A Visit to International Antiquarian Book Fair & Paper Show I had the privilege to attend the 51st California International Antiquarian Book Fair, which took place at state of the art Pasadena Convention Center in February 2018. Book fairs provide platforms where readers and book lovers can get thousands of types of books. The California International Antiquarian Book Fair is recognized as one of the world’s largest exhibition of ancient books and features a collection from over 200 booksellers from around the world. Being a bookworm, it is always exciting to be in an event full of a diverse group of publishers and booksellers. A book is a source of information. The book fair was indeed an exhibition to watch. There were three halls with each hall being segmented into stalls managed by respective exhibitors. Thousands of book lovers attended the Book Fair, and based on the massive presence of security officers; I could tell that security was tight. We had to stand in line to enter the fair. Just by looking, one could say that all sorts of books…

 International Relations             For the survival of the modern competitive world, international relations are considered as necessity aspects. This is because any country, which has isolated from the world finds it hard to survive in a competitive world. For decades, Syria has been suffering due to the isolation from other countries. Thus, leading to conflict between some western countries and Israel. However, this paper aims to discuss how Realism, Liberalism, and Radicalism theories of international relations view the current Syria War. According to Realism viewpoint, a principle driving force behind Syria’s competitive relations is considered to be the interest of people (Mingst 554). This is because, people want freedom in doing what they want, without being dictated or being taken advantage by other people. In Syria, people have rebelled against the government, since it dictates people, takes away their freedom and captivates an individual’s interest. The actions of people liberating themselves from a dictatorial government often support realists claim, which suggests that conflict can be resolved by war. Moreover, Liberalism theory assists in providing a valid explanation on Liberalism theory…

Government’s Policy In the 19th Century, Indians were forced to migrate from the eastern sides of the United States to the west of Mississippi River. During that time, The Indian Removal Act that was signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 did not take effect during his regime because he took a hard stand on that matter. One of the factors that stimulated Indians’ removal was the fact that European settlers wanted to occupy those lands. The Americans also believed that Native Americans were primitive, and thus, they did not want to live close to them. Americans also considered Indians traditions as barbaric and intolerable. Therefore, they believed that assimilation was a vital process that will make them live in peace with them. At that time, Americans claimed that Indians should forsake their religion and accept Christianity so that they could be saved from ‘fires of hell.’  According to Washburn (2014), the establishment of the Dawes Act reinforced numerous changes to the ways of life of Indians by eliminating Indian culture and confiscated and redistributed tribal lands. Indian nations were forced…

United States Federal cyber-attack policies What is a cyber-attack? Cyber-attacks are a form of cybercrime, at which point an external attacker attacks a computer system intending to steal, destroy, gain access, or compromise a computer system or a network of multiple computers. These attacks are often backed by the intention of stealing important data or to compromise the computer systems. Cybersecurity of federal network policy The federal executive branch operates Information Technology (IT) practices on behalf of the American citizens. The data secured inside its systems should be secured using all the resources of the United States. In case of any data breach, the secretary of homeland security in coordination with the director of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), director of national intelligence, and all other appropriate agency heads, shall identify the authorities and capabilities, that can be employed to assist the cybersecurity attempts to thwart the attacks, evaluate the security measures undertaken, and provide a detailed report to the president, which can be classified partly or fully. Within two hundred and forty days of issuing this order, the secretary…

Role played by DHS in safeguarding the national infrastructure from cyber attack Overview of the risks The coordinated cyber attacks from China might hamper the current state of affairs of the United States. There is an increasing need for taking the situation under control as soon as possible. After its occurrence, the critical infrastructure of the country might be paralyzed. It will affect the IT infrastructure of the government and private agencies. Along with that, it might hamper the electric grid and restrict satellite communications. The Department of Defense or DOD usually communicates with other agencies that are situated overseas. However, the probable attack can restrict DOD’s overseas communication. Lastly, the financial services, along with international commerce, will be hit. Hence, the DHS or Department of Homeland Security established to protect the nation from such attacks can strengthen the situation. Overview of the Presidential Order The Presidential Order has been published by the President to ensure the protection of American infrastructure and innovation. In this order, cybersecurity has been prioritized because the nation is entirely dependent on its IT infrastructure.…

Political challenges addressed by Justin Trudeau in Canada In the early eighteenth century,  Canadian government had been subjected to many political challenges. This was due to lack of governmental institutions that would address and respond to the political challenges accordingly. Later, several national institutions were founded and designed to address the different political challenges that  faced Canadian government. Some of the governmental institutions  established were;  the senate, federalism, the constitution Act of 1867, and prime minister ( Jenson et al. 2001). These institutions continued to evolve as they responded to various political challenges and opportunities that faced the Canadian government. The main aim of writing this complimentary essay is to generate more personal variation on the prime minister as one of the institutions that were founded to respond to political challenges in Canada. The paper describes the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, the political challenges that the canadian government faced and how the prime minister addressed them. Initially, the Canadian government was led by the governor-general, who was then in charge of the whole government and could make a decision concerning…

The Army Crew Team Why the Varsity team lost The varsity team lost to the Junior Varsity team because JV was better in terms of the organization hence the excellent performance. Also, Preczewski, the couch of the Varsity team and his members, were overconfident, therefore, ended up underrating the Junior Varsity team (Snook & Polzer, 2004). Besides, the varsity team disregarded the unique fusion of different skills and members co-ordination hence lost as the competition as minor details were enough to distinguish the losers from the winners. Solutions to resolve the problems Couch P. needs to analyze the unique abilities of the team members during practice. The couch, however, selected the eight best rowers for his team, not considering the importance of synchronizing with teammates. Since there is no award for an individual performance, no one in the group should try to outdo the others lest the rowers’ game would slow down due to lack of harmony. Recommended action to help the Varsity team The couch should firstly work on creating harmony among the team members. Team performance determines the…

Paul Robeson and Allen Ginsberg Paul Robeson and Allen Ginsberg challenged the appeal for conformity that appeared often in advertising and political speech in the United States in the 1950s. In Cold War America, conformity meant buying mass-produced goods, demonstrating patriotism by repeating a political ideology that claimed to support “freedom” but in reality was an excuse for suppressing minorities, following traditional guidelines for speech and artistic expression in education and the arts, and supporting America’s new world-wide military presence, despite the fact that the United States came very close to leading the world into nuclear annihilation. Read Paul Robeson’s testimony before the House Committee on Un-American Activities and Allen Ginsberg’s poem “America,” both from 1956. Both Robeson and Ginsberg were iconoclasts, literally, “breakers of idols.” What sacred idols of American culture and politics did these two break? Write a short essay, minimum of 200 words, in which you explain the significance of their words you read in the House Committee transсrіpt and in Ginsberg′s ″America,″ both documents from a decade that is usually remembered for its prosperity and increasing…

Promoting Financial Accountability in Local Governments Globally, every government should be accountable for the country’s finances to all its citizens. According to the constitution, all citizens have the right to know how the federal and national governments collect, manage and spend taxes. In turn, this facilitates accountability and transparency of the governments to the public. Consequently, the local governments need to create public awareness of the financial status of the government to boost the citizens’ confidence in monitoring government debt and liabilities. Disclosing the local government assets and liabilities plays a vital role in economic implications assessment in the public sector financial management. Significantly, it is the mandate of the local governments to ensure that financial information and statements are available for every citizen. Some of the financial reports from the local government auditor general are so complex for the local citizens to understand; therefore, the financial information ought to be citizen-centric, that is, presented in a way that eases understandability and allows citizens to hold their government accountable. For instance, the Association of Government Accountants formularized a technique that…

History of Current Sergeant Major of the Army Introduction The Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) is a non-commissioned rank in the United States of America which is positioned in the office of the Army in the unites states of America. Whoever holds this rank is considered the most enlisted senior member of the army unless he/she is serving as the chairman of the Chief Joint of Staff as an advisor. In case he serves as an advisor to this board of staff, he will also be the most senior person of the SMA group. In the United States of America, the Sergeant Major of the Army is usually appointed to play the role of addressing all issues that are affecting soldiers in various offices. This includes the warranty officers, the lieutenants as well as addressing other issues that are affecting those who are holding the highest ranks in the army offices. Several people have served in the US as Sergeant Major of the Army but the current one is Daniel A. Dailey who has held the office since 2015.…

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