The British regular army The British regular army didn’t faith in the colonial militia winning in the wars due to its belief that the selection was poorly constituted with recruits being picked from all walks of life with little consideration on quality and competence (Schecter, 2002). This belief was necessitated by the fact that the British regular army recruits were from the lowest social classes with composition of petty criminals, beggars, laborers and farmers hence believing that the colonial militia was a replica of their recruitment strategy (Anderson). Recruitment inefficiency led to the adoption of the forced recruitment strategy into the militia a practice which was abandoned almost immediately due to the noticeable negative impact the strategy had brought into the militia having lost the battles of Saratoga. The British soldiers kept on changing their war strategies due to the unexpected number of obstacles which faced them. In the beginning, they had planned to hold the American Revolution within the Massachusetts. However, the casualty levels on the British soldiers at the battle of Bunker Hill in June 1775 during the…

political democracy and challenged qualification of voting At the centre of political democracy, it challenged the qualification of voting. It started during the American Revolution and after the revolution; no state required property to vote. The constitution had removed the skill of property due to the increasing number of salary earners who did not have enough property need for voting. The island of Rhode is the one, which still required people to have property so that they can vote. The convention of people was an amendment to remove this law and allowed people to vote. Dorr Thomas, a lawyer, tried to distribute federal troops to the Nation but the movement failed. He showed the passions limits of preventing the white people from voting, was eliminated by legislation, and both black and white people were allowed to vote. The 1812 war demonstrated the length the United States was as an integrated state. The United State Bank had expired, and even the sect of transport was not in good order and manufacturing was need to replace embargo of the British. Republicans such…

Mumbai Hotel Attacks, Who Was Involved In November 2008, the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai was attacked by an armed gang and India imposed the usual charge on Pakistan’s head. Indian media screamed at Ajmal Kasab and his colleagues on the maritime route. In India, if someone touches a needle then it is not the case for Pakistan and ISI to be blamed. But sadly, his media even searched Ajmal Kasab’s house, family and address in Okara district, on television. Also show scenes from the house and the cows. Who was the mastermind of Mumbai Hotel Attack? Some anonymous columnists like myself and I used to speak and write that there was a lot of swing in the play, but the media, even many of our so-called rustic politicians, put the blame on Pakistan and gave evidence of “friendship”. Before us, our Interior Minister, Mr. Rehman Malik, planned and traveled with Ajmal Kasab and his colleagues before the incident so that everyone felt this happening in front of their eyes. There can be no great example of our patriotism and…

The fiscal stimulus that Federal Governments should take in response to the negative impact caused by a coronavirus. The primary purpose of this research paper is to present the fiscal stimulus the federal government can undertake the negative impact on the economy as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Taking stimulus measures is imperative to the federal government on responding to the adverse effects of this pandemic as it will provide remedies to the growth of the economy. Most of the companies are under lockdown, while some encourage their employees to work at home. Through this order, the locked-down firms forced their staff to stay home, which results in no salaries. Besides, though the production companies are still on the operation, the quantity and quality of the products are going down to the extent that the supply is limited. Due to the stated adverse effects, the federal government has no otherwise but taking fiscal measures to curb them and the immediate consequences. One of the economic stimulus measures that the federal government can take is to authorize a two-year employee’s…

Counterterrorism Strategies by the FBI Summary of the History of law enforcement operations in Relation to Counter-Terrorism Measures Domestic terrorism can be elaborated as terrorism that is carried out by groups or people who are associated with or encouraged by preliminarily U.S.-based movements that embrace ideologies that are considered extremist of a religious, political, racial, environmental or social nature. In America, the FBI closely operate with many agencies and associates to hinder terrorist cells. Also, the FBI destroys network of extremist worldwide and prevents their supportive techniques and financing for terrorist groups which are external. The FBI founded a Counterterrorism Center in 1996 to fight terrorism. Additionally, the Effective Death Penalty and Antiterrorism Act was implemented in 1996, including various measures focused on terrorism. It strengthened the power of the federal government to turn down visas of individuals who are part of the terrorist groups and eased the deporting procedures of aliens sentenced with crimes. The Joint Terrorism Task Forces, controlled by the FBI, bring local, state and federal agencies together to curb and interfere with terrorist attacks in the…

National debt of United States of America: A Research Plan Introduction National debt in the US has been a pertinent issue receiving mixed reactions from different quotas as the country has debt over 90% levels. This paper is a research plan on carrying out a study that focuses on the national debt in the US. This paper contains Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 of the paper will give the methodologies that will be used in conducting the research based on the expectations. Part of the paper will focus on the findings made with reference to the prior stated objectives. Thereafter, a conclusion n will be given based on the information gathered, and this will guide on the next direction that the research will take. Part 1: National Debt Crisis: Insight and Methodology The national debt is the sum owed by the federal government (Amadeo), and in the US it is made up of debt held by the public at 75%, e.g., investors holding treasury securities and debt held by government accounts, e.g., federal government holding treasury securities (Xu, Suk…

MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MFM gives an in-depth survey concerning vital fields of the international environment as far as the financial market is concerned. Diverse concepts associated with MTM, including risk management, portfolio investment, foreign exchange, and global capital, form essential consideration when making various investment decisions. Ideas reflected under MFM gives an insight into some of the concerns influencing multinational corporations to opt borrowing from countries with high-interest rates such as Brazil rather than from nations with lower interest rates. Even though most investors tend to borrow from financial institutions or countries with low-interest rates, diverse considerations/factors influence multinational corporations to borrow from nations with high lending interest rates. Such corporations may opt to avoid borrowing from their home nation or other countries they invest in. The aspect of Purchase Power Parity is a significant factor influencing such a decision. Countries with high lending rates face high inflation levels, thus lowering the Purchase Power Parity for its currency (Ogege 2019). For example, US Based Multinational Company investing in Brazil may opt to borrow from that country to benefit from such…

Letters from Iwo Jiwa Released in 2006, the “Letters from Iwo Jiwa” is a film that presents an account of the events that transpired in late 1944 in the battle for the control of Iwo Jima Island. The film is set in Iwo Jima, a seemingly barren island in the Pacific Ocean. Indeed, the island was an essential ring of defense for Japan. However, the Allies wanted to take control of the island and use it as an airbase for attacking mainland Japan, including Tokyo.[1] General Tadamichi Kuribayashi understood the strategic importance, and as he rallied his soldiers after the first attack by America, he told them, “our duty is to stop the enemy right here, Not one of you is allowed to die until you have ten enemy soldiers.”[2] The plot of the film is built around the General and Saigo, as the main characters. When the imperial headquarters refused to send reinforcement, General Tadamichi Kuribayashi decided to lead his few soldiers in to fight in honor of their country. After the first attack by Americans, the General is…

Mexican Government and Politics Malinche was mother to the first Mexican slave interpreter and a crucial part of bringing Christianity to Mexico. With the advent of Christianity, cannibalism and human sacrifice ended. Caciques are titles referring to Mexican or West Indies leaders. The titles were used by Spaniards. Mestizo is a mixed race of people having both indigenous and European heritage. They held a social advantage over other tribes in colonial Mexico due to their mixed origin. National Museum of Anthropology is the largest collection of Mexican history housed in the largest museum in Mexico. Virgin Guadalupe is the patron saint of Mexico. Virgin Guadalupe is also the catholic title for the Virgin Mary, who appeared to an indigenous Mexican. Six child heroes are unyielding young Mexicans who refused to give up against superior American forces. They fought and died for the honor of their country. The Porfiriato is the era of General Porfirio as the president of Mexico. In this time between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, there was systemic corruption and increased social ills. The Constitution…

The 10th amendment of the Constitution of the United States The 10th amendment of the Constitution of the United States invites the notion of reserve power. It states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” For this reason, States have the power to decide on issues not stated in the Constitution, including marriage laws, abortion. The 1oth amendment remains to be a crucial segment of the Constitution in that it gives its member states some degree of independence in decision-making. In his book, “Of the People,” the author James Oaks, gives a detailed review of the history of the United States.  The author discusses essential clauses in the Constitution, including the 10th amendment. According to his text, some issues, such as abortion, should be left upon the state. (James Oakes)The reason behind this argument is that the state wields reserve power and should be able to exercise this power on issues, not under the jurisdiction of the federal government.…

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