Software development Answer all questions in a single document. Each response to a single essay question should be about a half-page in length (about 150 words)and one reference. 1. Software development is a complex task, especially as technology changes at the speed of light, environments evolve, and more expectations are placed upon vendors who want to be competitive within the software market. This complexity also makes implementing security more challenging. Given this environment, what suggestions for secure software development best practices would you suggest to improve software security? 2. In addition to application development, databases are another area that needs to have a focus on security within their design. Describe the database concepts of View-based access control, Polyinstantiation, Data warehousing and data mining, and Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)? 3. In a database, to control security, lock controls are implemented and tested using the ACID test. Explain the following terms for each letter within the ACID method: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability.[unique_solution] Answer all questions in a single document. Each response to a single essay question should be about a half-page in…

Algorithms and data structures Detailed Specification As part of a summer internship, you are joining a growing start-up company. The startup is hoping to expand its technical team and are looking for junior developers. Your manager wants you to be involved in the interview process for the appointment. You are asked to design a coding interview question in Python that tests a candidate’s knowledge and skill in both basic data structures and algorithms. Along with the question, you also need to develop sample solutions with complexity analysis of the problem including Python codes and test cases. Since your manager will only allow a maximum of 1 hour for the interview, 45 minutes will be allocated for this technical element, so the proposed exercise should be concise, clear and cover at least 2 of the following topics: • Topic 1: Basic data types: array, list, stack, queue • Topic 2: Trees • Topic 3: Recursion[unique_solution] • Topic 4: Sorting • Topic 5: Maps, Hash tables You also need to provide your sample solutions with Python code which includes the following: 1.…

What are the essential steps to follow to disable Windows Defender? The presence of a valuable tool such as Windows Defender on your system can ensure that there is no presence of any malicious programs. Even it deters you from gaining access to those sites that might be harmful to your PC. Such beneficial security software comes free of cost with Windows 10. However, the majority of the desktop or laptop users encounter unwanted issues often due to frequent pop-up of the Windows Defender when searching or browsing things online. Even if a web page is highly secured, you still would not be able to gain easy access to it only because of Windows Defender. If you have been experiencing the same issue, then it is high time to turn it off either temporarily using the security center or permanently using the registry. To ensure you get the opportunity to navigate some crucial websites and collect valuable information for your university project, you need to shut Windows Defender off using the Security Center method. You should dial the Bitdefender antivirus…



Legacy Student’s name Institutional affiliation     Legacy If you have ever had thoughts of leaving behind something for a family, a community or the world, which implies that you are not far from creating a legacy, whether you have done it intentionally or unintentionally, legacy is something everyone thinks of every day. A legacy is something that is transferred from someone or received from an ancestor to a predecessor. Other people regard legacy to something that results from past events such as money/property which is left to someone (alive) from a deceased person. More so, a legacy can refer to a situation developed as a result of past actions and decisions. For instance, presidents leave legacies through their speeches or messages concerning a specific policy or development. I think to leave a legacy means to rubber-stamp the future by contributing to the future generation through money, policy and property, among other legacies. In most cases, people do leave legacies because they want to show the remaining age that their presence in the world, family or communities mattered. Therefore, it…

Computer Assisted Audit Tools   Examine computer-assisted tools and techniques for the auditing process to examine effective controls. The advancements in computer technology have made it easier for auditors to perform their duties. This is by providing them with tools that have made the audit process more efficient. These tools are referred to as Computer Assisted Audit Tools or CAATs for short. In today’s work environments, auditors have to work with digital systems and records continually. This is because many businesses have moved away from the cumbersome paper records and processes that characterized the past offices. Electronic and digital records are now the norm meaning that auditors have had to adapt to this change as well. Computer-assisted audit tools have, therefore, become integral tools for auditors in today’s business environments. Several different CAAT tools are at the disposal of auditors in their work, with the two main being the audit software and test data systems. Audit software is mainly used to test or interrogate the client’s system. This software test the correct working of the client’s systems as well as…

An account of a DDoS attack and defending mechanisms The DDoS or distributed denial-of-service can be regarded as any malicious attack that completely disrupts the function of the targeted service, network, or server. The attack can be so powerful that it overwhelms the server or the network with unnecessary internet traffic (Douligeris & Mitrokotsa, 2003). The attack is regarded as illegal, and the attackers might be fined a hefty amount along with 10 years of imprisonment. DDoS attack In November 2019, the UK Labor Party was hit by a second DDoS attack at the time of the general election (BBC News, 2020). It was a second attack, and it was a successful one. The ways in which the DDoS attack occurred has created news and can be considered as one of the most dangerous attacks in the history of cyberattacks. Consequently, the users experienced difficulties while accessing the internet. The attacks probably arrived from Brazilian and Russian computers. The labor source informed the public about the origin of the attacks. It was clear that the DDoS attack has no links…

Comparison Between iPhone and Samsung The extraordinary demand and increasing number of smartphone brands indicate how mobile devices are redefining the operation of the ICT sector. The situation has created some of the fiercest rivals as individual firms try to earn the highest profits and sustain the most significant market share (Cecere, Corrocher & Battaglia, 2015). The narrative best exemplifies the fierce smartphone battle between two of the most popular and possibly best mobile phone manufacturers, Apple and Samsung. However, despite these deliberations by professional reviewers and users, the comparison between the technical features of the iPhone and Samsung suggests that Apple’s products are better. Software and Security Several years in the past, cybercriminals mainly hacked desktop computers and laptops. However, today they can hack any device that connects to the internet, including mobile phones. Apple and Samsung use different operating systems, iOS and Android respectively, each of which have specific security capabilities. iOS is an open system, and does not offer app developers its source codes. It is also impossible for iPhone owners to modify the code by themselves,…

Challenges in Modern Health Care Healthcare industry is one of the most significant pillars of the economy in the world, making it a target for digital security threats, both wicked and trivial. Risks can become in different forms; systematic hacking, unprotected mobile devices, and human error. After being one of the most prominent institutions holding sensitive information, managing IT solutions is a big challenge. Healthcare industry is facing different challenges in keeping patients information safe. Some of the problems are discussed below. Different data management strategies Medical institutions have recently preferred electronic medical records to manual records. As the medical institutions are rolling out innovations to improve patient care and facility operations, the upgrade has limited the capability “speak” to each other (Catena & Holweg, 2019). Lack of ability to interface across systems prohibits the capability to rum processes, capturing, and usage of data efficiently, decreasing the return on investment for technology. IT Cost Goes Up Cost for IT devices and drivers have recently gone up, hence becoming a challenge for Healthcare institutions. Government regulations, the pressure to comply with…

Administrative Services Managers             In the modern world, Administrative Services Managers professionals need to comprehend the importance of optimal performance management. Like any other job, professional in administrative management face significant internal and external obstacles. Forward-thinking companies employ Administrative Services Managers officials who can help improving performance management processes. Coming up with effective performance management could make the managers capable of evaluating and measuring individual performances thus optimizing productivity. Provision of visibility and clarifying on accountability associated with performance expectation. Creation of documentation for legal purpose aimed at reducing disputes. Establishment of focus for the skill-developing as well as learning choices of activities (Van van & Dicke,2016). Research shows that the roadmap to the performance of is not an easy task. Progressing towards the development of long-term goal and vision can make performance management more effective. Making easy changes can result in better outcome. The following is critical elements that can lead to better performance management. Setting goals of effective manner Set performance planning Ensuring the ongoing process Understanding and communicating the need and value of purpose Gather data Documenting…

Should public universities filter internet pornography? Since the Supreme Court decided to implement the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the idea of internet filtering has been a frequent procedure in the most of the public libraries. The act has become a primary strategy that is used in order to manage the content that young people are able to access in the libraries. However, debates have raised over the CIPA filtering mandate as many public libraries receiving e-rate funds have chosen to comply with rule. According to researchers, implementation of this filter software as required by CIPA is both helping and a negative affecting decision. The Act is doing a great job in protecting children from exposure to unnecessary and shaming sexual images and acts. A society full of adults who care about what affects their kids psychologically and what is really capable of destroying them morally is a responsible and caring society. Their being rules that govern what children in a country are exposed to ensure that we don’t give a free pass to our children’s moral deterioration and that…

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