Public Policy Summary Paper The article, Assessing the Collaboration That Was “Collaborative Federalism” 1996-2006, authored by Julie Simmons and Peter Graefe, re-evaluates the appropriateness of “collaborative federalism” in the context of the partnership of federal and provincial government during the 1990s. The intergovernmental collaboration was driven by fiscal restraint by both governments, collapse of Charlottetown and Meech Lake constitutional amendments, the victory of the “yes” campaign during the Quebec referendum, the success of the Reform parties during the federal election in 1993. Also, Government officials argued that collaborative federalism would have a positive impact on intergovernmental institution growth. Consequently, this led to the creation of a council that comprised members from both federal and provincial governments. The core objective of the council committee was to provide a coordinated approach to intergovernmental relations, primarily through the development of shared positions. Thus, the two governments were required to make an equal contribution when there was a policy or initiative that needed to be implemented. Several intergovernmental agreements were established under the guise of providing parallel accountability. Notably, the federal government was funded…

A racial classification for medical genetics Analysis Quayshawn Nigel Julian Spencer’s article, “A racial classification for medical genetics,” explores the controversial concern raised by Esteban Burchard and his peers that a particular approach to racial classification of people is epistemically significant in medicine. In discussing the concern, Spencer, who classifies the ideology as ‘Burchard’s route,’ explores the subject argumentatively. He claims that both critics and proponents of the argument have a point. However, the scrutiny of their claims is necessary. In the case of Spencer, he supports Burchard’s claim objectively. As such, exploring his claims is essential in judging whether to support or oppose the use of ‘Burchard’s route.’ In this paper, the narration supports Spencer’s points that explain Burchard’s argument metaphysically and genetically that the mode of classification is useful in genetic differentiation despite the opposition that the approach highlights inconsequential racial variation. The premise for supporting Burchard’s first argument is that he supports the idea genetically, using case as set of OMB races in classification. The idea from the claim is that the scholar acknowledged the cause of…

Thailand News: ANTI-government Protests In the recent past, thousands of protestors have taken it to the streets to express their frustrations on the government and police actions. Approximately 100,000 protestors took to the ‘streets in March 2014 to demand the resignation of the Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra. Many people marched from the main park in Bangkok, carrying Thai flags. The movement was facilitated by anti-government activists who wanted the prime minister to step down for the reformation of the political system. According to a report by Thailand News Today (2014), protestors were seen shutting down road junctions in the city and blockading various government ministries. Those interviewed during the protests stated that they were tired of the poor governance; they wanted to inform the government of their need to reform the country and get their needs met. The demonstrators marched from the park along other different routes in the city center. The anti-government protestors warned the authorities against any attempt to organize election re-run, stating that their efforts would be boycotted. Their main aim was to bring Bangkok to a…

RE: Request for Inspector General Investigation of Civil Rights Violations and Misconducts by the Leon County Government Officials   Dear Mr. Attorney General, The Plaintiff, Mr. Howard Wayne Farmer/Robeson (“Wayne“), through their attorney, Mr. Ross Russell, write to complain over violation of Civil Rights by Leon County and Texas Government Officials in the murder of his mother, Janice Wilhelm (“Janice“). The Plaintiff is a law binding citizen of the United States and currently a resident of Nacogdoches Texas. In the past years, Wayne was a resident of Leon County, Texas, and owned his deceased mother’s property and estate, previously FM1119 Centerville, TX 75833.   However, the Plaintiff was forced to leave the area for his own safety. On the other hand, most Defendants, in this case, are Government Officials in Leon County and currently have or previously had authority under the color of law. The Defendants include Gerald Willhelm Estate, Diedre Kyle, Christina Bain, Martin Boren, Victor Smith, Jack Keeling, Larry Keith, Sheriff Kevin Ellis, Sheriff Jerry Wakefield, Chief Deputy Brent Walters, Whitney Smith, Judge Ryder, John Runion, Ranger Andre…

DEFICIT SPENDING AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BORROWING ABSTRACT Most economies strive to attain surplus. This is when a countries income and its receipts are more or outruns its use/expenditure. However, in most cases, having a budget surplus is next to impossible as most economies usually face a deficit. A deficit spending by any government eventually leads to debt. Deficit spending implies that an economy is spending more than its earning. The government, to satisfy the high demands that are not met by using its income resources, ends up borrowing money. This paper will try to analyze deficit spending, looking at its advantages and disadvantages to the economy of a nation. This paper will also look at federal borrowing by the government and how it affects an economy. On the first page, this paper will discuss what deficit spending entails, which causes high deficit spending. This paper will continue to look to analyze the positive and negative effects of deficit spending. The relationship between deficit spending, debt, and government spending will be discussed in this paper. This paper will also focus on…

The man to send rain cloud review The man to send rain cloud is a story detailing the death of Teofilo, an older man from India. Leon prepares the body of Teofilo for burial at one point in the story. He then continues to paint Teofilo’s face yellow. The color yellow symbolizes mourning or death in the Native American culture. Though Teofilo is dead, the author uses him as a central character going through several stages of life. The author makes use of the story to exhibit the importance of living life to the fullest and leave a lasting imprint upon the world. Teofilo is practically and physically detached from his tribe. At the start of the story, he is found dead in the sheep pasture under a tree. At night, Teofilo had tended the sheep alone. Teflon was discovered under a large tree of cottonwood. He was quickly found because of his faded light blue Levi jacket and pants. The thick cotton forest stood apart from a small grove of bare winter cottonwoods that grew in the big, sandy…

 Constitutional Revision Commission Why do some members of the Florida legislature want to eliminate the Constitutional Revision Commission? How can Florida’s constitution be amended now, and what do you think will change if the legislature succeeds in eliminating the CRC? Do you think Florida should eliminate the CRC or keep it in place, and why? The existing constitutional revision commission did not serve a valid purpose and accepted too much political influence in its 2018 incarnation. The political influence is interference to the administration of justice to the general public. Since the commission is very critical, having being influenced by politics is a problem to the ultimate undertaking of proper purpose. Politics should not have been the main agender of the commission; instead, the issues of the people could have been a priority. Some members felt the need for scraping off the commission to prioritize justice. The best way to amend Florida’s constitution is to set up voters to be part of the constitution. The commission members should be subject to voting by the members whenever they do not liaise…

Constitution Analysis- Amendments V and VIII Homeland Security is bound to its main objecting of protecting Americans; however, like any other department of the government, they are bound to the constitution as well. In this case, amendment V and VIII are concerned with how criminal cases are handled and through this, Homeland Security finds its boundaries and authorities when dealing with criminals. The first part of the Eighth Amendment requires that the court does not set excessive bails nor fines (National Constitution Center, 1791). Where it concerns Homeland Security, this is leniency as they mostly deal with large scale criminals who threaten National Security. Furthermore, most of these criminals have affiliations in the underground networks and would not have trouble leaving the country give a chance. As a result, setting an affordable bail for these individuals could allow them to escape justice and go forth to do more crimes. Similarly, the last part of the Eighth Amendment forbids any form of cruel punishments. (National Constitution Center, 1791). Notably, it is common knowledge that when a suspect of a terror attack…

Merchant of Venice generic confusion Introduction The generic kind of confusion in the classification of the Shakespeare merchant of Venice generally shapes a readers understanding of the book. The grouping which is not clearly defined and which falls in between being a comedy and tragedy. The different paths which the story takes do determine the understanding of the book as it keeps the reader both active to the actual tragedy that befalls the two communities in Belmont and Venice. This confusion develops two sides of understanding. On the other hand, the element of the drama in the story, which mostly appears in the city of Venice create the much important aspect of a good readership which also enhance the understanding of the book. As such, the confusion is vital in the development of the care theme understanding while at the same time improving the urge of reading through the element of comedy (Shakespeare,56). This essay examines how the generic confusion of either tragedy or comedy in William Shakespeare merchant of Venice determines the readers understating of the book. This element…

 Korean People’s Army under the Soviet Union crossed the 38th parallel On June 25, 1950, the Korean People’s Army under the Soviet Union crossed the 38th parallel separating North and South Korea. Unprepared, the Republic of Korea’s army was quickly overtaken and pushed back to Pusan. Ten days after the invasion, President Harry S. Truman ordered that American troops be deployed to Pusan to hold back the communists. While the US did not see a strategic advantage of having soldiers in Korea, it was committed to the war on communism with the Cold War having begun five years prior. With the US having a military presence in South Korea, an assault was coordinated against Inchon to take back Seoul from the North. The incursion was a success and resulted in the capture of over 130,000 North Korean soldiers who were brought to POW camps near Pusan. In 1951 with the compounds becoming overcrowded in Pusan, the UN ruled that POW camps were to be opened on Geoje Island, a small fishing island off the south coast of Korea. Prisoners were…

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