Data Awareness Research and locate an article less than two years old that discusses the types of consumer data that is being collected on consumers and the various methods utilized to gather such information. Summarize the main points of the article. At the end of your summary, answer the following questions: Did your research findings surprise you at all, or where your aware of the data collection practices in the article; Do any of the practices concern you? If yes, which ones and why? If no, why not? Total assignment should be 2 to 3 pages, typed and double spaced. Turn in a copy of the article you used along with your paper.[unique_solution] Data Awareness Research and locate an article less than two years old that discusses the types of consumer data that is being collected on consumers and the various methods utilized to gather such information. Summarize the main points of the article. At the end of your summary, answer the following questions: Did your research findings surprise you at all, or where your aware of the data collection…
Data security in cloud computing Research methodology A rapid growth in the development and adoption of cloud computing is the most significant driver towards sensitivity to data security. A research methodology will evaluate the applicability of access control in ensuring that data in a cloud computing system is secure. The analysis shall assume that the traditional system is obsolete and prone to a security threat. The case shall thus assess the viability of limited control of systems by a sole owner who determines the access. A different case shall entail the determination of the accessor by the system through an intelligence filter system. A MAC control eventually shall assign a trust verification to a subject while the system shall assess the object. The rationale for your plan The methodology is varied substantially at the peak of cyber-development , where the identification and authentification. method is prone to errors. The access models can also be modified in the protocol of ownership ranging from an individual group to corporate ownership. Additionally, the intelligent filter system entails the labeling of data. The…
Data transmission Data transmission involves two important processes that are critical to the credibility of the data. The first phase is raw data capturing, which can be done manually through keying-in or by an automated procedure using a digital device. Manual entries or digital approach is prone to errors. IoT methods include barcodes, magnetic stripes, OCR, ICR, QR codes, and OMR (Carnaz & Nogueira, 2019). Storage IoT facilitated a big data approach for personal and institutional data management. Big data has been a significant area of concern due to its vulnerability to cybercrime and data capturing errors associated with the technology. Also, the issue of data security and privacy has been widely argued for and against by different stakeholders (Carnaz & Nogueira, 2019). The objective of the project is to collect secondary and primary data to evaluate the significance of IoT and Cloud Security issues to the credibility and quality of healthcare data (Analytic Exchange Program, 2019). Duplication and Account Accounting The issue of security checks like passwords and account access protocols on hardware can and facilitate duplication (JCCCVideo, 2016).…
Identifying and discovering the major privacy issues in data mining Data mining is a common practice and a part of business intelligence, whereas large databases are re-examined, and new information is generated from it. Usually, patterns and correlations that exist in large sets of data are found. The purpose of data mining is to increase relationships with customers and manage finances by cutting down costs. This, in turn, reduces risks as well. However, the process is not as smooth as it seems, and issues are likely to occur. For instance, individual privacy-related issues are common, and issues with user interaction as well as performance are common as well. Outlining the issues Privacy is regarded as an individual’s right to safeguard his/her personal information. However, due to KDDM or “Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,” concerns are rising. There is a lack of protection, and pressure posed by KDDM is harming the data mining process. The common privacy-related issues are secondary usage of private information, access to private or personal information, and mismanagement of information. The laws and regulations are not appropriate…
Data mining and major issues and threats related to privacy One of the general practices of business intelligence is data mining that mainly involves examining and re-examining the existing databases and large volumes of data so that correlations and patterns can be outlined. Managing vast chunks of data might be challenging for firms, and data mining can ensure the generation of revenue and improved trust with customers by managing and handling sensitive information (Rajaraman & Ullman, 2011). Nevertheless, it is likely for individuals or ordinary citizens of the nation to face privacy issues. Data is often mismanaged, and performance or interaction centric issues take place. Understanding the privacy-related issues One of the fundamental rights of an individual is privacy, and the person must receive complete privacy of personal information. However, nowadays, threats and privacy concerns are rising due to the mismanagement of data by the “Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining” (KDDM). The fundamental privacy-centric issues are granulated access to data or private information of customers, management of misinformation, derivative use of information that is unnecessary (Brankovic & Estivill-Castro, 1999). Again,…
how the data will be generated and analyzed You can get the 10 peer reviewed articles from the first paper is due this week thursday i work to much to get all this done if you can help im willing to pay good money Research Design Submissions: Proposal (2-3 pages; 10% of course grade): To be submitted in class on April 18th. What is it you propose to study? What makes it interesting and potentially important? What sources have you looked at and what have you learned about it so far? What are some subtopics that will likely become subheadings in your finished paper? Annotated Bibliography (20 % of course grade): To be submitted in class on May 16th. This needs to include at least 10 scholarly, peer reviewed sources, all properly cited in a bibliography. In addition to the citation information of the articles or books and the annotation for each, please include a copy of the title page (with abstract, if available, for articles) of the article or book.[unique_solution] Final Research Design (20% of course grade): To be…
The reason for Data Mining Questing 1: The reason for Data Mining is to distinguish designs to make forecasts from data contained in databases. It permits the client to be proactive in recognizing and foreseeing patterns with that information. There is a tradeoff between disclosure of information and security encroachment. Retailers should attempt to offer their items without trying to hazard the security of their clients. The information disclosure ought to be accomplished for their business techniques; however, that ought to exclude subjects like high school pregnancy, or they could wind up culpable clients, which will prompt their fall in the market, misfortune in the business. As a piece of targets prescient examination, when they discovered what an expecting mother would purchase, and what number of expecting moms are there who are shopping at Target. They ought to have done theirs promoting focusing on pregnant ladies by conveying handouts or with publicizing on newspapers with infant and mother care items and their limits. The primary concern is to evade independence and take a gander at the clients all in all…