President Trump and Protection of People with Pre-Existing Conditions Blog Chosen: #1:  Trump Accused by People with Pre-Existing Conditions of Lying About Protecting Them during State of the Union Address Statement with fallacy: “I’ve also made an ironclad pledge to American families: We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions,” Fallacy: Equivocation (ambiguity) I believe that the fallacy used in this statement was equivocation (ambiguity). It is clear that President Trump was lying when he noted during the state of the union address that he cared about Americans with pre-existing conditions. Besides, there is no evidence that he has tried ever to help this group of American people. Remarkably, Trump has been on the forefront to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or “Obama care” since the time arrived in the White House (Palmer, 2020). Besides, the two bills in the Senate and failed that Trump supported did not include protection for children with pre-existing conditions. In this regard, this statement is meant to appeal to this group of people for support of his candidacy for president in the…

Principles of Liberal Democracy   Remember that there is much more to liberal democracy than freedom of speech and freedom of religion. In addition to listing some fundamental freedoms, your worksheet should include at least eight different characteristics over and above fundamental freedoms. One example is done for you.   Characteristic or Basic Principle of Liberal Democracy Brief Description (in your own words) A Real or Theoretical Example of This Characteristic or Principle An Opposite or Non-Example of This Characteristic of Liberal Democracy Source of Information rule of law Rule of law means that all people in a society are subject to the same laws, regardless of their wealth, position in society, and so on. If a prime minister is found to be driving impaired, he or she would be charged and put on trial like any other person. A royal prince murders another person but is not charged because his father is the king. http://www. political participation Political Participation means that citizens have a say in government affairs. This can be through voting, rallies, petitions, jury duty, etc……

Rhetorical Analysis in Non-Fictions Work “Ripping children from parents will shatter America’s soul” is a newspaper submission by Viet Thanh Nguyen that appeared in the Washington Post in 2018. In the presentation, the author condemns the American government for separating children from their parents seeking asylum at the border. Nguyen feels that the act is despicable and deserves all the condemnation by everyone in society. In the article, he writes, “The intent of this law is punitive” (Nguyen), a statement which highlighting his displeasure with the leadership of America. This easy will consider the article “Ripping children from parents will shatter America’s soul” by Nguyen to discuss various rhetorical perspectives used by the author to pass his message to the readers. The article begins with a flashback, where the author mentions his childhood days while living in Vietnam. The United States had sent its soldiers into Vietnam for a reason not known to Nguyen at the time, but he only understood that if he stayed in the crossfire long enough, he would have lost his life. Therefore, he, together with…

 effect of government interventions The government intervenes in the economy intending to benefit its country. Free market economies state that government interventions cause an unfair allocation of resources. As a result, government interventions should strictly remain as government interventions. Other people believe that government interventions are powerful in fields such as monopoly and public goods. It is important to note that government interventions can affect economies differently. For one, it promotes equal and fair distribution of resources. The government must intervene in different businesses to ensure that the consumers benefit. The consumers are part of the economy hence the stabilization of the economy. The other effect of government interventions is on market failure. Organizations work by prediction. They try to understand and establish the approximate number of people that will require a certain amount of goods. If their prediction is wrong, then the government can help stabilize the economy. The government also intervenes in the macroeconomic environment to reduce recessions and over unemployment. A recession is described as the decrease or fluctuation of something. In this case, the recession of…

Modern Criminal Trials and Problems with the Modern-day Jury Systems The juries in different nations across the world make decisions each day on the fate of defendants, which significantly result in them getting prison sentences that fit the crime for the offenders found guilty and release the innocent. However, various studies have revealed that the modern jury system in criminal cases, in numerous instances, get the decisions wrong. For example, a study by Northwestern University revealed that out of the 271 cases within the four areas of research, the juries gave the wrong verdict in at least one of every eight cases. Most individuals get sentenced, yet they are innocent due to the incorrect decisions made by the jury (Gargarella, 2017). Most of the errors in the modern jury systems are false acquittals where the defendant goes free while some are incorrect convictions, and this has negatively influenced the justice systems. In worst-case scenarios, some modern-day jury systems rely on the racial and gender stereotypes to make a sentence decision, and this deprives the right to participate as democratic equals.…

Affiliations between Domestic Terrorists and Transnational Terrorists Difference between Domestic Terrorism and Transnational Terrorism As defined by (Presley, 1996), domestic terrorism, which is also referred to as homegrown terrorism, is a type of terrorism whereby victims of a terrorist act are targeted by an executioner who has the same citizenship as the victims. On the other hand, transnational terrorism refers to actions in which executioners, victims, and sites of violence represent different nationalities and states (Crenshaw, 2020). Terrorist Group that Fits the Classification of Transnational Terrorism The terrorist group that fits the classification of transnational terrorism is Al-Qaeda, which is a transnational militant organization established in 1988 by Abdullah Azzam, Osama Bin Laden, and various other Arab volunteers (Bergen, 2006). Al-Qaeda has attacked military and non-military targets in several nations, including the U.S. September 11 attacks, the U.S. Embassy bombings in 1998, the Madrid bombing in 2004, and the Bali bombing in 2002. Affiliations between Al-Qaeda and Domestic Terrorist Groups Al-Qaeda operatives collaborate with members of domestic terrorist groups because both groups have a shared common goal, which is to…

TRANSITION DISCUSSION 2 RESPONSES Rebecca Adeyoola, Online learning programs are always flexible and convenient. However, it may be a lot challenging than it may seem; hence you must be ready to succeed. Online learning may sound wonderful that a student may start with unrealistic visions only to discover that it requires just as much energy and time, if not more than traditional classes (Dabbagh, & Bannan-Ritland,2015). To ensure successful completion of the course, the student should have the necessary computer skills and develop the right learning strategies. I agree with you that proper time management, organization, and paying attention to details will help a student achieve their set targets. Success in online courses requires skills such as persistence, excellent communication, effective time management, reading and writing skills, independence and motivation, and a conducive environment for learning. Effective and appropriate communication skills will help the student in using the tools provided to communicate with the teacher and employ appropriate communication styles for the course. To answer your question, seeking clarifications is one of the ways of understanding and issue and helps…

Trade unions in the United Kingdom Introduction Trade unions are becoming very rampant in the business community. They are comprised of members that are workers in different organizations. These trade unions are solely based on helping these members’ interests at their place of work. These trade unions involve both the employees and employers so that they can create a free working environment for both. Also, it ensures that there is a close working relationship between the two. At times they sign agreements, that is, the employers and the trade unions to protect the rights of their employees. Trade unions are reliable when it comes to protecting the rights of employees. The agreements signed have deadly consequences if broken, and legal means are used to ensure that there is justice. With the rise of these trade unions, it has been clear that there has been proper handling of employees. Any employee or employer acting as a member of these trade unions have accrued benefits that they get. It is true to say that becoming a member of a trade union is…

How can health and safety regulation become a trade barrier? After World War II, there was an outcry for free markets and international trade globally. Many countries were suffering from strict restrictions to business, especially if they did not belong to the economic bloc they earned to trade. By opening up of countries territories to international trade has had a significant boost in sales. Having great success has also brought disadvantages that countries are grappling to control. In attempts to protect their business locally and internationally, countries have put exceptional measures to protect locally produced products, disguised as non-tariffs barriers. An example of the non-tariff barriers includes passing laws that would require strict adherence to health and safety regulations. Since these countries do not want to place as those against free trade by other developed nations, imposing of non-tariffs enable them to enjoy supremacy of interest in their territories. These non-tariff regulations take the form of, subsidies, technical barriers, custom delays, import quotas, among others. These measures do not apply to an increase in taxes for imports. They do, however,…

Transfer Pricing           The survey is based on the shifts in pricing model taking place across the globe. In a study of 623 executives of transfer pricing covering 36 locations among the 17 industries affected by pricing transfers, the survey narrows down to investigate the reasons behind the disputes associated with pricing among the jurisdictions based on the response from the study. The study was carried out in the year 2016, defining pricing transfer as a string of Art through which is compared to a thread pulled together using taut connecting pins that form geometric shapes. The survey showed that transfer pricing is undergoing a heightened tax-risk besides a controversial regime that has been fostered by a rapid increase in the tax-associated transparency demand. The high pressure on transparency and adherence to tax regulations has led to the oversharing of tax information and other relevant data regarding operations across companies globally. Due to the primarily shared information about companies and their services, questions regarding their incomes, and whether they avoid taxes become louder. Some of the questions asked are how…

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