Government Sanctioned Tests              State tests have for a long time been a standard measure and a reliable means to determine the achievements of students in school. Besides state-administered tests, individual schools, as well as teachers, have similarly vested a lot of interest in ensuring education institutions are in a position to produce favorable results (Levy, Dan, et al, 1). State tests have been affirmed to be inclusive as well non-discriminatory as they ensure content coverage and testing factors and conditions are equivalent for all students. Scholars have argued that using alternative testing methods for minor students or exempting students with disabilities has been considered to be unfair to other students. However, from a personal view, test means a directed focus on important skills as content with the elimination of time wasting activities that inhibit learning and to motivate students in performing better every time they undertake a test (McClaskey, 2). Through the investigation of government-sanctioned tests, it has come to the realization that tests administered by the state have been designed to measure the full academic potential of a…

Public Administration and Fiscal policy Part I: Fiscal Policy Section 1: Fiscal Policy and the Recessionary Gap The government can use expansionary fiscal policies to close the recessionary gap. This will involve decreasing taxes or increasing spending. For inflationary gaps, the government uses contractionary fiscal policy, such as raising taxes and reducing expenditures. In solving the recessionary gap, policymakers increase government spending or lower taxes. Increasing government spending results in a shift in the demand curve to the right, which then closes the recessionary gap. If the government increases its spending on products and services, it means that there will be more money in circulation in the economy. As the government buys, it pays in terms of cash or any other form, meaning that those who sell will have more money to spend. Consequently, there will be more money to spend increasing the consumer’s purchasing power (Inman & Rubinfeld, 1991). An increase in consumer purchasing power means an increase in the aggregate demand, which shifts the demand curve to the right, closing the recessionary gap. On the other hand, if…

How Privacy Is Being Affected by The High Tech Companies             Primarily, privacy is the state of being secluded from public intrusion and freedom against any outside disturbance. The concept is to enhance personal independence and alleviate infringement from non-authorized parties. With the advent of technological advancements, breach of privacy is highly recognized, mainly because of the element of digital discretion. Information on people is unethically accessed and sold to the highest bidders. Even so, governments across the globe have tried suppressing the matter; however, it is also a challenge to keep up with the ever-changing techno, logical trends. Be that as it may, this document elaborates on the symbiotic relationship between high tech companies and matters of privacy in light of assessing how it has been affected. The essence of privacy is to induce an actual feeling of individuality and autonomy, but tech firms are using their resources rather than serve different ulterior motives. Information Technology (IT) experts aid and abed in this data breach through the various concepts of hacking. Hacking offers capabilities of accessing, distorting, collecting, sharing,…

Prison Rape Elimination Act Introduction The prison Rape Elimination Act, also known as PREA, was signed in 2003 by President George Bush to eradicate rape in confinement or prison settings. It was substantiated that rape cases that escalated in prion setting because veteran inmates took advantage of the new bees (Lee, 2019). Most of them were forced into sexual submission because they were scared of consequences, which could be very severe in the long run. However, consensual sexual activity between inmates is not encompassed in the law since it targets actual rape, which involves coercing or violence. Therefore, the discussion intends to conceptualize the reason behind the legislation, the requirements and goal which are aligned with the invention of the law in first place. First and foremost, the law was outlined to deal with the overwhelming rape cases in confinement. Prior to the invention of the law, many p-people believed that prison was a place to get raped regardless of the circumstances. Former inmates who got a chance to get out, narrated stories about how they were raped continually. Most…

The feeling of the Americans about privacy and national security Modern Americans are concerned about the privacy of their data. National security refers to the safety of a nation against threats such as terrorist attacks. Technology has brought about more natural ways of the ways people get to connect. Terrorists to get the information about a place they want to attack through their cell phones. The information could be readily available to the government, and the terrorists could be traced within a short time. The surveillance from the government is made more accessible by the recent and improved technology (Watson et al., 2017). This paper discusses the privacy of the Americans and the issues of national security, whereby the government does not adhere to maintaining the privacy of the citizens of the United States to deal with terrorism. The government, during an investigation, gives orders to the manufacturing industry to unlock an iPhone of one of the terrorists conducted an attack in California. The company felt that the rights of its clients’ privacy being violated without a court order to…

Playing Lotteries While in Other Countries Nowadays you can play lotteries from other countries thanks to the internet. The biggest lottery games and payoffs don’t restrict participation to residents of particular countries. You can play from outside such jurisdictions, provided you have access to the internet. How to Enter International Lottery Draws Lotteries have an ancient history that dates back to China, where the proceeds helped to build the Great Wall. In traditional lotteries, you had to purchase a ticket with random characters or digits of your choosing. A draw would be held where balls with numbers would be drawn in a sequence. You’d win if your numbers matched the draw. Recent technological developments have made this process more straightforward. They’ve also opened up such draws to international audiences. Here are the steps to take to enter into international draws: Consult an online bookmaker Select your preferred country Select your preferred lottery game Complete the registration process on the lottery’s website or App Pick your lucky numbers Wait for the results of the draw Collect your prize How Many International…

The Ozarks are a shattered zone A shattered zone denotes a borderland and specifically an area where the people living in the area are not a subject of authority. In the film Winter’s Bone, which is a 2010 American mystery drama directed by Debra Granik, the Ozarks are a shattered zone. In most cases, people living “shattered zones” are either escaping from the pressures of capitalistic economies of the state (Kottak, 2006, p.35). According to Scotts in The Art of Not Being Governed, “shattered zones” refer to places where there is resistance to state rules. People living in “shattered zones” refuse to comply with regulations and take part in doing actions against state-making. Scotts related “shattered zones” to out of the way place where people seek refuge when faced by unexpected pressure. In the Moon and Tallers review of the Winter Bone, they noted that the existence of both pleasurable and painful aspects of living in the rural Ozarks is similar to life in “shattered zones” thus, the Ozarks are a shattered zone. Shattered zones are mostly inhabited by the…

Combination Products Combination products are a merger of any drug and any device, a particular biological product with any medication, devices with  organic products, or a combination of the three- natural products, the drugs, and appliances. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a body set to protect the health being of the public and ensure that its people are safe by providing all human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and devices are safe and reliable (Kelly, 2020). Determining a combination Product for a company requires an insight into the FDA’s definitions of what should be a combination product and what should not. FDA, through the Food and Drugs federal regulations Act (FDC), there are four clear definitions of what a combination product is and is not. Using these definitions, determining the category of the product becomes more natural — the breakdown of the components of the product and a clear understanding of what makes up the product. If the product falls in the category of combination products, the first thing is to ensure that the product is viable and will…

Civil Service Resembling Private Sector              There has always existed a plan to reform the civil service. The public service receives pressure to change, for it needs to be able to deal with the 21st Century challenges that are currently being faced. Civil service also needs to reform because there is a need to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector while offering assistance to the public. It should be noted that every government enters with the promise of civil service reforms but never lives up to their promises. It is the high time that the public service reforms to resemble the private sector. According to the authors of the book The New Public Personnel Administration, civil reforms are seen as necessary to deal with the 21st Century challenges. Among one 21st Century, problems are making sure that the workforce is not only dominated by men, but also women are given equal opportunities (Nigro, 2014, p 257). The authors make a valid point of a gender-balanced workforce that is inclusive of highly educated women who can take up…

The Church of Scientology Collapse Religion is a field comprised of different beliefs, perceptions, among many other things.  One of the controversial debates that have happened in the world includes the Scientology discussion. Scientology refers to the set of religious beliefs as well as practices that were initialed started by Author Ron Hubbard. The core beliefs of this religious movement were based on religious perceptions that a human being is immortal as well as a spiritual being that lives in the physical body.  Hence, the church of Scientology was based on such beliefs. It involved a group of networked corporate entities as well as corporate organizations that were meant to advocate and push for Scientology.  Historically, it has been described as a cult or a religious movement whose intentions were unknown. With time, the church of Scientology started to drawn criticism and conflicting confrontations in society. Many people and organizations began to scrutinize the Church of Scientology.  In many cases and as a result of the various controversial situations that have been associated with the church of Scientology, many governments,…

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