Privacy Rule Violation Laws and policies violated Violation, according to HIPAA, is an impermissible use or the disclosure under the rule of privacy that consists of the privacy or security of the protected health information. The Privacy Rule is against the sharing of photographs or any other form of information about the patient on social media without written patient consent (Kulkarni, 2018). Another common social media violation of privacy rule is [posting verbal gossip on social media about a particular patient, or posting the information to another unauthorized person even when the name of the patient is not disclosed when the gossip is taking place. Besides, the mistake of believing that a particular post about a patient has been deleted or is kept private while it is still visible to the public is another social media HIPAA violations. Prevention One of the most effective measures to avoid consequences and the effect of social media HIPAA violations is for the organizations dealing with health to have clear and widely distributed policies of the organization concerning the social media networking during non-working…

The Japanese Americans             The reading A Color Blind patriot in Prewar America illustrates the lives of the Japanese Americans who were living in the United States before the Second World War. The article primarily focused on Yuri family showing how they were living amidst racial as well as ethnic segregation community. As the piece opens up, “The FBI intrusion into Yuri’s Family did not end with Mr Nakhara death”. This shows how most Japanese American were exploited. Most of them were considered as suspects and selling intelligence to American enemies. Wartime hysteria and racism were taking toll before the world war. Most Japanese Americans were subjected to emotional as well as physical harassment coming from the United States federal government. Discrimination in the army here the Japanese Americans were not allowed in the army camp was rampant. All these happenings became widespread during the bombing of the Pearl Harbor. Yuri turned out to be an activist who demanded truth and justice from the American government. Regarding this, the article clearly illustrated Yuri’s upbringing, which eventually turned her into becoming…

Sensation, Perception, and States of Consciousness The sensory receptors in the human body are remarkably sensitive to the types of stimuli in the immediate environment. Absolute threshold, on the other hand, can be defined as the smallest amount of stimulus that can be detected by the sensory receptors in a person. There is the various absolute threshold for all the five senses, which include vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Fechner determined that human being differs in terms of their absolute threshold. However, according to Fechner, the stimuli energy that is detected by people 50% of the time, are considered below the absolute threshold. According to a German scientist Ernst Weber in the nineteenth century, the ability to sensory receptors to detect a specific stimulus depends on not only the stimuli itself but also on the perceiver and the level of background stimulation. Weber concludes his work in what is known as the Weber law, which states that the amount you must change a stimulus to detect a difference is given by a constant fraction and proportion of the original…

Decontamination Principles. a). Issues discovered is that the neurosurgical tools have been making their way back in OR. At the same time, unclean or contaminated, which can lead to infectious bacteria when a patient is undergoing surgery. Such tools are like colonoscopies and endoscopes, which fail to get proper sterilization before returning to OR. These errors occur at the “Sterile Processing Department” (SPD) that cleans and reassemble the surgical tools before and after surgery. Report from CPI indicates that the team is composed of laborers who are underpaid thus not committed to their duties. The team may receive little or no training. These teams may face pressure from nurses and the surgical team, thus making the process fast, which may cause the efficiency of the tools to backfire. b). The team should be established to training and gain certification from any health certification Board. Perioperative nurses should help in facilitating decontamination and handling of the surgical tool and deliver the used instruments to the SPD. A good working relationship between the OR and SPD should get established by recognizing the…

The Imperialist foreign policy of the United States The Imperialist foreign policy of the United States in the Hawaiian Islands was more pronounced with respect to the near-total control it gained in the country. The United States gained the control of the Hawaiian military and public entities, which is evidence that its foreign policy of expansion was multifaceted in terms of bringing democracy to nations and establishing its power and influence over the nations in imperialist fashion. Formally, the ports, harbors, and military installations in Hawaii belonged to the government of Hawaiian islands. The American imperial control over Hawaii was further entrenched through military action by American citizens i. Hawaii, who through a coup d’ état deposed Hawaii’s queen Liliuokalani on 17th January 1893  following her attempts to establish a Hawaiian constitution. The annexation of Hawaii set the grounds for its incorporation into the United States as the nation’s fiftieth state in 1959. Social Darwinism was a prevalent guide on foreign policies of many imperialist nations, with its primary tenet being the survival of the fittest in both territorial acquisition…

Reflection Paper on Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes towards an Investigation) Louis Althusser, a French philosopher, was a staunch believer of the Marxist theory and had various ideologies. An ideology or a philosophy communicates a thought that reliable and effective groups produce ideas that speak reality to their most significant advantage and consequently urge others to agree to social relationships that are likewise organized to their advantage. He had the interpellation or the hailing ideology, which I found to be challenging to understand when I read it at first. In the interpellation ideology, Althusser depicts how thoughts get into our heads and affect our lives, to such an extent that cultural beliefs have such a hang on us, that we accept they are our own. Interpellation ideology communicates the possibility that thought is not just yours alone, (for example, “I like coffee, I always have”) instead of an idea that has been brought for you to acknowledge. For Althusser, interpellation works differently, such as calling out a person on the road. This means the theory “address” people and gives…

Statement of a Problem Over the last few decades, there has been a trend of several organizations internationalizing their operations. As today’s businesses develop a more international focus expanding operations to other countries, challenges related to human resource management have become inevitable. For many international companies, effective human resource management has become arguably one of the most challenging tasks. However, it has also become evident that effective human resource management is crucial for international businesses. International businesses encompass numerous trends compared to domestic companies, which also significantly impact human resource management. International companies need to understand these trends, how they affect human resource management, and the challenges they cause if they are to be successful. International businesses are, therefore, forced to consider broad areas and issues impacting human resource management and find potential solutions to facilitate success in their markets. The human resource management challenges of international businesses hinder these organizations from maintaining advantage at scale, putting them at a disadvantage. Human resource management challenges of international companies are issues that have substantial negative impacts on the concerned organizations. Human…


Essay Othello

Essay Othello Throughout Shakespeare’s play, Othello displays different characters, which are supported by his interactions with other characters such as Lago, who is a character that supports the main plot of the story. Othello, in the play, starts as a high ranking war officer in the Venetian war, but his character begins to disintegrate as the play unravels. His interaction with Lago, who betrays and manipulates him, forces him to showcase his other side by unraveling his jealousy, which deteriorates his character as the story continues. Othello comes from Africa, and he won his post of being a general in the Venetian defense forces by the excellence he portrayed in the war. He has great qualities of a leader such as courage, command, and has got respect for his troops. He is a great leader to the extent that, when he or his troop is under pressure, he delivers a great speech to raise the group’s morale. Othello’s character evolves from a celebrated hero to a shell of a man as he describes himself as “an honorable murderer” and this…

William C. Gorgas and the Panama Canal Introduction The construction of the Panama Canal dates back to the 16th century. There was a potential link between North and South America through a water passage between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The early European colonialists identified this potential, and there were several proposals to construct a canal. Towards the end of the 19th century, commercial pressure and technological advances necessitated work to begin. The initial attempt to build the Panama Canal was made by the French under engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps. This pioneer group encountered difficulties in excavating the rugged terrain of Panama land. Many people lost their lives because of tropical diseases, and the project was abandoned after partial completion. This essay examines the construction of the Panama Canal after the first attempt by the French failed. Additionally, the essay discusses the health challenges that workers faced and how military-man Colonel William C. Gorgas provided sanitary solutions that saw the success of the Panama Canal construction project. Background William Crawford Gorgas is renowned for his military success and his infectious…

COMPARISON BETWEEN ROME AND CHINA EMPIRES. China’s center was far superior and more unified, physically, and ethically than Rome’s. Rome had central Italy as its center only, and even after winning Italy, it seized just that particular peninsula surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea and the Alps Mountains. In the era of the Han dynasty in China and the Augustus in Rome, the Chinese and Roman empires each detained almost 60 million individuals; however, in Rome, several of these masses were in Italy (Raphals, 257). In China, almost all were in “internal China,” about 90 percent of the people in the North China Plain. As China relocated both south and north, it integrated a large number of the immigrates it attacked and ruled. Non-indigenous Chinese were absorbed ethnically and geographically. A lot of the 95 percent of present’s Chinese populace who are called “Han” is derived from descendants who were not (Bennett, Mia, and Laurence, 5980). The territory was held together by the Buddhist and Confucian philosophy, sustained by the supremacy of the ruler and his soldiers. Rome’s territory was held…

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