How to Retrieve data from Response to Intervention Response to Intervention (RTI) is a method used by educators to gather data after monitoring the development and progress of their students. This data is then used to prioritize the students’ instructional needs and decide whether they may have to move between intervention tiers of the program. Response to intervention can be used by teachers and any other type of educators to make data-based decisions regarding the education development of the students. In this way, the teachers can monitor the learning progress of the students, and if need be, the learning method will be improvised. For instance, test scores can be used by the teachers to select a researched and proven intervention that will enable the child to learn in an improved environment. Well trained teachers can use Response to Intervention (RTI) methods to get data regarding the readiness of the students to learn, their education progress, and also the students’ learning profiles. These indicate how the students can react to the intervention set out by the teacher. This data is then…
big data and thick data The speaker in this video is sharing information concerning big data and also thick data. People need to make accurate decisions, and this is the main reason why they are careful when interacting with big data. Many organizations used big data to discover some patterns which will help them come up with new strategies (Dumbill, 2013). Organizations should not ignore any data even if it comes from a minor researcher. The data may be useful in some way, and they may have lost an opportunity. The speaker gives an example of how Nokia ignored the data she had collected from different interactions in China. Nokia didn’t see the need for her data since they had big data at their disposal. After ignoring the data, the company ended up losing more customers, and it didn’t succeed as expected. The speaker explains the need for correctly analyzing big data to draw insights. She says that there is no higher risk than being blind to the unknown. She also explains that big data systems need people, such as…
Semantic Metadata Clustering Semantic metadata is defined as the metadata that enables give or define the value of data and the names of things that can be articulated to represent such values [1]. Semantic metadata clustering methods are the ideal tool to convey information through social media. As technicians and specialists in the field of technology try to outline information in a well-defined meaning and enable people and computers to work in cooperation, they deploy different techniques of metadata clustering. For instance, in social media, hashtags are now used for a variety of purposes – for telling jokes, collecting consumer feedback, launching campaigns, advertising, following topics, and much more. In the metadata clustering of hashtags, two major approaches are put into consideration. The most significant of these approaches examine the lexical semantics of external resources, commonly known as metadata independent of the tweet messages themselves. For proper and effective performance of the metadata-based approach, hashtag quality and metadata quality factors are dependent on. Once these factors are deployed, it enables to have a direct impact on the performance. Accuracy of the…
Enhancing database security by restricting the access of users Database security mainly involves the protection of database by ensuring the usage of management software. Databases should have limited access, and unknown users should be restricted to use the databases. The purpose of securing databases is to prevent the attacks of malicious software. Illegitimate usage is also limited. Tools, processes and technologies should be adapted to ensure its security. Relationship between roles in databases and users A user can have access to a database based on their assigned tasks and privileges. Users can be categorized into superusers, object owner and everyone else. The superuser is usually the administrator who performs database-related functions. The object owner is the type of user who can create a specific database object (schema or table). Lastly, public users fall under the category of “everyone else.” They can also be regarded as non-superusers, and they play the role of PUBLIC because they have been granted by the superuser to play this role. They do not own the objects. Roles are assigned to different types of users. The…
Significance of Access Control in Database security – annotated bibliography Kuijper, W., & Ermolaev, V. (2014, June). Sorting out role-based access control. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies (pp. 63-74). Access control modeling framework based on user roles is a popular choice. The researchers have worked to determine a portion of popular framework and base their work upon the fact that the classic role-based access control would come up when aspects of subject management and permission management are blended into a unitary indirection object. In the study, the researchers have recognized the different perspectives of administration and have presented two principal objects of indirection – the demarcation (exclusive applicability on permission) and the proper role (exclusive applicability on the subject). These two objects were then linked to determine a third perspective – access management, and administrative perspective that can enable the organizations to enhance their scalability. The main principle would be to decouple the responsibility of abstraction maintenance over the subject (subject assignment as per proper roles), permission set abstraction maintenance (permission assignment into…
Databases privacy (through encryption) Introduction Organization do value their database security. Databases are a treasure trove of sensitive information that contain data ranging from the customers’ personal information and confidential competitive information to the organization intellectual property. If lost or stolen, data, especially those relating to the customer data do result in damage of the brand image, competitive disadvantages and the severe fines. As a result, database privacy of security is a top priority for the organization IT director (Hamdaoui, 2017). Traditional databases security still exposes such crucial information and is not sufficient in protecting the business. The modern means of database security which involved encryption is a more secure method of ensuring an organization databases security and privacy. In terms of the databases encryption, the encryption secures actual data within the databases and protects backups. Database privacy through encryption means that data of an organization remains safe even in the scenario where there is a breach of data. Modern approaches in the database encryptions like the use of the transparent data encryption TDE architectures introduced by Oracle and Microsoft…
Quality Control Data Proposal Introduction Data quality control refers to the process of regulating and monitoring the utilization of data for a process or application (Anderson, 2018). This process is done both after and before Data Quality Assurance, which involves the discovery of inconsistency of data and correction. Quality data is essential in organizations because, with it, the CEO will be able to understand or stay in touch with his clients. This paper is organized to establish key data points that will help in the identification of problem areas in the quality control process in BIDCO Company. It will discuss the essential data in assessing quality control, review the identification strategy for those key points, determine the presence, and formulate a quality control proposal for BIDCO Company. Identification of essential data in quality control When gathering data, the information collected must be of high quality such that they can be reliably used to identify problematic areas in the quality control process and in making sound decisions (Senior, 2015). The satisfaction of the customers- I will provide data on whether the…
The significance of Access Control in Database security Task 1 Introduction Database security can be defined as the measures that an organization must take so its databases can be protected from intrusions and threats. Threats can either be external or internal. The purpose of ensuring database security is to prevent the deliberate attacks of hackers and preventing the misuse of data. Again, access must be given only to authorized individuals so that the incidences of data breaches can be controlled. Important information and sensitive customer-related must be secured devotedly. Access control can be divided into two components. These are authorization and authentication. The authentication method helps in verifying the real identity of an individual. On the other hand, authorization means whether a user ought to be allowed before he or she is attempting to access data for transaction-related purposes. Access control can be divided into various types, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Discretionary Access Control (DAC), and Mandatory Access Control (MAC), and so on (Sandhu & Samarati, 1994). In this paper, the rationale behind choosing the topic shall be…
Database Design: Hotel Reservation System Introduction The database design I will use for the proposal will assist in hotel room reservation. The system created will enable the hotel managers and customer service agents to keep records of rooms, reservations booked, and guests. The hotel room reservation system will use SQL. This type of database should facilitate secure storage, management, and retrieval of data by the use of tables (Li & Manoharan, 2015). The database design is contingent on the use of four basic tables for storing the data. These tables will include room, reservation, guest, and reserved_room. The rooms table should enable the system users to manage details of the rooms concerning the room number, name, and status, i.e., occupied or available. The status can be represented by values 0 and 1. It should allow the users to understand whether or not, the room can be reserved. The guest table should inform the system user about the names of the visitor and their contact details. The table should store and retrieve the first and second names of the guest, their…
protecting the database In a business environment, protecting the database is one of the crucial ways of preventing threats and malicious attacks. It is essential to restrict the usage of databases and therefore, processes and technologies are developed to restrict illegitimate users from gaining access to the database. A user is defined as someone who has access to the database. However, various categories of users exist and based on their operational roles, they are assigned names. A PUBLIC user is different from a PSEUDOSUPERUSER. Everyone else is considered public while the database administrator is considered as the superuser. Roles are assigned to users so that access to unauthorized entities can be restricted. Database security software ensures that the structure of the database remains the same, and it can be done by limiting certain types of users. In case of a job change, it is necessary for the business to train the newly hired for a month. Businesses operate within an unsafe environment and security of databases should be prioritized in this digital environment. Sudden malicious attacks and hazards can be…