The significance of Access Control in Database security Task 1 Introduction Database security can be defined as the measures that an organization must take so its databases can be protected from intrusions and threats. Threats can either be external or internal. The purpose of ensuring database security is to prevent the deliberate attacks of hackers and preventing the misuse of data. Again, access must be given only to authorized individuals so that the incidences of data breaches can be controlled. Important information and sensitive customer-related must be secured devotedly. Access control can be divided into two components. These are authorization and authentication. The authentication method helps in verifying the real identity of an individual. On the other hand, authorization means whether a user ought to be allowed before he or she is attempting to access data for transaction-related purposes. Access control can be divided into various types, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Discretionary Access Control (DAC), and Mandatory Access Control (MAC), and so on (Sandhu & Samarati, 1994). In this paper, the rationale behind choosing the topic shall be…

# 4 – MAYFAIR 1848SLOWB 000 Toilet Seat The seat has a seat that closes slowly; therefore, there is no slamming. The front of the seat is elongated hence fits all toilets with elongated bowls. The sit never loosens, and it can be removed easily. It is designed with the STA-TITE fastening system that makes it easy to install the seat. Once installed, the seat cannot wiggle. The enamel wood placed in the seat makes it last longer.   Features Slow-closing seat Wood enameled Has a fastening system Removable Elongated front Pros Installation is simple It is removable and replaceable Durable Comfortable Cons Not fit for use for children Expensive # 3 – BATH ROYALE BR620-00 PREMIUM ROUND TOILET Bath royale toilet seat comes with a cover, and it is white. The seat closes slowly; therefore it prevents slamming. Cleaning the seat is easy because the finish is glossy and made of shiny material. The seat fits all types of toilets, including Universal Rundle, Caroma, Delta, Bemis, and Crane. Operating the seat is easy, making its clearing less…

Database Design: Hotel Reservation System Introduction The database design I will use for the proposal will assist in hotel room reservation. The system created will enable the hotel managers and customer service agents to keep records of rooms, reservations booked, and guests. The hotel room reservation system will use SQL. This type of database should facilitate secure storage, management, and retrieval of data by the use of tables (Li & Manoharan, 2015). The database design is contingent on the use of four basic tables for storing the data. These tables will include room, reservation, guest, and reserved_room. The rooms table should enable the system users to manage details of the rooms concerning the room number, name, and status, i.e., occupied or available. The status can be represented by values 0 and 1. It should allow the users to understand whether or not, the room can be reserved. The guest table should inform the system user about the names of the visitor and their contact details. The table should store and retrieve the first and second names of the guest, their…

POLP and data security – A brief over-view of its impact POLP or the principle of least privilege can be considered as a vital computer security concept. The idea is to restrict or limit the user’s rights. The users would be given minimum permissions, and they are supposed to work by maintaining this boundary. An important point to note is that the users are given enough information so that they can smoothly conduct their job. In some cases, users do not require access to resources and files. The network administrator managing the IT environment of the enterprise is supposed to look after it. Privilege is restricted because it can ensure the security of the network systems. The term “Least User Access” (LUA) can be used to denote the users whose privileges are limited (Liu et al., 2012). A superuser possesses the privilege of restricting the LUAs. The benefits of the principle POLP has been designed to restrict the access of unauthorized users, and it offers a lot of benefits for the enterprise. The list of benefits has been outlined below-…

protecting the database In a business environment, protecting the database is one of the crucial ways of preventing threats and malicious attacks. It is essential to restrict the usage of databases and therefore, processes and technologies are developed to restrict illegitimate users from gaining access to the database. A user is defined as someone who has access to the database. However, various categories of users exist and based on their operational roles, they are assigned names. A PUBLIC user is different from a PSEUDOSUPERUSER. Everyone else is considered public while the database administrator is considered as the superuser. Roles are assigned to users so that access to unauthorized entities can be restricted. Database security software ensures that the structure of the database remains the same, and it can be done by limiting certain types of users. In case of a job change, it is necessary for the business to train the newly hired for a month. Businesses operate within an unsafe environment and security of databases should be prioritized in this digital environment. Sudden malicious attacks and hazards can be…

data security and safety In an IT environment, data security and safety is one of the vital components that ensure the proper functioning and the principle of least privilege is regarded as one of the useful approaches of computer security. The principle mainly ensures data security by restricting the access of unauthorized users. They are given limited entry but fair enough to complete their job duties. Here, “users” indicate the employees or contractors who do not need access to all kinds of databases. The POLP approach reduces the number of liabilities, and most importantly, it reduces errors and disruptions in the computer network systems. Enterprises face risks associated with data breaches and attacks of malicious software. The necessity of restricting the nuances arises, and the principle of least privilege can resolve the issue. It is a computer security principle that network administrators implement in order to reduce incidents related to networks and computer systems. The users are given the least amount of privileges, and consequently, the chances of hacking reduce. The enterprise pathway can be safeguarded, and users will get…

Impact of the principle of least privilege on data security             The least privilege principle (POLP) mainly denotes the access of users for a limited period. Within an IT environment, this principle is effective because the attackers can be denied access to critical systems (Krohn et al., 2005). The chances of data theft and breaches reduce as well. The users will be given only the required information. The given information would be enough for performing the job duties and responsibilities. In an organization, data security should be prioritized, and the principle of least privilege is an appropriate way of reducing the attacks and risks from cyber attackers. Discussion regarding the principle The principle is used by network managers so that they can secure the critical infrastructure of the company. The network systems are vulnerable, and POLP restricts the privileges of the users. Business growth, along with business flexibility, can be ensured. Often users do not require exposure to certain systems and might create a problematic situation. Hence, application of POLP ensures fewer liabilities. The users are not given excessive permissions,…

Cyber Terrorism Cyber terrorism is the use of computers or information technology to cause havoc or disruption in the society which is premeditated and politically motivated, For example, the May 2017 Wanacry incident that was termed as a worldwide cyber-attack. This targeted over 300,000 computers that operated on Microsoft Windows operating systems which were attacked was caused by the Wanacry ransomware cryptoworm. The malware encrypted someone’s data and demanded a ransom in the cryptocurrency before decrypting the data back to normal. This attack caused organizations to lose approximately $300 million, damaged reputation and loss of data and customers. It disrupted businesses, government services, contributed to the loss of revenue and creating tension all over. This type of attack could have been prevented or averted if people observed the following rules. Always ensure you are using a secured network, create a strong password for all your devices, keep your software updated including the Operating System or window, and manage your social media settings to enhance privacy. It is also important to have a backup of your data just in case you…

CBC algorithm Introduction: The CBC algorithm stands for the Cipher Block Chaining algorithm. It is a type of algorithm used in block cipher mode of operation. It generally uses a block cipher to provide information security aspects, such as security, confidentiality, authenticity, et cetera. A block cipher is usually used to encrypt a single unit of data, called bits or block. It is used for a secured cryptographic transformation, which is either encryption or decryption of a single block. CBC algorithm enables cipher’s single-block algorithm to be securely applied to large blocks of data on a loop so that the larger block gets divided into smaller blocks, and each block gets transformed cryptographically on an individual level. (Johnson & Baker (2019). The transformed blocks are then joined back to form the larger block of data. CBC was developed in 1976 by Ehrsam, Meyer, Tuchman, and Smith in 1976. Since its invention, CBC has been the most common mode of encryption when it comes to Cipher block chaining algorithms. Apart from its advantages, one of the main disadvantages of CBC is…

Concepts of Cryptography:Caesar Cipher   Overview   Caesar cipher is an old and simple encryption techniques, and also a very widely used one. (Smart, 2016). It is a type of substitute cipher where a plaintext letter is replaced by a letter which is at some fixed number of position in the alphabet chronology. For example: with a left shift of two, D would be replaced by B in encryption based on Caesar cipher. This method is named after Julius Caesar, who used this technique to communicate with his generals. Many more complex encryption techniques such as Vigenere and ROT13 are based on the principles of Caesar cipher. ( Nasution, Ginting, Syahrizal, and Rahim (2017). Example   For a Caesar cipher to work properly, both the parties concerned should have the key to the cipher, as in which letter will be replaced by what in the encrypted message. It helps the sender to encrypt the message and the receiver to decrypt the message after receiving it. For this cipher, the key is the number of characters that needs to be shifted…

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