Constitutional Review; the Right to Privacy Introduction In essence, the framers of the Constitution, in spite of their remarkable foresight, were men all the same with limitations. Therefore, they could not have foreseen the resounding changes in the social, political, and economy of America, which has undoubtedly affected the relationship between governments. By establishing Liberty, equality, and limited government as the foundations of the Constitution, the framers made a flexible constitution that could evolve as long as it stayed true to the basic ideas that are behind its contents. In light of this, the right to privacy is legal and constitutional because it protects the Liberty of the people from overhanded government action, which is the soul of the Constitution. The right to privacy is legal and constitutional because it is underpinned by the principle of Liberty of the people and limited government that are central to the Constitution.                                           The Main Ideas of the Constitution Equality is among the top ideas embedded in the American Constitution. In essence, equality entails ensuring that every American is guaranteed an equal opportunity…

Democracy in the United States of America Democracy or democracy can be defined as the debilitated form of leadership where one has no power to make decisions and effective changes as it points at the use of majority power to decide and implement some of the crucial issues in the State. Fukuyama tends to describe the political statues of the United States of America as one of the democratic systems of government. This is simply because the American Constitution tend to protect the citizen’s rights through a plex system of checks and balance that was formed to limit the power of the president of the State. The constitution monitors the power of the president in various ways such as, the parliamentary system in which the principle of majority rule is applied (Graham & Svolik 2019). This system divides the power of the president with congress members who work independently without the wish of the head of state. The constitution also establishers judiciary, which monitors and regulates the power of the executives as it has the authority to question them and…

Reasons why careful attention to detail is required when preparing real estate contract When there are a need and willingness between the actual estate purchaser and the seller, there will be a need for both parties to enter a mutual agreement, which will be documented as a contract. However, besides the mutual understanding between the two parties, there is a need for careful attention to detail when signing the contract. The focus is given because the deal will identify the address and the parties who are involved; the agreement must provide a clear outline of the property which is being sold, thus the exact address and location of the property to help in the clear legal description of the plot at stake. The contract also needs attention because it contains the details on the price and terms which will be used for future references. The payment terms should include the earnest money deposit, which will show that the buyer is serious about the purchase and should be kept in the broker’s trust account and for easy follow up then the…

The Declaration of Independence Introduction The declaration of independence was written in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson, who shared the draft with his colleagues John Adams and Massachusetts, for their input and then submitted it to the colonial representatives for approval. Thomas Jefferson, in the declaration of independence, addressed two main ideas. He pointed out that the people had to dissolve the political chain and own their natural rights, which were entitled to them by the laws of nature and by God. These rights emphasized that all men are created equal and are also entitled to inalienable rights, which are rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The other ideas were that the government is simply a contract between people and their leaders and can be ruled out if it does not work for the interests of its people. These ideas mirror the theme of slavery of the black American community and how they were treated as unequal to white Americans. The deep roots of slavery In the 1600s, slavery was a dominant thing in the south. The confederacy had…

Constitutional Amendments and Rights Guaranteed to All People Listed in The First 10 Amendments Introduction In the first 10 Amendment of the Constituent of the United States of America, various rights are guaranteed to all people. The First 10 amendments in the Constitution are also referred to as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights comprises assurances of universal freedom and mind state power. They included it as a request to persuade states to approve the Constitution. The essential national political decision happened in 1789. Alongside President Washington, voters chose countless supporters of the Constitution. Practically, 50% of the ninety-one individual from the main Congress had assisted with composing or approve the Constitution. From the first 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment (Freedoms, Petitions, and Assembly (was quite intriguing to me. It stated that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a…

perspectives on the admission of more refugees into the US Introduction Over the years, the United States has taken pride in being one of the most diverse nations in the globe. Part of this has been its relaxed policies on entry of refugees into the country, especially those seeking refuge from countries experiencing political turmoil. An excellent example of the USA’s willingness to allow refugees into the country is the 2016 increment of the annual admission quota to 110,000 set in place by then-President, Obama. The stand by current president Donald Trump, however, has sparked a broad debate on the validity of allowing more refugees into the country, given America is already the country that allows the most refugees into the country, at least per the 2016 statistics. This essay compares perspectives on the admission of more refugees into the US. National security Those against the admission of more refugees into the country argue that refugees from war-torn countries are a threat to National security. Proposers of this argument cite that most refugees hail from countries such as Iran, Iraq,…

COVID-19 in California Coronavirus illness has been discovered to be contagious. The disease is caused by a new virus known as coronavirus. Due to the diverse effects and significant deaths caused by COVID-19, the State Head and Department of Health in California has ordered all individuals to observe the rules and regulations put across(Fang et al., 2020). The idea of staying indoors until an alternative solution is discovered is an essential step in making sure that the disease does not cause more infections and deaths. This is because by staying home, a social distance of one meter is observed, and therefore new cases of infection are minimized. The idea of maintaining crucial sectors, for example, health and transport, is a good idea because if, in any case, an individual feels signs of the virus, it is easy to access health facilities for treatment. At the same time, the extension of taxes on the business owners will have positive effects on the California traders who operate businesses on loans. Although the health department is advocating for the idea of staying indoors,…



Liberty Liberty as a value contrasts with equality. Since complete liberty leads to inequality, with some security measures in place, liberty can be compromised. Thus conflict arises as to what extent the value of security should be upheld. As the desire to uphold the value of safety and property stands, fairness can be challenged since poor people would have streets to congregate in and this may seem dangerous to individuals who may call the police when they feel their safety is threatened. In such cases, the government can help through creating a balance between these values to ensure that one is not exploited at the expense of others. For example, through increasing taxation as profits increase for businesses in a reasonable manner, the government can promote equity. Another example of government intervention is through provision of centers for congregation like community centers where all people can interact and share ideas. Relative to the constitution which stipulates the laws governing America, the declaration of Independence states that the people have the authority to rule and not the kings. It also states…



Logistics. Logistics is the storage of materials, acquisition and transportation of materials from the original point to the consumption point—this a daily routine in the service business, retail stores, manufacturing companies, armies and homeowners. There are three types of logistics that include business, military and production. Production logistics means the processes in logistics in a company especially in a manufacturing company that ensures that the workstation and the machine in a company have the right materials in place and the quality and quantity are at the right point in time. Business logistics are those processes in a company that ensures there a steady flow of needed information and materials through transportation links, the network of computers and storage facilities. Military logistics refers to organizing, planning and managing the movements of military forces through healthcare services, evacuation, storage and procurement. Napoleon’s Russian campaign failed because Russian people had destroyed their food, killed their livestock and burnt the crops (Fuller, 2015). The whole city was at flames when the French army arrived, and they could not find the supplies and the entire…

Determination of one’s destiny             Self destiny of an individual is determined by various factors, for example, the decisions they make, choices, how they use their time and the things they do. A person’s decisions have a great impact on their fortune and their future lives. The wise use of your freedom to make your own decisions is crucial to your spiritual growth, now and for eternity (Nelson & Russell, 2016). Mostly, people who make wise decisions in the young stages of their lives have proven to be the most successful persons in the future. Also, proper thinking before decision making enhances the chances of better resolutions than those made in haste. Yearnings to learn and change come from a divinely instilled striving for eternal progression. Each day brings opportunity for decisions for eternity (Nelson & Russell, 2016). Besides, having a strong urge to be successful in life improves one’s ability to make good decisions since they are yearning for a better future. Moreover, how an individual utilizes his/her time determines their destiny; proper utilization of one’s time, like doing…

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