The United States Invaded Iraq for Their Oil Few media platforms’ reflections on the Iraq and United States conflict correctly sightsee the extent that the Anglo-American invasion led to the opening up of the Persian Gulf energy resources to the world economy. The American invasion story has been one of inadequacy and disappointment, if misguided and severely oversaw undertaking to liberate Iraqis from oppression (Gunes, 2019). Undoubtedly, the director of the war was packed with ineptitude at a gigantic scale – however, this doesn’t eradicate the genuine duplicity of the cold, key rationale that propelled the war’s US and English organizers in any case. For around 30 years, it happens for the first time. Western oil organizations are investigating for and producing oil in Iraq from a portion of the world’s most significant oil fields and procuring tremendous benefit (Heller, 2018). And keeping in mind that the United States has likewise kept up a genuinely predictable degree of Iraq oil imports since the attack, the advantages are not finding their way through Iraq’s economy or society. After leaving office, Obama…

Diversity Statement Many institutions, MGH Institute of Health Professions being one of them has made strides towards  improving diversity and inclusivity, however students are also obliged to create an environment that supports this culture. There are various measures or efforts that as a student I can help the institution to ensure that their dream of inclusivity and diversity is achieved within the institution. One way to achieve this is by being interactive. As a student it is my responsibility to ensure that students who happen to join the institution do not feel marginalized. In many institutions there is no interaction among students from different backgrounds and cultures. Most students who come from overseas do experience culture shock and they suffer from isolation and this makes it harder for them to integrate with the native students within their new environment. Interaction between native students and new students does break this barrier and in turn promotes inclusivity. As a student I can also write recommendations to the administration on some of the measures they can put in place to promote inclusivity and…

United States Vs. Facebook One of the cases that caught public attention is that between Facebook and the United States, with the United States being the complainant and Facebook being the defendant. The main issue, in this case, was that of the violation of privacy policy by Facebook. The defendant is said to have exposed the privacy data of the clients to third parties. This happened after Facebook erroneously changed its privacy settings. As a result, data from the clients of the company were revealed to third parties without their knowledge or prior consent. The malpractice by Facebook led to the unauthorized transfer of more than 50 million user profiles to the data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica, which mined data from Facebook without consent from the users. In order to prevent this from recurring in future, the court directed Facebook to always carry out privacy audits on a regular basis. Apart from that, Facebook was also required to establish a comprehensive privacy program. In my opinion, the decision made to conduct regular privacy audit makes a lot of sense. However,…

Necessary Details of the Primary Source Give The author of the the source is Jennifer L .Morgan, who wrote the first edition between the 1500 -1800 century. However, the cause was edited by Tony Ballantyne and Antoinette Burton in January 2005 and was published by Duke University Press in Durban London in December the same year. The audience of the source is colonial travelers with African’s women bodies. The Main Point of Argument in the Source The main the argument is to show the relationship between celibacy and the Indian patriotism and how these fates contributed to the Korean “Comfort women” to engage in prostitution with Japanese armies. The Historical Context of the Source Bodies in Contact:” Rethinking Colonial Encounters in World History” is to explain the gendered history during the colonization period and the effects of imperialism as well as colonialism across different historical events and time concerning different cultural contexts. How the Historical Context helps us Better Understand the Source The source plays a significant role because it provides a foundation for the analysis of the directions of…

The relationship between taxes and the gross domestic product The relationship between taxes and the gross domestic product is based on the revenue that the country earns. Also, the domestics’ product is based on the value of the marketing goods and the services in the country. The taxes are related to the gross product since the total product of the country determines the tax rates. Some countries like the United States increase the ratio of charge to gross domestic products so that they can address the issues of the economic problems (Kalaš, 2017). The higher the gross domestic product, the more the tax collected by the government, and the lower the GDP, the lower the collected taxes. The government and economists can apply this ratio to fuel the economy. In understanding the ration to GDP ratio, it is a metric that is used by the government to control the resources in the marketplace. This ratio the revenues collected from the taxes, product sales tax, fines, penalties, social security payments includes, and others. The developed are said to have a higher…

A Report to the Ruler on the State of Realm in the Byzantine Empire State of the finances or economic system Our economy is stable as compared to the neighboring empires. Our trading network extends nearly all of North Africa and Eurasia. Our financial stability is evidenced by our ability to pull travelers engaging in trade and other commercial activities. The bigger cities in the empire thrive as metropolitan markets for the exchange of goods and services in the area. Buyers can stroll down the streets picking goods such as Arabian perfumes and Bulgarian linen, among others. Some of the products that have enhanced our economy are honey, olive oil, fish sauce, wheat, and wine. Byzantine Army We have a professional standing army- our first military body is the army that serves alongside the navy. Our army has maintained a similar level of strategic prowess, discipline, and organization as a direct continuation of the Roman Army. As a result, sour forces are among the most effective armies in the region. We also boast of a highly organized army all over…

The cash flow statement The cash flow statement can be used to establish if a business is healthily investing its capital and finances. Reduced cash flow is an indicator of ineffective management. Good managers review and predict the cash flow to be able to improve operations and appropriately balance the outflows with the inflows. This is possible through controlling the factors and activities that influence that cash flow statement. This paper looks at business activities that affect cash flow. The activities affecting cash flow are divided into three main categories; operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities (Kaspina et al., 2015). Operating activities include the normal day to day business operations such as sales and the related income, inventories, sale, and purchase of assets, depreciation, and other activities resulting in changes in operating capita. Investing operations, on the other hand, include the issue of new capital such as purchase and sale of marketable securities, any transactions around the acquisition of property, issuance of new debts, debt repayment, and dividend payments. A lot of other activities may be part of the…

Colonel Jean Andre Sauvageot Colonel Jean Andre Sauvageot was born in Ohio and studied Philosophy (major) and English (minor). He wasn’t thinking of joining the army since he was considering joining law school. He, however, joined the navy and later volunteered to the military since there was a shortage of soldiers, and it would also earn him extra income. He did not study Vietnamese in class, but he learned it while he was a junior captain. At the camp, the soldiers were quite confident in their work. He served under the tutelage of Frank Scotton. Frank, who was an information officer at USI, became his friend. He helped him to stay in the place and gave him confidence that the war was going to be over eventually. He had in-depth knowledge of the war, and he mainly worked as an adviser to the battalions According to Colonel Jean, to win the war, they had to make the people understand that the soldiers were working in the best interest of the people. The legitimate government that was in power and the…

The use and evolution of guerilla warfare in the Vietnamese war Introduction The guerilla warfare in the Vietnam War was one of the deadliest strategies used by the North Vietnamese forces. The guerilla warfare was a very unconventional style of combat, where the groups of stealthy combatants used the element of surprise to eliminate their opponents. This tactic was widely used by the North Vietnamese Communists, known as the Vietcong. Several critics of the war state that the war was fought without any plan, goal, or any strategy. The guerilla warfare was heavily used by the North Vietnamese and was misunderstood by the United States military. The causes of the Vietnamese war were derived from the symptoms, components, and the consequences of the Cold War. This paper will further define the warfare of its use and evolution and the tactics of the warfare used (Huynh et al., 2015, p11). The evolution of the guerilla war In its development, in the ancient world, this kind of warfare was mentioned indirectly by the Greeks but usually as hit and run acts of…

need for the government to impose regulation on working breastfeeding mothers to protect their infant’s health Workplace barriers reduce breastfeeding rates. Breastfeeding gives rise to vital long-lasting and immediate benefits to infants, their mothers, and positive results on the young one’s cognitive development, including health during their adult stage. In the year 2003 the UNICEF proposed enacting regulations to protect working women who were breastfeeding. It established means to enforce this. Employment involving mothers outside their homes, has negative impact on the period of breastfeeding. Working outside the home place shortens the breastfeeding period is not adequately clear and factors associated period surrounding   return in work remain critical. (Thesis) the purpose of this paperwork is to argue on the statement about the need for the government to impose regulation on working breastfeeding mothers to protect their infant’s health.  In some states, for instance, America, most people take woman’s breast sight offensive and even obscene. This attitude to females explains why society forces mothers who are breastfeeding in ill-situated places the like of restrooms—insufficient accommodation, especially working women. Currently, no laws…

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