Taxing pollution Versus Selling Permits for Transferrable Pollution Permits Pollution taxes and transferrable pollution permits are the two main strategies that policy makers are using to check emission levels by firms and countries. Pollution taxes refer to direct payments to the government for emission bypassing a set limit. Such an intervention forces the firms to minimize the amount of pollutants that they release into the surroundings such that they restrict emissions to the most efficient ones. On the other hand, transferable permit strategy operates in a market structure such that the level of pollution by a particular firm is controlled by forces of demand and supply of the permits. In other words, a company can only emit to the extent that it can purchase permits for the emissions. Hence, the cost implications of permits compel organizations to adapt pollution policies that reduce pollution in a way that is least costly to them and the society. The benefits of pollution taxes are many. Firstly, they involve less transaction costs compared to transferrable permits. Secondly, they generate income for the home country…

Were the British the true villains of the American Revolution? The American Revolution was one of the unique events in British royal history. Even though this reality is often dismissed in American history classes, there were numerous other British provinces in America, including the different Canadian states (Quebec, Nova Scotia, St. John, Newfoundland), West and East Florida, and states in the Caribbean, all of which didn’t revolt even with the equivalent more prominent majestic overextend and expanded tax assessment (Bailyn, 2017). Yes, I agree with the fact that the British were the true villains of the American Revolution. Immediately the British set foot on the American soil, they amassed a considerable debt that resulted from the costs of supplying, funding and building an army in general. With the expectations that the Americans would settle the debt, the Parliament came up with a series of acts of taxation as a way of improving the debt situation. Americans began to demonstrate and riot while maintaining that their Parliament could make laws, but only those elected as representatives should tax them. As a…

HOW THE AFRICAN AMERICAN RECONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE        FUNDAMENTALLY AFFECTED THE STATUS OF THE GROUP Introduction and Thesis Statement The history of Black people in the united states of America is a long and complex one that had a lot of events and experiences that greatly impacted and shaped the history and future of African Americans in the united states. While the black people in northern America had quite a number of experiences which critically fundamentally affected their status as a people, Reconstruction remains to be one of the most important and memorable of them all. The Civil war, which happened in the 18th century, had two critical periods surrounding it, the prewar era and the post-war era, which was the reconstruction era. The events surrounding the civil war were a critical component as far as the shaping of the African Americans’ destiny was concerned. The effects of the aftermath of the experiences which African Americans went through are actively experienced today in the modern world. This paper seeks to explore the critical effect that Reconstruction had in shaping the destiny of…

SWOT Analysis and Cost Benefits Analysis Name:   Your SWOT Analysis will include one strength, one weakness, one opportunity, one threat, and your summary conclusion. Describe and discuss each answer thoroughly. As a minimum, each answer should be a well-developed paragraph of FIVE or more sentences. Strength: Reduction of Unnecessary Spending Explain: Cutting Medicare and Medicaid will assist in reducing unnecessary spending in the healthcare sector and for the government.  Additionally, the budget plan would help in reducing unnecessary spending by altering how consumers and patients pay for health services. Correspondingly, Dawson, and Cutler (2020) state that the government plans the cut to do away with a commercial bias that currently esteems only healthy working individuals than the actual vulnerable. Additionally, the government also argues that Medicare and Medicaid budget reforms would save finance by using sufficient price transparency, terminating surprise bills, and reducing the prescription of drug costs. The government also argues that the proposal would concentrate on the actual vulnerable. What is more, Zuvekas (2020) affirms that the 2021 budget would change forms of payment to healthcare facilities,…

National Suicide Hotline Designation Act Cory Gardner sponsored the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act as a part of the Senate’s efforts to help develop a new framework to help prevent the increasing rate of suicide in America. The Act is one of the several initiatives of the Senator together with Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Moran, and Mr. Reed, who are the frontline champions of mental health in the Senate. The bill is one of the efforts of Congress to increase the role that they play in the creation of a framework to help find solutions to the issue of increased suicide among AMERICANS caused by several problems related to mental health. The most affected group is the veteran in Colorado and several other states across America. In the bill, it establishes a hotline number for the Americans to call in case there is a case of attempted suicide in their area (“National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2019 (S. 2661),” n.d.). The scope of this bill focuses on the response of various departments that deal with emergency cases of suicide in…

The War of the Mind: Democracy through Propaganda The mainstream media have played a central role in the manipulation of masses since time immemorial in ensuring that they adopt certain attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Numerous countries during the world wars highly depended on a complex combination of propaganda characterized by exaggerations, distortions, misrepresentations, and lies to foster the messages of extremities and hate and to justify their positions in the war. In essence, propaganda continues to essential for democracies who consider it legitimate, both at times of war and times of peace. Although propaganda was initially linked to totalitarianism states, it has and continues to flourish in the liberal democracies. While proponents have argued that it helps keeping liberties and freedom at the center of national identity, opponents hold that it keeps people from the truth. Thus, it remains controversial as to whether propaganda is a good thing. Although it is true that it hides the truth from the masses, propaganda, primarily promulgated through the mainstream media, is an essential foundation for liberal democracies. Propaganda as the Concealer of Truth…

International aviation management course International aviation management course, to a greater extent, has improved my knowledge in regards to the aviation industry. The course knowledge in aspects such as interpersonal relationships, cross-cultural challenges, evolving trends makes it easier to understand the different types of behaviors that would be crucial for the operations of the aviation industry. The course describes the various aviation benefits in terms of economic and social aspects. Economic benefits attributed to air transport include that it’s the fastest means of transportation in the world, facilitating business and tourism at large. Some of the social benefits associated with the aviation industry include aviation broadening cultural experiences, together with affordable access to various destinations across the globe. The aviation industry also contributes largely to sustainable development by increasing revenues from tax, creating jobs, and facilitating businesses and tourism. Aspects related to aviation charges, fuel fees and taxes were also elaborated clearly in the international aviation management course. IATA campaigns to regulate the various costs for charges to be efficient. Some of the critical principles that IATA advocates for includes…

Government Research Assignment Introduction Information is the power that all people across the globe are struggling to get. Since it is often impossible to move from one place to another to be informed, technology has made it easier for people to receive broadcast information from their residents. This achieved through local TV and radio channels and other media news sources. There are many TV channels present in America, but the most common ones include MSNBS, CNN, and Fox News Channel. Understanding their histories is vital if one needs to aware of why these channels are broadcasting using different formats and why either of them has more considerable popularity over the other. Origin and History of CNN CNN is considered as the world’s first twenty-four-hour cable television news channel. It was founded around the 1970s by Ted Turner, who was a Georgia businessman. CNN establishment came about due to Turner’s desire to begin broadcasting his independent UHF station, Atlanta’s channel 17, which he had acquired around the 1970s. This was in an attempt to take advantage of the increasing availability of…

Political Socialization and Religion in Indian Democracy Political socialization describes the process through which citizens crystalize political values, behaviours and identities that remains for an extended period throughout later life (Bhattacharya 83). Citizens learn through this process by successful transfer of political behaviour and norms that are acceptable to the ongoing political system to the succeeding generations. Political socialization entails both formal and informal learning as well as deliberate and accidental learning. Besides, it involves non-political knowledge that influences political behaviour, such as the acquisition of politically relevant personality traits and knowledge of social attitudes that are politically relevant. The process of indoctrination of individuals into a particular political culture plays a crucial role in perpetuating a specific political system. In the Indian political process, some significant number of its citizens do not believe that elections are the only approach to a democratic society. On the other hand, there is mass illiteracy which remains the major bottleneck to the state-sponsored political socialization via the print media. The beliefs, practices, and organizational forms of religion influences the entire process of political…

Polarization of American Politics   Political polarization refers to divergence in political ideologies and attitudes between two opposing groups. Polarization affects how people think and changes their attitudes toward certain political leaders. Polarization of America politics has brought major divisions among political parties over time. Today, differences in political ideologies by political parties have turned personal. Recent political events in America, like President Trump’s impeachment, government shutdown, are among significant causes of polarization in American politics. Polarization has causes, effects, and solutions that have to be addressed. Significant causes of political polarization in America are a growing influence of stereotypes about each other and influence from politicians. Formation of identity groups has also contributed to polarization in that the society has shifted its focus on which political group is stronger in terms of popularity over ideologies and development. Racism and ethnicity are other major contributing factors to polarization (Lawrence, Slides& Farrell, 2010). For example, black people are likely to trust their own social groupings. This results in social mistrust; hence people stop working together in institutions like schools, religious organizations,…

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