Determination of one’s destiny             Self destiny of an individual is determined by various factors, for example, the decisions they make, choices, how they use their time and the things they do. A person’s decisions have a great impact on their fortune and their future lives. The wise use of your freedom to make your own decisions is crucial to your spiritual growth, now and for eternity (Nelson & Russell, 2016). Mostly, people who make wise decisions in the young stages of their lives have proven to be the most successful persons in the future. Also, proper thinking before decision making enhances the chances of better resolutions than those made in haste. Yearnings to learn and change come from a divinely instilled striving for eternal progression. Each day brings opportunity for decisions for eternity (Nelson & Russell, 2016). Besides, having a strong urge to be successful in life improves one’s ability to make good decisions since they are yearning for a better future. Moreover, how an individual utilizes his/her time determines their destiny; proper utilization of one’s time, like doing…

International Monetary and Financial Environments Turkey has experienced significant economic growth since the current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took overpower. There was massive investment in the economy that fueled economic growth. The turkey was one of the preferred destinations for multinationals to set up their companies. However, since the economic crisis in Turkey, the error that underlaid the leadership of Erdogan have been exposed that have left the economically vulnerable. As a result of the crisis, turkey’s lira has plummeted, and the cost of borrowing soared significantly. Economist term the growth in turkey as V-shaped where there is a sharp recession and a slow growth that started to pick up in 2019. The crisis has been fueled by the conflict between Turkey and the USA (Gauthier-Villars, & Sindreu, 2018). One of the main reason why turkey found herself in that state is because of the cheap credit that the companies in the country borrowed. This borrowing started in 2008 affect the great economic depression that left many economies suffering (Akcay & Güngen, 2019).  the central banks in the united states…

Reinstatement for the Position as Project Team Leader Hello Juan, I am hereby requesting reinstatement to my previous position of project team leader following my removal from the position some hours ago. The move you took to oust me out of the position was on a considerate perspective, and I should acknowledge you, my boss, for the concern you have for your employees. As you know, I have been serving well in the position all along except for today when a few issues pertaining to the slow speed of my team members to cooperate pending the deadline for the promotion of the new product.  I wish to clarify that I can work perfectly irrespective of the magnitude of pressure at work. However, for today’s case, I lost cool while in the checkpoint meeting due to laxity that my team members deliberately brought into the busy schedule we had last week. I know, and I believe you trust in me as far as serving in the same position is concerned. Kindly reinstate me to the position, and I am promising to…

Mesopotamian Architecture “Mesopotamia is located between what two rivers?” Mesopotamia is located between R.Tigris and R. Euphrates (McMahon, 2013). “What pictograph-like form of writing was used in Mesopotamia? Why does this now bring this culture out of pre-history? What were cylinder seals use for, what was carved into them?”  They used cuneiform writing. It enabled people to keep accurate records. It facilitated the writing of the laws that were reliable as opposed to the reservation in people’s minds. It promoted a knowledge of stars, history. It also transformed trade, government, war. Cylindrical seals were carved stone cylinders, for instance, agate, chalcedony, marble. They were used in making an impression in the wet clay.   “Mesopotamia was a theocratic society, what does that mean? ” Mesopotamia’s center of government was the temple. Religious systems blended with political elements. It is where projects, for instance, the building of dykes and irrigation canals were overseen. We also had the division of food after the harvest in the temples.   “In what ways was the White Temple at Uruk, a precursor to the later…

Evolution of Police Technology Police technology has improved tremendously over the past few years. Several years ago, law enforcement was represented only by the local police chief with a badge, a sheriff’s badge, and a city posse. However, police are divided into three eras in the cycle of changing police technology: the political period, the technological age, and the collective period (Moriarty, 2017).   There have been significant improvements in police technology in all three eras. During the political period around 1903, law enforcement used to monitor unpaved highways and broken foot and horseback pathways. Then came other technical advances like the cellphones, daily mail, surveillance box, and Bertillon used to track criminals, as well as the first models of fingerprinting systems. The police were later fitted with a pistol and a telescoping baton, under the new model era that started around the 1920s. This period saw the invention of the lie detector, an improved method of fingerprinting, handwriting recognition devices, and automobile use. Radar was usable with two-way antennas. The 1970 age of the police model gave way to crime…

Physical Examination Chief Complaint The patient was a male, and he sought medical help since he felt sad, and he felt down. He felt as if he always wanted to stay alone to mean that he had lost pressure as well as the interest in the daily activities. This had had a  substantial impact on him. He had no friends, and this made him unhappy with the life he was living. History of the Present Illness The man has been having this condition for approximately four months.  Recently, he tried committing suicide since he felt as if he was worthless, but his efforts proved futile. His lonely life has made him feel as if he is unwanted in society, and he feels unworthy of having any friends. He has tried listening to music and even going for nature walks as a way of relieving himself, but he thinks that this is not a  complete solution to his problem. Medications The patient was initially administered with mood stabilizers. These are medicines that treat as well as prevent the highs and lows,…

Founding Brothers Historical events Chance Founding brothers give praises to the founding fathers whose life had offered a chance to enjoy a god-like reputation due to their patriotism to save the nation, which was in captivity. The founding fathers had a chance to be emblematic of the revolutionary era as well as the nation that came about as an outcome. Even though in the revolutionary era, people wanted to do away with the god-like structure of the European monarchy, the founding fathers were and up to date are imbued with god-like status. The author says that they well deserve this chance.  The author also says that the founding fathers had a chance to collaborate among men, leading to the shaping of the nation, America. The reign also gave a chance for politicians to be seen as gods. It is because they had a chance of operating through collaboration instead of the arbitrary, ultimate authority of a single headship or king. Finally, the new structure of political management depicted by the seven founding fathers of the revolutionary era was of a…

Gun Control in the United States                Abstract The paper aimed at finding out whether the United States should increase gun control. The study adopted a mixed research method where both qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed. Data was gathered from secondary sources. The regression model was used to analyze the data. Excel was used as a tool of analysis. The study concluded that there exists a strong positive relationship between the number of gun ownership among the US population and the number of death incidences resulting from gun incidences, the males are the major victims of gun incidences in the US and lastly gun ownership is comparatively very high compared to many other high-income nations across the globe. The study recommended that the US should institute more gun control. 1.0 Background of the Study According to Duignan (2018), gun control involves the legal measures taken by the government to restrict the use and possession of guns. In many countries across the globe, there is strict control for possession and use of guns. The issue of gun control is, however,…

Democracy is Good Introduction Ancient Greece had the most modern form of democracy in ancient times. All the people participated in discussing and formulating policies for Greece. Also, Greece had elected representatives that had to finance and implement the policies. There were also courts to conduct trials for those perceived as going against the law. Below are some characteristics of democracy in ancient Greece. Golden Rule Early in the semester, we discussed the Golden Rule tying it to Tolerant and Human Rights. How in the Bible it is depicted as do to others what you want them to do to you. In Ancient Egypt, it was stated that which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another.” In Greece, the golden rule was observed by the rule of law. Any breaking of the law was punishable by the law itself, which had been formulated by the people. For instance, any government figure involved in corruption was sentenced by the popular courts. Also, the majority of the laws were made by the people in the assemblies who…

L212-Space Force According to James and Welsh (2015), some of the missions of the air force of the future will include multi-domain command and control and rapid global mobility. One of the ways through which these missions can be realized involves the establishment of a space force. This paper examines the issues pertaining to the setting up of the space force, including recruiting, arming and training the needed personnel and the politics and delineation of interagency responsibilities. To begin with, the process of the establishment of the space force is facing major challenges when it comes to recruiting, arming, training and equipping the necessary human resources. For instance, the establishment of the space force requires massive budgetary allocation. At the moment, only a proposal exists on how the money needed to set up the space force will be sourced. For instance, the Department of Defense (2018) argues that the money needed to fund the setting up of the U.S space force will be factored in the 2020-2011 budget plans. Besides, it is still unclear how the training of personnel that…

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