Private and Public Labor Relation Systems. The National Labor Relations Act 1935 was established to promote collective bargaining among workers and protect the rights of both the employer and employee. Labour relations system is the processes through which employees, trade unions, employers, and the state relate to set a healthy working environment for purposes of contract arbitration and collective bargaining (Bercu& Vodă, 2017). More strengthening is needed in these labour systems for effective labour practices. Public-sector labour relations system operates under government agencies such as unions, while private sector labour systems are under companies or individual businesses. The sole purpose of private labour systems is to maximize profits while, on the contrary, the public labour systems agitate for worker’s welfare and effective service delivery. It is profits that determine how private employees are paid (Bjerke, 2014). For the city government’s employees, they should collaborate with the union in introducing new social and economic measures that will advance cooperation and quality public service delivery. The state, through the federal labour systems, needs to cut down on the heavy taxes that workers…

Essential Information You Need To Know About Backpacker Tax In Australia   {According to landmark ruling, Australia have used backpacker tax to tax the foreign workers.|With regard to the rules of the landmark, the people working from the eight countries have been taxed in the form of backpacker tax.|The government of Australia has imposed a tax on foreign people whose residence are from the eight countries.} {This was brought by treaties which required the foreign workers to be taxed just as the same way as the local rulers.|Backpacker tax was due to the agreements that were formed which demanded that only as the domestic workers are taxed, similarly, the foreign workers should also be imposed.|Following the treaties that required the people outside the countries to be taxed just like the local workers, a backpacker tax was introduced by Australia government.} {Backpackers, students or a holidaymaker eligible are required to pay the Australian refund tax provided he/she meet the necessary criteria.|Whether a student, a backpacker or 417 visa holders, everyone is expected to contribute to Australia refund tax as long as…

tax system of the USA and tax structures Introduction The major concepts covered in module 4 were cost-benefit analysis, taxation in the United States, standards and characteristics of tax systems, and capital budgeting and finance. Through the topic, I had a better understanding of the importance of cost-benefit analyses in the public sector. Before the class, I had little knowledge of the taxation system of the United States. The class readings provided vital information on the tax system of the USA and tax structures. Also, the class readings provided relevant information on the desirable characteristics that good tax systems should have to avoid pressuring the public. The contents covered were compatible with my overall learning objectives. What I Learnt from Module 4 One crucial learning outcome that I managed to take away from the course is the usefulness of conducting cost-benefit analyses in the public sector. From the class readings, I learned that cost-benefit analysis is a strategy that can help to provide a way of organizing information about a program under considerations so that priorities are reasonably established. The…

carbon tax policy Question One                                                       Designing and implementing a successful carbon tax policy requires adherence to certain guiding principles to ensure that it covers all the desired emission trading. For effective carbon tax policy, there are specific standards that the design process must meet. First, while designing a carbon tax, it must consider administrative simplicity (Metcalf, 2018). In this case, the entire carbon tax processes must be simple and easy to manage, control, and administer. In its design, the carbon tax should be simple and easy to understand by all the parties involved. The government agency or environmental authority in charge should be able to follow up on the process effectively and efficiently. Secondly, it should be designed in such a way that it is easy to comply with for the taxpayer. For example, the transport and energy firms that emit carbon and are required to pay tax should have a simplified and easy process of payment, favorable terms of compliance, and tax amounts equivalent to their emissions. Further, there should be clarity on who is responsible for collecting and…

Objection to the Against Taxation and Imprisonment argument In the argument, taxation is immoral; the character jasmine is a personification of the government’s immoral tax. The idea behind the case is that if two actions A and B have no significant moral difference, then if one is wrong, so is the other. Government taxation is immoral since it is contrary to the consent of the people. In the arguments, jasmine imprisons her neighbors and demands them money to sustain the prisoners. She threatens those who fail to pay at gunpoint and even imprisons them. Also though the actions of jasmine are illegal, they have no difference from the government’s taxation system. In the same way as jasmine, the governments collect taxes legally and imprisons those who fail to pay the fee. Thus, if jasmine actions are immoral, then government taxation is also immoral (Perry et al. 108).  In this paper, I critique the arguments that government taxation is immoral. In the first part, I reflect on the discussion of how tax is unethical in the author’s perspective. In the second…

Taxing pollution Versus Selling Permits for Transferrable Pollution Permits Pollution taxes and transferrable pollution permits are the two main strategies that policy makers are using to check emission levels by firms and countries. Pollution taxes refer to direct payments to the government for emission bypassing a set limit. Such an intervention forces the firms to minimize the amount of pollutants that they release into the surroundings such that they restrict emissions to the most efficient ones. On the other hand, transferable permit strategy operates in a market structure such that the level of pollution by a particular firm is controlled by forces of demand and supply of the permits. In other words, a company can only emit to the extent that it can purchase permits for the emissions. Hence, the cost implications of permits compel organizations to adapt pollution policies that reduce pollution in a way that is least costly to them and the society. The benefits of pollution taxes are many. Firstly, they involve less transaction costs compared to transferrable permits. Secondly, they generate income for the home country…

 implementation of the new stamp tax. In 1764, the British Empire further made more political missteps that slowly mad the colonist to intensify their rebellion against British rule and assert American liberties. The British passed the Sugar Act, which required colonists to pay new taxes for wine, coffee, textile, and indigo imports into America. Also, in 1765 the British parliament passed the Stamp Act that required colonies to pay a tax represented by a stamp on newspapers, Playing cards, legal documents. The primary aim of the Stamp tax was to help British troops deployed in the colonies during the Seven Years’ war. The British parliament approved the charge without representation from the colonial legislatures, and the tax payment was in British sterling pounds. Also, those who did not comply with the new tax regulation were prosecuted in Vice-Admiralty courts, which had no juries. The accused person could be imprisoned anywhere in the British Empire. Archibald Hinshelwood, a merchant and a politician in Nova Scotia, in his letter to Joshua Mauger, describes the violent spirit of opposition that has resulted due…

Goods and Service Tax (GST) Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a value-added tax that is levied on most goods and services sold for domestic usage. GST is included in the final price and paid by the consumers at the point of sale, and it is passed to the government, GST provides revenue to the government. It is the common tax used by the majority of countries globally. It is usually taxed as a single rate across the nation. Understanding the GST GST is the indirect federal sales tax that is applied to the cost of goods and services. The business adds GST to the price of the product, and the customer who buys the product pays the sales price plus the GST. The GST portion is collected by the business or seller and forwarded to the government. It is also referred to as the value-added tax in some of the countries. How does GST System work? In most countries, GST has a unified single GST system, which means that a single tax rate is applied throughout the country. In…

The relationship between taxes and the gross domestic product The relationship between taxes and the gross domestic product is based on the revenue that the country earns. Also, the domestics’ product is based on the value of the marketing goods and the services in the country. The taxes are related to the gross product since the total product of the country determines the tax rates. Some countries like the United States increase the ratio of charge to gross domestic products so that they can address the issues of the economic problems (Kalaš, 2017). The higher the gross domestic product, the more the tax collected by the government, and the lower the GDP, the lower the collected taxes. The government and economists can apply this ratio to fuel the economy. In understanding the ration to GDP ratio, it is a metric that is used by the government to control the resources in the marketplace. This ratio the revenues collected from the taxes, product sales tax, fines, penalties, social security payments includes, and others. The developed are said to have a higher…

Corporate Tax Fraud Introduction This assignment paper sets to critically discuss corporate tax fraud by reviewing and summarizing in a memorandum a minimum of five resources related to the selected topic. By using the standard memorandum format, this memo will critically identify the topic of discussion, provide an example of corporate tax fraud, the challenges faced, the substance of material reviewed, and recommendations on how to deal with the problem of corporate tax fraud. Memorandum To: All Staff From: General Manager Date: 3/3/2020 Ref: Corporate Tax Fraud Corporate tax fraud entails the act of companies either public or private participating in illegal evasion of taxes by altering the financial reports to ensure that they do not reflect their actual financial positions through failing to report all income earned. Corporate tax fraud has become a significant problem in the corporate sector and seen a substantial number of companies face lawsuits for engaging in such economic crimes. An excellent example of corporate tax fraud is the underreporting income that a corporation has made within a given period to evade tax (Levi, 2010).…

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