Objection to the Against Taxation and Imprisonment argument In the argument, taxation is immoral; the character jasmine is a personification of the government’s immoral tax. The idea behind the case is that if two actions A and B have no significant moral difference, then if one is wrong, so is the other. Government taxation is immoral since it is contrary to the consent of the people. In the arguments, jasmine imprisons her neighbors and demands them money to sustain the prisoners. She threatens those who fail to pay at gunpoint and even imprisons them. Also though the actions of jasmine are illegal, they have no difference from the government’s taxation system. In the same way as jasmine, the governments collect taxes legally and imprisons those who fail to pay the fee. Thus, if jasmine actions are immoral, then government taxation is also immoral (Perry et al. 108).  In this paper, I critique the arguments that government taxation is immoral. In the first part, I reflect on the discussion of how tax is unethical in the author’s perspective. In the second…

Sync of Experience in White’s Democracy and Luther’s Letter from Birmingham Prison Though EB White and Martin Luther King Jr wrote the letters almost twenty years apart to a distinctive audience, the contents of the messages have multiple shared aspects as far as democracy and doing the right thing is concerned. In Whites letter Democracy addressed to the Writer’s War Board, a Second World Two propaganda channel, the author highlights what real democracy entails and suggests that the board must be insincere in feigning ignorance about not knowing what democracy entails. Again, Martin Luther King Jr in the Letter from Birmingham Jail responds to the clergies who castigated his acts in leading the direct action in Birmingham City in a protest of the harsh, discriminatory, and racist policies against the Negro as he put it. Therefore, King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail and White’s Democracy perfectly aligns with democratic issues such as maintaining law and order, accepting the reign of the majority, appreciating the rights of others and their importance, and generally doing the right thing. First, there is a convergent…

Immigration in America Failure of the ‘melting-pot has prompted the revelation of different nationalistic sentiments among our awesome outsider populace has come to a great many people as a serious stun. It has drawn out the unpalatable irregularities of our conventional convictions We have needed to observe coldblooded old Brahmins idealistically resentful at the display of the migrant declining to be dissolved, while they scoff at nationalists like Mary Antin who expound on ‘our progenitors.’ Whatever American nationalism ends up being, it is sure to end up something not quite the same as the nationalism of twentieth-century Europe. This flood of reactionary excitement to play the conventional nationalistic amusement which is disregarding the nation is hardly sufficiently fundamental to last. We can’t swagger and excited to a similar national self-feeling. We should give new edges to our pride. We should be substance to maintain a strategic distance from the unnumbered hardships that national patriotism has acquired Europe, and that furiously elevated pride and reluctance. The disappointment of the melting point, a long way from shutting the colossal American law based…

 J. W Gamble in the Texas prison This case revolves around J. W Gamble in the Texas prison. Due to an incident at the prison, he suffered substantial back damage. Gamble was given some medicines and sent back to work. However, the back pains did not subsidize, and he rebuffed from going to work, which leads to his punishment by being kept in solitary confinement. In 1974 he signed a pro se complaint alleging that he had been subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the eighth amendment. Gamble complaint was dismissed for failure to state a claim. The supreme courts reversed, noting that the prison failed to diagnose Gamble by administering an x-ray and that Gamble did not receive any treatment to his back pains. The main questions of the case were whether the pro se complaint raises a constitutional question upon which relief can be granted? Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote the 8-1 decision, the court ruled that the prison treatment to Marshall did not constitute cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment. Justice Stevens dissented.…

GROUP DECISION MAKING             Challenges are at times disruptive to the success of any group. Group problem solving is the process of conveying together participants who through their logical decision making capabilities can impact the outcome of the problem. Based on the story line of the “12 angry men”, a play acted in New York City court of Law jury in the year 1957; there is a murder case presented of a boy who is accused of killing his father. It is clear that incase the boy is proved guilty; the mandatory sentence is a death penalty. All the jurors in this panel presume the obvious, that the defendant is guilt out of the two witnesses, the Old man and a woman. Contrally to the presumption, the six steps to group problem solving process played a very crucial role to changing the outcome of the case which otherwise would have been a direct death penalty to the accused boy. Defining and analyzing the problem The problem in this scenario is determining the fate of the accused boy, whether the boy…

Labelling essay Labelling in high schools is a common phenomenon to almost all the high schools. Personally being a victim of the circumstance. Mentioning about labelling always reminds me of my second year of study in high school when the Maths teacher labelled me as a Slow learner. My classmates laughed at me and braded me the nickname “Quake”. The experience negatively affected my interaction with them by lowering my self-esteem. It created a sense of learned helplessness and made me feel stupid before the rest of my classmates. In any case I felt inferior in arguments involving mathematics and could not even contribute at all. Given a chance to change the “slow learner” label I would not have hesitated to rebrand it considering the adverse impact it caused on my attitude towards Mathematics. I developed a hatred attitude towards the subject which translated to failure even in my final exams. If only the teacher encouraged me to put efforts instead of labeling me, I guess I could have considerably improved on the subject. Studying abroad was one of my…

The Constitution The government has three arms, and the most powerful is the Congress. The congress is tasked with making laws that guide the countries internal and foreign policies. The Congress makes laws that offer checks and balances for other arms of government. Further, it guides how to pursue foreign spending and declares on war issues. The antifederalist was keen to highlight the need for a bill of rights to afford the liberty for all citizens. The constitution is a living document since it guides the three arms of the government and in the event, achieve a level playing ground that ensures the country moves towards the same direction. The Congress is the strongest arm of the government since it defines the laws that govern the country. The judiciary relies on the laws that the Congress has put forth to come up with decisions. The executive has to seek Congress input for any internal or external policy they wish to take action. Therefore, the Congress sets the theme and determines what is good for the country at any one given…

capital structure The term capital structure is used to refer the structure of the firm based on its capital mixture of the company’s equity, its debts and the companies financing in general. The most important point of studying or the application of the capital structure of the firm is to show the appropriate combinations that are crucial in the company’s equity and its debt. The primary purpose of this is to produce the best out of the measure of the market value of the firm and the capital of the company in general (De jong 2011, p1308). When it comes to pecking order theory, the explanations to the corporate finance show that every cost that is incurred in the firm is asymmetrically related to an inevitable increase in the financial information thereof. Pecking order theory is based on the sources of the finance of any firm which are the equity, the company’s debts and the internal sources of funds (Brusov et al 2013, p99). The method is also referred to as the pecking order model and explains the necessity of…

extent of contemporary relations between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China determined by economic interests Introduction On January 1st, 1979, China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations, ending 30 years of abnormal conditions. (Edward, 2009) This is a landmark event in the history of bilateral relations, thus opening a new chapter in bilateral relations. Meanwhile, it has exerted a significant and far-reaching influence on the international situation and world pattern. In the contemporary world, the fundamental relationship between countries is one of interest. “A country does not have permanent friends, only permanent interests.” (Cuiping, 2017) This sentence was used to describe the relationship between countries, which now has become a fundamental principle of state-to-state relations. This essay will discuss the extent of contemporary relations between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China determined by economic interests. Overview of the impact of China-US relations China is the largest developing country in the world with abundant labor resources, cost advantages, a broad market, and unlimited development potential. Even though China has always…

Plan International: Performance Measurement, Assessment, and Program Evaluation Description of Evaluation’s Purpose and Mandate The purpose and mandate of Plan International’s Policy evaluation are clearly stated. From the onset, the overall purpose and scope of the evaluation are clear. There is a clear direction on why the assessment is necessary. It is to investigate the impact and outcomes of Plan International’s strategy on gender equality and inclusion and, consequently, find ways of improving it. The scope of the evaluation is clearly stated. It is from 2011 to 2016. Essentially, it extends from the development of the Gender Equality Policy up to the implementation of the strategy. For effective evaluation, the involvement of Plan International’s full scope is imperative. This calls upon involvement from International Headquarters, National, Regional, Liaison, and Country Offices. The evaluation has two main broad objectives: accountability and learning. In reference to accountability, the evaluation assesses and gives feedback on the quality and outcomes of the Policy and Strategy of Gender Equality. In regards to learning, the evaluation seeks to bring out a clear understanding of the changes…

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