above, there are those unfair punishments given to people who commit crimes without victims. Firstly, the sentence of deprivation of liberty is where someone’s freedom is taken away. For example, someone may be deprived of moving from one place to the other through house arrest, especially when the victim is under the strict supervision of crimes committed. The punishment is unfair since it may…


Hamlet paper

Hamlet paper The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, commonly shortened to Hamlet is a play written by poet and playwright William Shakespeare between 1599 and 1601. Hamlet is considered one of Shakespeare’s most influential and popular works of literature. The story of Prince Hamlet of Denmark is a tale of deception, conspiracy, and moral ambiguity. It depicts its titular character, haunted by the past and bounded by the future, as he sets of on a journey of revenge. In true Shakespearean tragedy form, everything that can go wrong goes wrong, bringing to life the adage “before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” In this case, Hamlet’s mission leaves death and its destruction in its wake. The tragedy of Hamlet is, therefore, best told through the tragedies of all the other characters in the play. Hamlet Hamlet tells the story of Prince Hamlet of Denmark. He returns home from school, a stranger in his home, following his father’s death. Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, has taken over the Kingdom and married Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude. Privately, Hamlet mourns his…

NETFLIX – INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION CASE Question 1 Netflix has built a brand name that has not been matched by a host of its competitors. This has established it as a market leader in the movie industry in particular. Its strong competitors such as HBO, Hulu do not have this advantage in the market. It, therefore, implies that there is a general preference for the TV shows to be aired in Netflix as opposed to other platforms. In essence, Netflix’s identity has been its major scale-out and hence its major source in which it has won over most of the market. Through this, it has used its huge budget to provide services in line with the consumer’s changes, tastes, and preferences. However, the success of Netflix has been down on first of all subscriber interactive experience that has been developed by the company has been the reason why numbers have been rising, translating into profits. Secondly, Netflix has invested heavily in appealing content in terms of shows that have received positive reviews. For instance, Orange is the New Black and House…

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