DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: THOMAS JEFFERSON Introduction Declaration of independence is considered to be a vital document in American history which was drafted by the founding fathers to demonstrate independence from the British and illustrated their willingness to fight. The writing of the declaration officializes the American Revolution (Wills, G., 2018). The main purpose of this document was to declare independence and demonstrated how the American society is dissimilar from others. It expressed the mindset that American people held and elements for forming the American heritage including conflicts in issues associated with politics, religion, economy, philosophy, and society. The issues mentioned above pretentious colonists and influenced them to execute activities which enabled them to get control of the government. Creation of declaration influences American thinking ways and utilized ideologies which were already in existence. Several early colonies were created since people were in need of religious freedom, despite them having limitations for the subject. The individuals who settled in America were escaping from bad memories associated with intolerance. Europe had experienced over a century period of civil wars and disturbance from…

Liner regression Liner regression fall under the category of supervised learning model. This model is subdivided in to two, which is simple liner regression and multiple liner regression. In simple linear regression only one dependent and one independent variable is used to make the model hence the name simple linear. In the multiple liner regression, there are usually more than one independent variable (Watson, 1964). Multiple linear model explores the correlation of numerous different variables with one dependent variable. When each of the independent variables is defined to predict the dependent variable, the multiple variableness information can be used to produce an exact estimate of the level of impact on the result variable (Fox, 1997). The model establishes a best liner relationship between the variables. The central task of the multiple linear regression analysis is to fit a single line via a scatter plot. To be precise, a line through a multi-dimensional data space is fitted in the MLR to achieve a line of best fit. One dependent and two regressor variables are the MLR simplest form Model1 (SLR) Y…

Six Significant Risk Categories in Transportation Product loss: They are presented in the form of product pilferage, shipment jettison, product damage or hijacking, and piracy. An example of product loss includes the product pilferage of Army medical supplies in 2009, which entailed the loss of close to $ 2 million worth of the company’s medical equipment stolen in transit (Kiba-Janiak, 2016). Product damage: damages in products can come as a result of many reasons arising from inactions and actions related to the side of the freight handlers and equipment operators. Some of the product damages occur in the form of equipment accidents, inadequate methods of handling freights, improper equipment loading measures, among others (Novack et al., 2019). An example of product damage includes when a palletized product gets submerged in water while in transit, thus, getting damaged. Product Contamination: When transporting pharmaceutical goods, foods, and other related consumables, there is usually the impending risk of contamination. Freight contamination can be a result of climate control failure, exposure to contaminants, and product adulteration (Kiba-Janiak, 2016). An example of product contamination is when there are…

A Comparison of the U.S. and Venezuelan Governments Governments play a crucial role in contemporary societies, modeling political and economic systems as well as individual and social behavior through laws and policies at different levels of governance. The action of national authorities is primarily influenced by government structures and their interaction in enforcing established codes. The U.S. and Venezuelan governments are founded on different and as well as similar foundations, leading to divergences and parallels in operation. The U.S. and Venezuelan governments share notable resemblances in their structures. Markedly, both are federal republics where power is shared between the national and state administrations (Worldfacts, 2008: World facts, 2009). Each region elects local leaders and operates autonomously without imposition over the central government. However, the federal authority is dominant and takes precedence in matters of national interest. In both countries, the government is organized into three primary organs, namely the executive, legislature, and Judiciary (Worldfacts, 2008: World facts, 2009). The arms function complementarily with the ability to veto each other. The presidency, which is determined by national elections, is limited to…

Manifest Destiny        The growth and development of a nation come with sacrifice. Many people may lose life and properties for the good of their governments. Further, independence and expansion of the country require united, strong and focused people to fight until they achieve their goals. Perhaps, American formulated strategies, such manifest destiny to achieve its expansion desire where some nations (Mexico) underwent through slavery process to get their independence. Perhaps, during the year 1800-1848, the Lewis and clerk expedition and Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 played a significant role in Westward Expansion. According to Corbett, Janssen, Lund, Pfannestiel, Waskiewicz & Vickery (2019), Lewis and Clerk discovered the road map to connect the two nations, and also the culture so that both countries can interact with minimal cultural conflicts. Further, they also created a good relationship, for example, by participating in cultural events and gifting Mexican people medallions. Concurrently, Mexican people stood strong to advocate for free soil and free nation to fighting the slivery issue. Notably, slavery had stagnated the nation since native Americans had dominated most of the country,…

Elimination complexities Elimination complexities affect the functional patterns of the families, especially during a period of disease infection. Such complications may lead to the elimination of a member of a family which can lead to trauma. The family of the patient involved automatically suffer from psychological and emotional challenges. Therefore the nurses have to provide awareness to the involved parties on the methods to cope up with the problems. The problem majorly affects the family and the patient diagnosed with the disease. Some of the challenges involved include financial constraints, psychological effects, social issues, helplessness and disruption from school and work. Helplessness may be displayed in different ways from the patient and the concerned family. They include frustration, loss and anger. The condition may be different from one patient to another, depending on the degree of infection. In some cases, the patients may become helpless in life if the conditions are severe and unbearable. Chronic diseases demand a high cost to manage them. The costs cut across from transport, caregiving and the general treatment. Mostly it’s costly for chronic and…

Is This What Democracy Looks Like? The chapter is about how democracy was born in Greek from the Aristocratic rule that dwelt before. It shows how they won the change without engaging in the fight through building districts to greater unifying the citizens of Greek. It also the shadows behind democratic rules in the United States, mostly through the electoral process. The chapter digs the widening gaps between the whites and the blacks and the rich and the poor. To remain in power, the Republicans have tried as much as possible to make the blacks, and those coming from marginalized grounds have no touch in power in order not make to the demands of those elected. They have employed unbalanced voting power as manifested in the gerrymandering system, splitting of A&T Campus to reduce the influence of unity to voice as one. Descriptive Language The real and true democracy in the United States can be portrayed through voting rights. That is one person one vote, but that is not true, provoking Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to compare the Court’s resolution…

TEXAS AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Multiple social-economic disparities characterize the state of Texas. The distribution of resources in the region shows a significant divide between the rural and the urban areas. Besides, the dwellers of the two areas also express significant differences in political ideologies and support for political parties. Although the state has been in existence in both the Democrats and Republican leadership eras, it appears that there is still a long way to go before a balance between urban and rural life is attained. In this regard, this paper will explore the different disparities in Texas by comparing the politics, medical care, and economic opportunities in urban and rural Texas. Healthcare in Texas in unevenly distributed, with the rural residents remaining as the major losers. While the urban centers are characterized by easy access to physicians and a quick response to medical emergencies, the situation is wanting in the rural areas. On average, the Texas rural health is ranked position 36 in the United States with an average grade of D-[1]. The region is characterized by little to no…


Carbon Tax

                          Carbon Tax The carbon tax is the fee that the government charges on the combustion of carbon-related elements such as natural gas, oil, gasoline, or coal. The burning of these abundant carbon fuels produces greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, which causes global warming by heating the atmosphere. The carbon tax purpose is to show the real cost of combusting carbon. The carbon tax is majorly used by economists to lower and ultimately discourage the burning of coal-based fuel that significantly leads to global climate change (Dinan, 2012). Economists view the carbon tax as the only way to have the carbon-related fuel users get charged for causing climate damage by producing carbon dioxide to the environment. A carbon tax, if raised high, economists view it as a powerful monetary tool that enables the users to move to other clean sources of energy available. The cost is incurred by the companies and consumers to pay for the external effects they cause on the global Climate. Economists view the carbon tax as a good policy because it lowers the…

 Entrepreneurs at Twitter Introduction Twitter, also known as the SMS of the internet, is one of the most popular social media site or platform after Google and Facebook. This platform started in 2007 with more than 200 million users from across the globe ad it has grown since then. Twitter is a blogging site that allows its subscribers to send short statements or comments of not more than 140 characters to their followers, which are referred to as tweets. According to the New York Stock Exchange, Twitter was valued at $24.46 billion in 2013, and in 2014 its market capitalization had risen to $26.63 billion, making it be referred to as a tech powerhouse. Twitter can be accessed through a mobile device application, its website, and SMS. It can be described as an easy to use platform that allows the users to send instant messages, blogs, and also it is a social presence notifier. The reason why twitter is easy to use is that it only requires a few personal details and a password for one to sign up as…

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