MUST GENERAL CONTRACTOR INSURANCE INCLUDE INLAND MARINE? Are you a general contractor that works off-site? Move goods and products or in possession of the property of others? Then you typically need inland marine insurancecoverage. This type of coverage is especially important if you ship high-value products or materials. However,if your business frequently ships products or equipment. Then consider purchasinginlandmarine insurance. When considering the need to purchase this insurance consider the nature of your business and the operations. in addition, if someone else’s property is temporarily in your possession,inland marine insurance can be purchased to provide coverage against the loss of the property. Many general contractors look at the various insurance policies available to them. They question why they might need insurance. As a general contractor, you need to consult your insurance provider so that you can understand more about the insurance and what it offers at large.With all the information gathered from the provider, you can go ahead and purchase inland marine insurance. WHAT IS INLAND MARINE INSURANCE. Inlandmarine insurance is a type of insurance coverage that covers a wide…

How do disruption, innovation, and technology interact? Technological change wilalways be met with a lot of hesitation making the management techniques to reduce resistance extremely of importance. New technology often requires a smart strategy to ensure smooth adoption and implementation Creig is aware of the technological future of tracking business but is equally afraid of the reputations of accepting change in the tracking business, is of interest that RFID adopts the technology implemented by wherechild to stay relevant and ahead of its competitors. Innovations is always part and parcel of the cycle of technological change, in business tomorrow they will need a better product that what today presents KK has already shown that sign to Dante. What are the outcomes of these interactions? Innovations should always result to improvement, for example reduced theft and miscount in KK should be reduced. The factors influencing technology adoption, and the impact of their use on factors such as productivity, product quality and accountability are some but of the intended outcomes. Technological innovation also creates uncertainty and risk for incumbents because its outcomes can be only imperfectly…

Historical Data Portfolio Formation   Comment:  Project overviews are meant to layout the minimum requirements for a given project and to explain the motivation for a given project. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee an A or even a passing grade.  These projects are very rich, with many possible extensions to the analysis, various interpretations and recommendations from the results, and alternative methods of analysis that can be applied or discussed relative to the primary method introduced in the project.  The finance faculty wishes to give students a chance to differentiate themselves to potential employers in the interview process and have left “meat on the bone” for the students to explore. In industry, project overviews are rarely, if ever, created.  Your boss will simply say “do this” and expect you to formulate the required aspects of the project.  In addition, detailed written reports, as are required for this class, are also rarely done in industry.  However, employers want to know that potential employees are not only technically capable, but also can communicate their findings effectively in written form.  Proof…

State and Federal Court Systems The United States court system is composed of an intricate structure of courts and actors operating together to deliver justice. There are two types of courts known as state and federal courts. State courts are established by a state and within them are also local courts. Federal courts, on the other hand, are established under the United States constitution. Makers of the United States constitution wanted the federal government only to have limited power, thus, they limited the number of cases that the federal court could hear and passed most to the state courts. The jurisdiction is what primarily defines the differences that exist between the state and federal courts. Jurisdiction Jurisdiction is the types of cases that a court has authority to hear. For instance, if one commits misconduct in a particular judicial district, then the court in that district has the legal authority to listen to the case.  There are two main types of jurisdiction, namely general and limited jurisdiction. State courts are of general jurisdiction, meaning that they hear all cases that…

Helen Sword’s Stylish Academic Writing Essay 1: Academic Writing Prompt: For this essay, please identify several of the most useful and convincing ideas you find in Helen Sword’s Stylish Academic Writing. Explain these ideas to an audience of readers who know little about academic writing, and nothing about Sword’s book. Include brief examples from the text as needed. Tip: Notice that the prompt requires you to do two specific things: identify and explain. While this may seem like a request for neutral explanation, please notice that you are to actively decide which of Sword’s ideas are “the most useful and convincing.” Hence, your explanations of Sword should include elements of evaluation, as well: you are discerning what is of notable value, choosing what is worth including in your paper.[unique_solution] Length: 1,200 words Format Requirement: MLA format Quotes Required: 5. Your response should include direct quotes from at least all four of the required chapters. You may quote Helen Sword and any of the authors she cites. After each quote, use parenthetical citations of the MLA variety. For example, after quoting…

Implementation of Blockchain At the mention of the word Blockchain, Bitcoin and other digital currencies would immediately register on many people’s minds, and this is justifiably so because Blockchain was primarily developed to underpin cryptocurrencies. The Blockchain network is a decentralized ledger system that facilitates fast and secure peer to peer transactions. To better understand how Blockchain works, think of it like an Operating system like Windows or Mac and Bitcoin as an application. Bitcoin and all other digital values ride on Blockchain just as an application needs an operating system to run on. Simple! Let’s go on! Being a trusted network Blockchain has recently made its way into quite several industries, health being among them. A recent study by IBM conducted on 2017 called “Healthcare Rallies for Blockchain” revealed that 16% of Healthcare facilities had well laid out plans to embrace and implement the Blockchain technology immediately while another 56% look forward to integrating their healthcare system with Blockchain by 2020. At this point, you may ask, how will Blockchain revolutionize the Healthcare system? How will it streamline some…

Difference between internet and intranet The internet and intranet are two terms that are closely related. Most people who use the internet and intranet daily cannot tell the difference between the two, and end up using the two terms interchangeably. Though there are similarities between the internet and intranet in the way they function and the internet communication protocol they use, they are of different sizes, have different user levels, and serve different purposes. What is internet? It is a global network that interconnects millions of computers and other devices. It has no limitation, and anyone with an internet-enabled device, such as a tablet, laptop, mobile phone, or desktop computer can access the internet. Any time you use a mobile app that requires an internet connection or visit a website using your laptop, you are accessing the internet. The internet has no control from any central server but uses a web of networked devices such as servers, firewalls, routers, and computers, which continuously communicate across wireless signals and data lines. It is these network of devices that allows users across…

Data Assessment Reflection There have been extreme fluctuations in the prices of shares and the volume of stocks, which has affected the operations of the company. Being unable to predict the stock prices has resulted in the company to repurchase the stocks at higher prices (Alexandre, 2016). Purchasing the shares while at high prices reflects the company’s expectations of profit and growth in the future. Big investors purchase shares while the stock price is higher with an expectation of increased growth in their cash dividends (Chen and Ann, 2016). From the first view of the data, I could not fathom why the company would opt to purchase shares while the price was high instead of considering to purchase them while the price is lower (Shiryaev et al., 2013). In my understanding, for one to make a profit in the shares business, they should consider purchasing them when the price is lower and sell them while the price is high (Miller and Maxwell, 2016). From the first impression, I would be forced to conclude that the company made the wrong decision,…

Concepts and Basic Data Analysis Use the internet to find one example of each of the following graphs: Line graph Bar graph (horizontal or vertical bars are acceptable) Pie graph Suppose you were presenting these graphs to a group of people (clients, co-workers, friends, etc.) who are not mathematically savvy. Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation with speaker notes that provides a non-technical explanation of each graph. Remember, you are addressing people who probably do not like or understand mathematical terms. For each graph, include the following: Screenshot of your graph. For the line graph, what are the labels on the horizontal and vertical axes? For the bar graph, what labels are on the bars? What is being measured in this graph? (Hint: look at the axis label.) For the pie graph, what is the title, in other words, what is it measuring? How would you improve each graph if at all? Is anything missing, misleading, or perhaps just wrong with this graph? [unique_solution]What would be the appropriate measure(s) for central tendency (mean, median, mode) to display with each graph?…

Innovations Paper Instructions   The purpose of this project is to give an account of the research done on a product or process and to deliver all relevant reasons as to why the innovation was undertaken. Then write about how the product/idea/study could be innovated in the future to better humanity.   Opening – about half a page or more – describes what you are going to talk about and why it’s useful   Body – about one page or more – talks about your products history and what innovations have been done so far   Conclusion/Predictions – about 1.5 pages or more – how we can use/innovate this product in the future to better the field[unique_solution]       Paper must contain:   -cover page   -3 full pages of body text (max of 5 pages)   12 font (Arial or times new roman) 1.5-line spacing normal margins   no more than two lines for any quotation (limit of 3 quotations)   -works cited page (minimum 5 sources / at least 3 different types of sources)   example:  1.…

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