GOVERNMENT – political corruption, government transparency, government spending/budget, the electoral college Newell, James L. Corruption in contemporary politics. Manchester University Press, 2018. The book explores contemporary thinking about corruption by acknowledging it as a severe concern. The book brings an understanding of the impacts of crime, such as infringing rules that describe the legitimate and illegitimate ways of wealth acquisition. It also shows the dangers of corruption to both the interests of the advantaged and disadvantaged. The book is informative as it explains corruption, gives examples and provides a survey of the scandal phenomenon. Therefore, the source is reliable in understanding the concept of political corruption. Smith, Jared D. “U.S. political corruption and firm financial policies.” Journal of Financial Economics 121.2 (2016): 350-367. This article focuses on a large panel of the United States firms between the years 1980-2009 to investigate the link between corruption incidences, especially on the part of the political officials and public firms’ financial policies. The article provides the findings of the research by stating a negative correlation between corruption to cash holdings. The author also finds that…

technical surveillance countermeasures that can be implemented by individuals, organizations, and governments to secure data Technological advancements have eased access to global market information in this era. Corporate information, including sales, finances, services, and products, has been availed on online platforms. Organizations and governments worldwide have adopted systems that grant people seeking essential goods and services access irrespective of their geographical locations. Securing information on these platforms from competitors and malicious individuals have, however, presented a challenge to both governments and organizations. Some parties have abused the internet’s transparency standards by illegally sourcing information regarding their competitors’ financial positions, cliental data as well as secrets of trade on existing products and those under development. This entry highlights technical surveillance countermeasures that can be implemented by individuals, organizations, and governments to secure data. Openness and Security Access and denial of access to information have set the public agenda on rights on the internet. Standards of openness on the internet, incorporating transparency provide for everyone to participate on equal bases (Hastedt, 2011). As such, openness standards allowing for the development and release…

State of the Union Speech by President Donald Trump             The President made the speech on February 5th, 2020. He was addressing the issue of economy and healthcare. In his speech, he reaffirmed the progress his administration has made in improving health care and the economy. In the same address, he seemed to attack the Democrats in the Congress and the speaker Nancy Pelosi (Schroeder, 2020). He indicated that they the democrats to offer in improving the economy and health care. The speech is historical in American history. It came after the Congress voted to charge for abuse of office. The address was fundamental. It happened at a time when the Corona Virus had been discovered in the city of Wuhan, China. It was an indication of what his administration should be focusing on in terms of health care so to cushion all citizens who are at risk. Further, the speech recorded a plus in highlighting how his health care plan will cover citizens with pre-existing conditions. On the other hand, the speech had some minuses. For instance, it did…

What is Zionism? How does it differ from nationalism? (or does it?) Zionism is the religious and political effort that brought from around the world back to the ancient homeland in the Middle East and then reestablished Israel as the central location for Jewish identity (Suzman, 2016). In other words, Zionism is the movement to reestablish or recreate the Jewish presence in Israel. Contrarily nationalism is the independent, driven movement focused on acquiring and maintaining unity and identity of a particular nation through cohesion and determination. Jewish nationalism is also characterized by social justice and equality. Nationalism is also characterized by a high level of acceptance for one another via concepts such as urbanization to minimize the problem of ethnicity. Critics of the modern state of Israel argue, among other things, that it is an imperialist outpost of the United States. What evidence might support such an argument?  What evidence might refute it? Apart from being “an imperialist outpost of the United States,” Israel is a prime example of decolonization and the 2nd case in the history of an indigenous…

Honor violence in Virginia Honor violence, which can also be referred to as dueling, is described by Bruce Baird as a violence that is employed in defense of a person’s honor. The honor violence was strongly condemned by the upper-class consensus, which was living in Virginia. The evolution of honor violence before the revolution was sparked by the aristocratic competition and democratic disputes that affected the unity of the upper-class consensus and saw the beginning of dueling acceptance. The second factor that influenced the evolution of honor violence during the revolution was the challenge of having honor. Bruce describes in chapter four of Violence and Brutality in American History this by stating that dueling still faced difficulties before it could be accepted by the people (Michael, 1999). Lee argued that the law of honor was manifested even on those who opposed dueling in their principle because he believed that the opinion of humanity, which is more of law, forces a man to resent an insult and connects the contempt of a coward to them if they refuse. The influence of…

How Hitler rose to power Hitler was a leader in Germany who was appointed to be a chancellor in the year 1933 after the Nazi Party have succeeded in several electoral victories. Hitler ruled until 1945, when his death suicide happened (Goeschel, 2018). He had transformed Germany to become a war state during his leadership, where all democratic institutions got smashed. Hitler was so powerful and a very notorious dictator. Hitler was able to rise to power through the Nazi party, which had become the largest political party. Since no one had the ability to command enough support to government Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg (Goeschel, 2018). After the death of this president, Hitler took over as the Commander in chief of the German army. He expanded the army so quickly and started to form a new air force Hitler used different tools to maintain control to achieve his goals. For instance, immediately after he took over, he dismantled most democratic institutions and started murdering or imprisoning most people who tried to…

How Party Discipline in Canada Inhibits Democracy Party discipline is the capability of members of parliament from a specific political party to convince the parliamentary group members to support the policies of their leader (Lecomte). In governments with liberal democracy, it means that power that the party’s leadership has over legislative members. Party discipline does not apply to all forms of government; however, it is essential for governments that enable political party leadership of the nation.  And this is only applicable if the respective political party brings political, social, and economic development via legitimate political processes and strategies. During parliamentary votes, no one is supposed to break party discipline; however, if it occurs, then responsible suffer lack of promotion to the cabinet or eliminations of extra allowances like travel (Lecomte). Party discipline is vital for governments that enable political party leadership. By expounding on party discipline, this paper illustrates how party discipline inhibits democracy in Canada.   In most cases, party discipline means that participants of a similar party vote together when they are in the parliament (Kilgour, John, and…

Impact of Coronavirus in international Trade Coronavirus was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. Its outbreak has disrupted international Trade through the supply chain and manufacturing operations around the world. The pandemic has prompted companies, industries, and businesses to close. Most of the companies are being forced to shut down; for example, those companies relying on manufacturing materials in China. In essence, the majority of companies have indicated a decrease in production in the past months (Haren & Levi,2020). The aspect of China being one of the largest economies in the world has prompted an assortment of global markets to shut down. For example, most of the tech industries rely on China labor to build phones and computer chips, and most of these industries are running low in terms of production. To be specific, America’s companies conducting their business operations in China are suffering from losses and financial crisis due to ongoing coronavirus pandemic specifically in China. Specifically, this caused an implication in the reduction of the flow of goods to the outside world. Apparently, the American…

MIDEA MAW12R1BWT WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER The Midea MAW12R1BWT is a powerful window air conditioner that provides fast and efficient cooling for your home. Packing a 12,000 BTU cooling capacity and an 11.3 EER rating, it can cool rooms and spaces between 450-550 square feet, making it ideal for living rooms, family rooms, or any room with an open floor plan. This unit performs three functions in one. It combines air conditioning, dehumidification, and ventilation to give your home the perfect indoor atmosphere. It also comes with a remote control that allows you to control the unit from anywhere in the room. The remote, coupled with the digital LED display on the front panel, lets you operate this air conditioner even in the dark. To help you save energy, the Midea MAW12R1BWT features a 24-hour timer, which you can set to turn the unit on and off as you wish. This way, the AC will only run when you deem necessary. In “sleep mode,” the temperature automatically adjusts to match your body’s heat for maximum comfort as you sleep. It also…

how future terrorism might be like Since the 2001 terrorist attacks in the US, the government has been continuously investing in deterring terrorism and fighting against responding effectively to terrorist attacks. However, terroristic attacks are dynamic, and it becomes hard to predict when and how it will occur. However, it is necessary for the US government, primarily Homeland Security, the federal department that deals with terrorism to predict future terrorism so that it may include the best strategies to counter the same. This paper predicts how future terrorism might be like. First, terroristic attacks in the US are expected to be committed by US residents, especially by White Supremacist Extremists and Homegrown Violent Extremists. This was supported by the 2020 terrorism report on terrorism by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. Over time, terrorism threats have shifted from Islamic extremists to domestic terrorists. Since the 1980s to the early 2000s, the US was under continuous threat by the Al-Qaida, a Middle East Islamic terrorist group. However, since the government put in place adequate security measures minimizing the…

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