The constitution of India In 2009, India’s Election Commission took the first step by allowing transgender to choose their gender as “other” on ballot forms. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a significant initiative of the 11th Five Year Plan period, which brought employment opportunities for transgender people. The constitution of India has given equal rights like other citizens and ensures that they should not be discriminated against on the ground of gender as it can violate Article 14,15,16 and 21. The court also gives one’s gender expression protection under Article 19(1) (a), and no one shall restrict personal appearance or choice of dressing under Article 19(2). Article 7(1) of Transgender Persons Act -2014 has given the right to live in the community with choices equal to others. Again, in section 11(1), it is ensured that no transgender child should separate from his or her parents based on his gender except on order of court and interest of the child. The section 11(2), it stated family unable to care transgender child, the court shall try to…

 executive employees and features of the nonqualified deferred compensation plans The topics mainly give an understanding of the executive employees as well as the features of the nonqualified deferred compensation plans. They also explain the examples of the NODC plans for the executives’ retirement, the mechanisms for funding the NGOC plans, and the separation agreement for the executives. The establishment of benefits and compensation for the executives calls for knowledge of more principles and practices (Copeland p.65). Under normal circumstances, they do not apply to nonexecutive employees. This issue of compensation for executives has recently drawn a lot of attention in the media since the compensation for the executives’ increases even as the company’s profits are declining. This paper will, therefore, discuss the key employees distinguishing between the executives and nonemployees based on their regulations and also the highly compensated employees. The main reason why they are paid higher is that they play a vital role in the management of the organization. Key employees also help in making better decisions for the success of the organization, and that is the…

How do non-democratic states maintain authority amongst their populations? Write an analytical essay that establishes a theoretical baseline and then develop the concept using empirical examples, drawn either from the course readings, the documentaries we’ve watched in previous weeks, or other documentaries listed below.   Topic: How do non-democratic states maintain authority amongst their populations? For this question, you will want to consider the various modes of authoritarian governance [cooptation, violence & surveillance, ideology, personality cult] Good theoretical works to start with: De Mesquita and Smith, Schedler, Gerchewski Good places for examples: Fahy, Slater, Fifeld, Zerofsky, Documentaries on Saudi Arabia, North Korea   Papers should be 5-7 pages, with an additional works cited page. Make sure to cite all evidence used. Please use APA style for citation formatting . Paper should have a thesis statement, a coherent line of logic, and ample use of specific examples. Please incorporate material  in the essay and examples from the reading to show understanding as well as the documentaries to explain topic . Please make sure to go back and re read material to…

Question on foreign multinationals operating in Ireland In 2019 Irish GDP was €350bn but GNI* was just over €200bn. Examine what evidence there is for the contribution foreign multinational companies to the growth of the Irish economy. In answering this question, the writer should be able to show evidence of the recent rise Irish exports. The answer should examine the contribution or foreign MNCs to the Irish balance of trade surplus and balance of payments and further discuss Irish economy expenditures and BERD To deepen this analysis the writer should show how the most important sectors in merchandise trade (chem and med pharma) and services (computer services) have grown either exports or employment Finally, the writer may cover other areas such as, contribution to tax revenues, competitiveness, effect on the labour market or infrastructure or other aspects of explanation not covered in the above.[unique_solution] Question on foreign multinationals operating in Ireland In 2019 Irish GDP was €350bn but GNI* was just over €200bn. Examine what evidence there is for the contribution foreign multinational companies to the growth of the Irish…

ETHICAL ISSUES OF NEW YORK′S THIRTY DIRTY POLICE CORRUPTION GROUP Students will thoroughly research a law enforcement/legal/judicial organization that has or currently is experiencing some ethical issues and/or dilemmas. Students will act as consultants and draft a proposal/plan to help the organization understand the ethical issues they have had or are having, make recommendations to improve and/or eliminate the problems, and explain how the organization will implement these changes/recommendations. This project will require students to do research, think critically, and complete a professionally written paper/proposal, which includes data and scholarly/empirical sources to support their plan. Students will also produce a Power Point presentation that they will share with the class. You should use Times New Roman, 12-point font, one-inch margins all the way around, and follow APA citation/formatting. [unique_solution]Students will thoroughly research a law enforcement/legal/judicial organization that has or currently is experiencing some ethical issues and/or dilemmas. Students will act as consultants and draft a proposal/plan to help the organization understand the ethical issues they have had or are having, make recommendations to improve and/or eliminate the problems, and explain…

Struggling with the Pandemic Nobody knew that the freedom of free interaction could disappear as quickly as the melting of waxes. When convoys of army trucks ferrying bodies of dead people were seen in some countries, the governments’ importunity to have people circumscribed started making sense. The social distancing rules have come as an eye-opener that worldly belongings could prove to be vanity. Besides, rich people are witnessing their money sepulcher in banks and houses without anywhere to spend it. Journalists have importuned government officials who have appeared to be prodigal even in times of crisis as they seek to seek popularity. The failure to adhere to governments’ precepts has been censured, and the people offenders regarded to as libertine as they continue to put their lives as well of others in danger. Everyone wishes the current epidemic away so that the world can resume normalcy as people look forward to flourish after several months of lockdown. Besides, not everyone enjoys staying locked in their houses and the only friend in sight is a cup of wassail. The epidemic caught everyone unawares, and those who had planned to marry have been forced to postpone their parties or choose to do them behind closed doors. Moreover,…

Capital Budgeting – definition of the term The process of capital budgeting is used by business organizations for determining the investment projects that can be taken over and the ones that will be rejected. It is associated with the purchase of any new assets or undertaking any new business projects. For instance, the purchase of a piece of land or construction of a new production unit in a particular site requires performing capital budgeting so that it can be ascertained if such projects can be approved or not. This process helps in reflecting a quantitative analysis for all the identified projects in a portfolio and gives a rational base to different companies in making judgments for the acceptance of various projects. In this process, any company can identify cash inflows along with cash outflows of the potential projects. For this, the process is also known as investment appraisal. Moreover, with this project, each of the projects in a portfolio is ranked according to the probable returns from them, which helps the management in choosing the plan that can be taken…

Reflection on Your Proposed Amendment to the Constitution In at least one page reflect on your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that you presented to your peers in the discussion board.. This assignment is about creating and communicating a fully developed argument. First, describe your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (this is a thesis statement) Second, present and describe three (3) arguments in support of your Amendment. Think especially about the ideas, themes, and nature of our nation’s founding and political institutions. For example, do our founders ideas of what liberty means support you proposed amendment? Third, address at least two 2 counter arguments that could be made by those that might oppose your proposed amendment. Describe those counter arguments fully and discuss why those counter arguments do not sufficiently counter your proposed amendment to the Constitution. Finally, write a conclusion paragraph that restates your proposed change to the Constitution and reviews what you believe to be the most compelling argument in support of your proposed amendment. Be sure to include a reference list for any outside sources…

Marijuana legalization-California proposition 64 Introduction California proposition 64 seeks to reform the realistic approach to the marijuana policy in California. This has been sparked by the heated up debates that have increased in the last two decades over marijuana legalization in the U.S states. The major concern is a review on the laws of licencing of stores to sell cannabis to people above 21 years of age. This has been a testament of the Coloradoans and the ability to work together with the people (Anderson, Hansen & Rees, 2015). However, Hickenlooper has praised all the opposing sides for holding on the facts that he believes have increased the legalisation roll out. In the union of the U.S states, California was the first state to pass laws allowing legal consumption of marijuana. This was first witnessed in the proposition 215 in 1996. Two decades down the line, the legalization of marijuana has sparked various debates that are aimed at reviewing the poorly regulated system of marijuana cultivation. The California proposition 64 is based on the pros and cons. According to the…

after-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) The concept of after-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a common issue when studying finance at all levels. The impact of taxes, applicable to most forms of financing is a key component of studies in the field of finance. The Assessment questions will present the opportunity to assess and build upon your knowledge of and ability to calculate the after-tax WACC and the cost of debt and equity. Read the fictional scenario and respond to the checklist items in this written Assessment.  Scenario: As an Angel Investor you have been asked to assess an entrepreneur’s product and financing options. In your role as an Angel Investor you focus on one year at a time. The entrepreneur asks for $100,000 immediately to purchase a diagnostic machine for a healthcare facility. The entrepreneur hopes to be financed with 60 percent debt and 40 percent equity. As the entrepreneurs’ venture capital partner, you assign a cost of equity of 15% and a cost of debt at 10%. You require a Return on Investment (ROI) of 8%. You are using…

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