problems which are associated with the storage and access of data Data storage is one of the key activities that is carried out by many organizations (Bao, Chen & Obaidat, 2018). The process of storing and accessing data can be easy or challenging. There are some problems which are associated with the storage and access of data. The first problem concerns the security of the data. Some data may be confidential and sensitive, and a small leakage can lead to major challenges. In this case, corporations need to ensure that their data is secure and confidential. Maintaining data security is challenging, and it requires an organization to be ready by employing all tactics available. The second problems concern the cost of running a data center. Many large corporations prefer having their data centers to acquiring storage services from other organizations. So, if the corporation wants to have a data center, it will need to save the money required for initial setup and maintenance. The next problem concerns data infrastructure. Large volumes of data need infrastructure to be stored appropriately. The…

iPhone ring holder and stand   Most of us are attached to our smartphones. There is a lot that your iPhone can do, thus having it around you makes a lot of sense. However, with the increased phone size, especially the area where there is a screen, it has become more and more challenging to use your phone with one hand. This is simply because as the phone size increases, our hands do not. iPhones are expensive, and it would be detrimental to lose it or even get it damaged. The phone may drop and crack its screen or get stolen when one is taking a selfie or having a video chat. That is the main reason why iPhone ring holders are becoming popular nowadays. An iPhone ring and IPhone holder is attached at the back of the phone or the phone case. This will allow its users to loop in their fingers. This gives the phone an extra level of security in that it cannot easily fall off from the finger or get snatched by muggers. The iPhone stand…

Accounting for Students 2020 Accounting courses are an excellent way to diversify education and experience while gaining professional skills for a career. Are you a student who wants to enroll for a degree in accounting?  I know you are wondering who will complete the course work for me once i register for an accounting course. Worry no more. You can always get help. In this article, find a list of best degree accounting courses that you can choose from. Degree in accounting It’s a four-year course, where you can earn an associate of arts and later apply these studies towards a bachelor’s degree in a business-related field. Financial accounting course If you are interested to learn the fundamentals of financial accounting, think of this course. Starting with the basics of recording transactions as journal entries and posting them to T the end of my course work, you will know how to prepare a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Advanced financial accounting If you are interested in understanding the purpose of why non-accountants understand accounting as well…

Access Controls Who has any kind of access to your organization’s data infrastructure? How does the organization ensure that individuals who attempt to gain any sort of access to the internal systems have actually been granted that access? Under which circumstances will the organization deny user access to individuals who have access privileges? To effectively protect the businesses data, the organization must ensure that they have implemented the use of access controls. Which will then be used in addressing the above-listed questions. What follows next is the fundamentals of access control. What is generally entails, its importance, application within an organization, and the various challenges which security professionals are faced within its configuration. Access control can be understood as a method of warranting that users wishing to gain access to a network or information infrastructure are who they say they are and have the appropriate and required access to the organizations stored data (Putra, 2019). At a much higher level, access control is simply the discriminatory constraint of access to an organizations data. Where it mainly consists of two major…

Ineffective-based on healing rate, inability to keep diabetic wounds moist (saline-moistened gauzes) Gaps- Previous interventions: Ineffective-based on healing rate, inability to keep diabetic wounds moist (saline-moistened gauzes) Lack of sufficient scientific evidence to support their efficacy Costly thus burdening patients and the healthcare system These are explained within the write up supported with studies and cited. I think they sufficiently explained the gaps that NPWT aims to fill. Kindly review the write and let me know.   Regarding Key Word Kindly clarify, I do not understand when you say I should expand on the ‘key words.’ I think key words here, which are diabetes, NPWT, etc. are supposed to help in searching for the sources and information so that we only narrow down to what is related to the study question. Lastly, I think I was to address what you said was missing and listed explicitly under ‘What I lack at my assessment 1 is-‘. There are aspects of the revision that were not in the list of what you wanted to be addressed.  

Sherman’s March 1985 The film, Sherman’s march 1985, presents an exciting storyline that borders between a documentary and a fiction. It elaborates on the experiences of Ross McElwee, who changes course from the initially intended documentary on General Sherman’s Civil warpath in the south, and shifts to documenting on his own experiences. The movie portrays a storyline that focusses on the breakup between McElwee and his girlfriend and proceeds to illustrate the various women with whom he interacts through his journey in the south in the confederacy states. There are various specific aspects related to the film. Through the film, McElwee undertakes multiple roles, including starring in it, operating the camera, narrating, and handling the sounds. With regards to the noteworthy of the film, among the exciting factors include that with consideration of the specific camera shots, the McElwee handled the camera alone, with sometimes having to carry it on his shoulder for the shooting process. The style of the movie is a personal documentary in which McElwee documents his own experiences with the women involved in his life at…

Mobile Technology Abstract Mobile network technology is a form of technology used in cellular communication and other aspects. It has a platform that allows many transmitters to send data at a go on one channel. The name of the platform is Code-division multiple access (CDMA). It makes it possible for many users to use a single frequency as there is no possibility of interference of frequencies from other sources. The platform keeps developing over the years. Mobile applications and devices have significant benefits to their users in terms of location awareness, portability, and ease of access. Previous researches evaluate challenges associated with the use of mobile technology, proposed definitions of mobile network technology, and its applications in the modern world. Complex systems of computers have a broad customer base, making its use more vital. Because of that, companies see the benefits of developing and designing their devices with user development, and how it has made purchases simpler. The study conducted aims to present the state-of-art of the evaluation of the usage of mobile apps and devices. The study concludes…

Observation of the two excel data tables The table shows two critical aspects of our country statistical data, they include Exports Imports Exports are the types of merchandise our country sells or uses to exchange with other countries, the total value of our exports have been growing in the last three years 2018 exports was 242683 million dollars from 2017 214323 million dollars. The exports have improved the overall economy of Vietnam and generated more overall wealth for the Vietnamese people. The improved value of exports has also caused decreased unemployment among Vietnam youthful population. Imports are the type of merchandise we purchase from other countries like transport equipment, fuel Iron, and Steel. The overall value of imports has been on the increase for the past three years. In 2018 the amount was 235517 million dollars compared to 174804 in 2016. Some of the few international commercial services in Vietnam included: office and telecom equipment, electronic data processing, telecommunications, and transportation. Balance of trade is the sum of all exports of a country within a specified period which is mainly…

Environment and Crime There are five main features of environmental design that play a crucial role in crime prevention. These five are natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, target hardening as well as maintenance.  In my neighborhood, there are only three critical features of good environmental design that exist. These three are natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, as well as target hardening (Hipp et al., 1583). For the case of natural surveillance, the houses are a bit raised, and this has been able to enable one to see a couple of things or see a stranger approaching from a distance. There have been many cases where neighbors have been able to call 911 and give more information about the appearance of the suspects, and such information has led to arrests. It is clear that the nature in which the place is designed, one can see most of the people who get in the neighborhood.  One can also be able to see those who leave; hence in case of any issue, the police can quickly be informed. On the issue of…

Why United States Should Adapt To European Data Protection Policy             For a long time, the United States has dwelled in the glory of being the pioneer when it comes to generation and storage of data. Bu t with the current changes as observed in big data, there more reasons why US should adopt the European data protection policy. First of all it’s the aspect of security in regard to citizen’s data in US whose seriousness has extensively deteriorated. Comparing the two current regimes for data access and regulations in European countries and that of United States, a lot of disparities have been noted. In UE, as far as databases for citizen information is concerned, the handling access to such information has always been guarded with a lot of secrecy (Danezis 234). On the side of United States, political parties and campaigns almost face no regulations in respect to access, collection and dissemination of citizen’s data especially for profiling practices in current political systems and have no any legal implications under US privacy law. A live example for that case…

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