Federalism and UAE with India and USA reference Table of Contents 1     Introduction. 3 2     Main Body. 3 3     Conclusions. 5 4     References. 6 Introduction Today we are living in a globalized world where different forms of government are employed to have things run smoothly. The varying types of government have been proven for largest to oldest democratic nations and monarchies, including; India and the United States, for instance (Paquette, 2019). Federalism is one of the most commonly used forms of government even today. Federalism form of government ensures that no one entity holds full power; there is .distribution of power between the national government and different units such as provinces/states (De Alwis, 2019). The government adopts a particular form of government to sanction how resources are used; in some cases of the provincial government or federal governments, allotment of funds, and power used (Paquette, 2019). In this essay, the chosen form of government to be discussed in federalism. The focus will be to detail the advantages and disadvantages of federalism keeping India and United States under consideration. Advantages and…

Essay on Constitution of India The supreme law of India is known as the Constitution of India. The framework of demarcating fundamental political code laid down in the documents, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of state institutions. It sets out fundamental rights, directive principles, and, therefore, the responsibilities of citizens. It’s the longest written Constitution of any country on earth. The chief architect of the Indian Constitution considered as B. R. Ambedkar, who was chairman of the drafting committee. Constitutional supremacy imparted on the Indian Constitution, not parliamentary sovereignty since it had been created by a constituent assembly instead of Parliament and was adopted by its people with a declaration in its preamble. The Constitution B. R. Ambedkar cannot override by the Parliament and Constitution of India on 2015 India postage. It was embraced by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 and has become effective on 26 January 1950. The Constitution replaced the govt of India Act, 1935, because the country’s fundamental governing document, and therefore the Dominion of India, became the Republic of India. The framers…

Africa: tell me how the western rule came to an end in sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa. What obstacles have Africans faced since independence? During the second world war, Africans were involved in military service to their colonial masters. They fought tighter with them; they saw their weakness and the tactics that they used in the fight.   When they came back, they realized that they could fight the Europeans and gain their independence.   When they came back, they started to fight for their freedom. The process was not uniform across Africa, but different countries got their autonomy using different methods.   In some places, the process was peaceful, while in others, it was an armed struggle.  In some areas, there was competition, for resources free labor and the vented interest made some countries to help some African countries to get independent so that they could benefit from the available resources. However, decolonization in most parts of Africa was achieved through a protracted struggle that made the European power to give the Africans self-determination.  In South Africa, the process of decolonization was…

Amazon Financial Statement Analysis Amazon is an international online company that sells its products and services worldwide. Due to its competitive nature, its financial statement creates interest not only for the management of the firm but also for the benefits of other stakeholders such as investors and creditors. The financial statement of the company provides status and monitoring of the progress of the company’s financial growth in terms of failures and success and thus yielding the reason for proper analysis of the financial statement by different stakeholders. In this case, we shall be concerned more about the interpretation of financial statements for the year ended in 2018 in comparison to prior years and other competitive companies in the market. Prior analysis has been proven to play a significant role in the company. For instance, it has experienced growth following a close examination of the cash flow statement, which has enabled the management to monitor the inflow and outflows. Most of the companies begin their financial statements with income statements, but for amazon, it starts with its financial account with an…

Child Poverty in the United States In the United States of America (U.S.), one of the populations that are likely to suffer from poverty is children. The rate of child poverty in the U.S. is higher compared to other developed nations across the world. According to Harrison (2013), about 22 percent of children, equivalent to one in every five children in the country live in poverty. In addition, about 24 percent of American children aged below six years are poor; with 11 percent of poor American children hailing from families whose income is 50 percent below the country’s poverty levels (Harrison, 2013). As a result, child poverty is one of the pressing social challenges in the U.S. The rates of child poverty are not equal among the different states in the U.S. Some have high child poverty rates compared to others. Notably, the rate of child poverty is highest in the Southern States, such as Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee, as well as Texas and New Mexico in the South-west (Harrison, 2013). In these states, the…

Evolution of a Nation after Dictatorship Introduction Since its independence in 1985, the Republic of Krypto has experienced civil and political unrest under the dictator Raymond Krutz. Recently, the dictator was overthrown, and a newly elected President took over leadership. This paper delves into investigating the ongoing civil wars across Krypto as a result of the recent overthrowing of the dictator. It further examines the challenges the newly elected leader is facing regarding developing effective domestic and foreign policies aimed at restructuring the country’s political, social, and economic systems. Domestic Concerns Democratic Government Democratic governance entails more than just a government designing a constitution that stipulates and upholds the ideals of justice, equality and liberty, and the constitution capacity to preserve these values among the citizens (Fein Proaño, 2015). The democratic style involves the process by which the government employs instruments, principles, and policies that structure and combine the functions of the three arms of government, the society, law, and economy. Consequently, I would implement the democratic form of government revolving around the process of co-existence and respect, governing, and…

What are the advantages and disadvantages of China’s dam-building policy? Is it wise for the Chinese government to emphasize on dam construction? China has prioritized the construction of dams as it continues to grow its economy. Some of the advantages of China’s policy of dam construction are that it allows the country to generate a lot of hydroelectric power, control floods, and improve navigation. However, the construction of dams, for example, the Three Gorges Dam has been associated with adverse effects such as landslides, decreased water quality, and ecological problems. Generally, it is a wise idea for the Chinese government to emphasize on dam construction, despite the negative costs and high costs. This is because it can help enhance the use of clean sources of energy in the highly industrialized country. What would be the main result, both positive and negative, if Japan were to allow the importation of rice and open its agricultural lands for urban development? The opening of agricultural lands for urban development would lead to the appreciation of land value, as investors compete for the new…

Government’s Long-Term Solutions to Illegal Migration Over the past decades, the narrative of illegal migration has turned out to be a critical topic of discussion. The problem of immigration results from a series of elements that result in one being in without his citizenship bounders illegally. This section seeks to discuss potential cost-effective, secure, and long-lasting solutions to this menace. Empowering the security forces on the bounders is the most effective method of dealing with illegal immigrants. Developing concrete measures within bounder areas ensures that there is close scrutiny of people joining a state. For instance, the United States has, for years, has been challenged by the Mexican bounder that covers more than two thousand miles. As part of building a lasting remedy, a solution, a wall ought to be elected along the bounder (Luxner, 2016). It might seem expensive, but it will have cured with the current trends of overflooding immigrants entering the United States. On the other hand, the interior law enforcers can play a significant part in solving the immigration equation. Harmonizing federal and national governments in…

Capital punishment Capital punishment is also known as death penalty whereby the person who has broken the law is given a death penalty after he has found guilty by a court responsible for crime cases (Siegel and Worrall, 2018).  This particular mind boggling method of punished can be differentiated from extrajudicial executions which are conducted illegally without following the law. Capital punishment can also be termed as death penalty and the two words can be used interchangeably, although penalty of death is not conducted immediately after a legal process of law. How are criminal justice systems working together to address the issue of capital punishment?             Research Design: The researcher has utilized an investigative research method. This Method will be convenient since it will assist the research design will be beneficial as it will aid the scholar to generate a dynamic hypothesis that will be used in future similar studies. This examination will target law enforcers worldwide. More precisely, a sample will be realized by using random sampling to derive a representative sample from law enforcers and scholars. A participant…

Broken Constitution The constitution of the United States is seen as a broken constitution in many ways. One reason many people see it as broken is because of its lack of democracy. The constitution of the United States of America never allowed women to vote. As per freedom, everybody should be allowed to vote for any leader of their choice. This was biased as the women were led by people they did not vote. The constitution was, therefore, undemocratic because it violated the right of the women to vote. Although this was removed in the amendment of the constitution, it is still undemocratic in the way of voting. This is because the constitution was made in a process that lacked democracy, and it has several barriers to achieving democracy. In the US elections, the voting is done by the Electoral College. This is an undemocratic process since it allows the candidates who did not win more votes to win. These flaws show that the constitution is undemocratic, and therefore people see it as a broken constitution. The constitution’s biggest flaw…

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