Free Speech is Threatened in Campus List of Topics  The list of topics that I am interested in making an argument in their favor include; Terrorism, Death penalty controversy, Plastic surgery, Universal health care policy controversies, Free speech is threatened in campus, Sexual relationships, Global warming, Juvenile delinquency, and Parenting controversies. The topic that I am going to argue in its favor is, ‘Free speech is threatened in Campuses’. I have settled on this topic because, campuses comprise of almost half of the total population in most states and students protests on the motion have captured and motivated the media.  Additionally, free speech is a controversial topic which raises many related and related issues such as diversity and inclusion. Therefore, it is important to have an argumentative debate over it. Argumentative Paper Free Speech is threatened in Campus The current ongoing protests on free speech that have erupted in campuses have created a room for discussions and debates on the debate to allow more explorations. Proposers of this argument debate that episodes of censorship are increasing in campuses, campus speech…

The Government’s Response to Virtual Currencies Virtual currency is a type of currency that is digital, unregulated and used by members of a virtual community. This type of money is controlled by its developers. Banking authorities view it as a digital representation of value which is naturally and legally accepted. This form of currency is not issued by a public authority such as a central bank but can be used as a form of payment and can be transferred and stored by electronic means. The emergence of virtual currencies has instilled different kinds of reactions in different people. For some, they have feared it while others have developed deep interest and even ventured into dealing with the currency. However, fundamental questions about what the currency entails and how it can sustain an individual in the future emerge from time to time especially about the common virtual currency, Bitcoin. From the opinion of some individuals, it’s clear that some are in agreement with the currency while others are against it. Those who have a positive attitude towards virtual currencies believe that…

HISTORY OF AMERICAN ARMY VALUES Introduction The United States Army was formed in the year 1755 and even still it has endeavored in instilling values within the members of the Army profession. After its formation, the Continental Congress gave The Army its first Articles of war and rules under which it would function. The Army values are considered as the foundations of the Army profession. They are also used to describe the depth and substance of the American Culture .I.e. American History, common heritage, and the sacrifice. The Army values were officially adopted in 1955 as listed in the Army Regulation Act 600-100.Before the adoption, the soldiers were required to remain loyal and perform their duties courageously and faithfully even in situations where they are engaged with the enemy. The Army professionals consider it an honor to live and act as per the dictated rules. These values are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless–service, Honor, integrity, and personal courage. This paper aims at providing more information on where the seven Army values came from. Although the Army Values date to the 1990s,…

 freedom and independence of the media in Kenya All over the world, the media is an essential part of peoples ‘lives. Kenya’s Constitution 2010 rolled out a new and progressive bill of rights requiring extensive reforms to both media and information management frameworks. Currently, complaints are being raised on the content of the media, media ownerships have raised objections to the passage of new media laws, and there is a failure to address existing legislative and institutional inconsistencies. This analysis focuses on the likelihood of a disparity in the legislation and institutional frameworks relating to various articles of the media Act 2013. The report will moreover look into the freedom and independence of the media in Kenya and the extent to which their implementation affects the practice of media in regards to the below articles; Privacy of individual Covering ethnic, religious and sectarian conflicts Protection of children Recording of interviews and telephone conversation Hate speech Privacy of individual, this section provides for the confidentiality of individuals in the process of broadcasting and gathering of news information. It protects the privacy…

Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence, a document signed by about fifty-six delegates to pass grievances of the thirteen colonies against King George the III of Great Britain, formed the current United States. The content of the Declaration, though written several years ago, has remained a powerful instrument of liberty for several societies around the world seeking freedom from their oppressors (Becker, 2017). Though there are no precise subdivisions within the document, it has subsections addressing key issues right from the introduction to the conclusion. The introduction starts with a powerful statement that informs Great Britain why the colonies need to set themselves free from the rule of King George III and his government. In the same account, reference is made to God as well as the Laws of Nature, indicating that the writers indeed recognized the existence of religious freedom as well as the essential liberty bestowed upon every human being by nature. The mention of God is not specific, which makes the statement relevant among all societies of diverse religious backgrounds. The last part of the introduction…

Student Loans and How Government Subsidization Leads to Rising Tuition Institutions of higher learning have continued to increase the costs beyond attainable means by most of the students. The study revealed that increased students’ loans and government scholarships are the principal reasons why institutions increase the fees levied on their programs. Research 2015 suggests that student loans increase tuition fees by 58 cents at a given typical college, while more substantial impacts when reductions in institutional financial aid are incorporated. A study by NBER in 2016 explained that adjustments in student loans offered by federal institutions are evident in tuition increases at private nonprofit colleges. Moreover, an analysis conducted in 2014 revealed that the colleges, especially for profit that were legible for federal student aid tuition fees charges, were 78 % more than that of a similar institution but not legible for aid. Therefore, the funding provided to the student was a major contributory factor to the increase in tuition fees. The federal government offers more student loans and incurs more money on higher education compared to previous expenses on…

Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government Totalitarianism is a system of government that asserts complete control over the activities and the lives of its subjects. This system of government is characterized by the existence of a central authority to whom everyone in the state answers, the prohibition of any form of opposition, absence of democracy, and complete control over every sphere of the state. (Na & Na, 1970) In this essay, I am going to use Nazi Germany as an example of a totalitarian state. Between 1933 and 1945, Germany was run by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi political party. Under his rule, the country was run in a totalitarian fashion in which the government-controlled all aspects of the lives of its subjects. As soon as Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor of Germany by the state’s president, he gradually eliminated any opposing parties and rivals, thereby consolidating the power of the country. By the time the president of the republic was dead, he had established a firm foundation for his government. He took over the government and became the…

Status of the Aboriginal People in the Canadian Federation Introduction The Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of the land that is currently known as Canada. They make around 5% of the national population in the country. Despite being the original inhabitants of the land, the status of the Aboriginal people in the Canadian Federation has never been clear. This research paper seeks answers on the status of the Aboriginal people in the Canadian Federation. The paper also explores whether granting the Aboriginal people full autonomy will fully solve their problems. Specifically, the paper will focus on the measures that the Canadian government has taken to address the concerns and the challenges faced by the Aboriginal people. Research paper reviews some of the available literature on the subject to determine whether self-governance will be the only way of responding to the needs of the Aboriginal people. The research paper also seeks to find out other measures or approaches that have been considered in an attempt to solve the problem faced by the indigenous people. With the help of multiple scholarly…

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND THE FUTURE Prompt 1. What is Intelligence? Many scholars define intelligence in many ways. Intelligence in general, understanding refers to the mental ability that enables an individual to learn readily, reason, and act effectively with an individual’s surroundings.  Intelligence also entails the manipulation of the geometric forms and the acknowledgement of the variations of the pictured objects and their similarities, quantitative thinking, and abstract analysis. Can Intelligence be accurately constructed or measured? Intelligence analysts should always try to come up with recommendations that will help in making a well-grounded decision.  The diagnosis of intelligence should have the basis of the analyst perception concerning why and how events usually occur in a certain way as pointed out by (Ghahramani, and Zoubin, 452). Once an individual observes an event, and he or she thinks and knows what is happening, the perception here tends to resist change. The construction and measurement of intelligence cannot be entirely accurate. Who is Raymond Kurzweil? Raymond Kurzweil is one of the world’s greatest living visionaries. He is the brain behind compelling technology and the…

White nationalism White nationalism is a class of nationalism that support the belief that white persons are a race and aims at developing and maintaining white racial and national selfhood. People who stick on white nationalism believed that white identity function should be the organization tenet of the countries that up western acculturation.  white jingoism encourage support for a contract of insurance to transpose changing demographics and the casualties of an absolved, white large number Terminating non-white’s coming to the united states of America for purpose of permanent residence, both allowed by the law and illegal is an pressing priority often exalted over other people who believes that their race is more important than other people’s forecast, for example, termination of societies which has many different cultures mingling freely; political or social policies which encourage such coexistence and mixing of the race for in marriage for white nationalist aiming to preserve white, racial domination. White nationalism thrives to go back to an American that antedates the carrying out of the civil rights and the coming into the white country for…

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