Multinational firms Multinational firms operate in more than one country; therefore, Human Resource activities are different and complex compared to dealing with domestic or local firms. International firms deal with the movements and interactions of persons beyond the national boundaries; therefore, the cross-cultural environment is a variable in dealing with International HRM. Different countries have diverse cultures and employees moving from one country to another have to be familiar with making HR activities significant in trying to address it. Culture encompasses social, economic, political, historical, and other factors that vary among different countries globally. For instance, an employee from Europe transferred to work in Iran must be orientated on the various cultural aspects in that country that are very different and can negatively affect his performance if not addressed by HR when employing. The International Human Resources must be aware of cross-cultural differences because what works at home may not be appropriate in other countries. HR must understand activities such as rewarding, promoting, dismissal, and appraisal because their application differs depending on the hosting country. It is, therefore, essential for…

Should the Drinking Age be lowered to 18? Introduction In countries such as the United States, different states have set their legal drinking age. In some states, the drinking age is 18 years, 19 years, or 21 years. Currently, some states with drinking age of 19 and 21 years are proposing the drinking age to reduce to 18. It is important to understand that reducing the drinking age to 18 years is likely to bring some benefits along with challenges. This paper answers the question of whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 years or not. Advantages of lowering the drinking age Some people propose that reducing the drinking age to 18 is a good decision. Young adults should only be allowed to drink in a controlled environment (Otte, 2020). Examples of controlled environments include restaurants, pubs, official school, as well as university functions. Such circumstances can encourage responsible drinking. This is because young adults can be taught on responsible drinking through educational programs together with role modeling. By doing this, young adults can be expected to demonstrate…

United States squirrel species There are almost 200 species of the squirrel that lived throughout the world. Some of the species lived in the united state. People who want to know how many types of squirrel lived in the united state? The united state is home to 5 squirrel species. Some of them lived on the tree while others prefer to live on the ground. The other one prefers to fly. A squirrel that lived on the tree they have bushy tails. Squirrel has fur that helps them to fly from one tree to another. The five species that lived in the united state are: Gray squirrel Fox squirrel Red squirrel Ground squirrel Flying squirrel Gray squirrel The United States is the living place of two gray squirrel species. One is eastern gray, and the second is the western gray squirrel. You can find the eastern gray squirrel in the northern united state, although this specie has invaded the western united state and Canada too. The western gray squirrel is founded to be live in three different places. These are…

The Patriot Act Abstract Before the 9/11 attacks, the United States Congress had been focusing on developing legislation that was aimed at preventing global terrorism. However, following the Oklahoma City bombing that occurred in April 1995, and in which American citizens were responsible for bombing and federal building, attention was shifted to domestic terrorism. As a result, the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton as a way of making it easy for the law enforcers to not only identify but also prosecute international and domestic terrorists. Nevertheless, President Clinton’s bill did not see the light of the day given that he had request the Congress to give additional powers to law enforcement so as to have extensive wiretap authority alongside increased access to individual records with regards to terrorist cases and other security matters. The Congress rejected the bill and cited a number of issues including the feeling that the records and loosening surveillance rules was unconstitutional (Welch, 2015). Nonetheless, every bet came off following the 9/11 attacks, which is considered…

Police use of Force             The primary role of the police is to maintain law and order. The maintenance of law and order involves ensuring security for individuals in the area of operation. The operation of police is governed by rules and regulations that identify the limits to which the police are allowed to operate. However, some instances that occur while the police are in the line of duty call for the use of excessive force than should be the case. Events that lead the use of force include mass demonstrations that threaten the destruction of property, situations when the police life is in danger or other circumstances that might be specified as extremes. The use of force might involve the use of bullets, use of teargas, or use of police whips while handling offenders or suspects. The use of force by law enforcing officers is stipulated for in several law clauses and becomes necessary in cases of self-defense or when defending other parties from situations that might have gotten out of hand. The definition for justified use of force…

Describe a situation where new, emerging technology has given rise to possible government regulation. The dynamism in technological advancements is evolving rapidly, and government intervention is critical for it to remain relevant. There has been frequent technological innovation in almost every field globally. Businesses which fails to incorporate technology in their operations are at risk of winding up. Similarly, a company which includes technological innovations in their services will have a competitive advantage compared to their rivals. However, despite its benefit, a need for government regulation is crucial to control its operations. The regulatory bodies are striving to maintain a balance between fostering innovations, protecting customers, and addressing disruption consequences. The change of technology such as significant data intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) are creating new forms of customer interactions and thus disrupting the traditional business models (Zoellner, 2017). In the wake of these technological advancements, regulatory bodies face a crucial challenge of protecting their citizens by ensuring fair markets, whereas allowing these emerging technologies to flourish. The paper explores government regulations that result from the…

The French Revolution The French Revolution was a notable event that plays an important part in France’s history. Women, ordinary men, clergy, and nobles took drastic steps to secure freedom for a country that was financially ruined. During the French Revolution, classes of people were fighting for liberty. Surprisingly enough, woman’s participation played a vital role in the French Revolution; they participated in political, social, and military roles. For instance,   French women played a role in the French Revolution to universal rights, to get their universal rights which were never fulfilled. The Revolution had much impact on France; it resulted in instituting divorce into their legislation in 1792 giving women the right to a divorce. The law was revoked under the Restoration when France returned to orthodoxy in 1816.The revolutionaries believed that liberty was an inalienable right, especially because the American colonist defeated the British in the War of Independence. On October 5, 1789, six thousand Parisian women marched on toward Versailles forcing the King to make decisions on problems with the bread supply, high prices, and starvation.The French native’s…

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