Reflection on Re-Shoot of Citizen Kane Tantrum Scene Section A Orson Welles’ film entitled Citizen Kane marked the turning point of technical innovation in the movie industry characterized by the utilization of depth focus, flashbacks, and the main protagonist, who emphasizes the ambiguous nature of the American dream. In the original shot, the tantrum scene depicts Kane destroying his lover, Susan’s bedroom, after she left him. The scene begins silently to enhance suspense and allows the audience to focus on the main protagonist’s anger. Kane starts by throwing the suitcases towards the door, with low angle shots used to reveal his power and lack of control. At one point, there is a long shot of the narrator as he moves from one side of the room to the other, where he continues to destroy Susan’s belongings. Initially, the group planned that this scene be more interactive and portray Kane’s pain and suffering; the team had suggested the use of a background song, coupled with long camera shots, to have a clear view of the room. Additionally, the camera was to…

Training Evaluation I got a chance to be part of an information and communication technology (ICT) team in a public hospital. I received intensive training on how to manage network and hardware resources in an ICT setting. This training went on for four weeks, and I was allowed to participate in the exercise actively. During this period, I learnt how to configure Ethernet cables and crimp them. Moreover, I gained the ability to ensure network stability and configure routers and switches. The training also included refresher courses on how to clean and maintain hardware devices. Additionally, the training equipped me with the ability to dismantle and reassemble hardware components as well as how to identify and rectify a hardware problem. The exercise furnished me with hands-on ICT skills.   Stakeholder model of evaluation Contributions (put in) Stakeholders Inducements (take out) Learnt how to configure network equipment using specific applications Manager, director, and network administrator The trainer introduced me to the primary network configurations. He taught me network configuration commands and codes. Moreover, I learnt different command requirements for varying network…

Overview, types, and differences of regular expressions in data analytics Data analytics deals with data sets, and whenever the data set is text-based, data scientists use regular expressions or Regex to ease the process. Regex has been extensively used. In 1950, Stephen Cole Kleene, an American mathematician, introduced the usage of the regular expression. Thereafter, in order to write different regular expressions, the syntax was used. The widely famous were Perl and POSIX syntax. Importance of regular expressions Regular expressions are used for specifying any particular pattern. Usually, it denotes the usage of formal languages and grammar. It is useful when the user attempts to search distinct text lines within a pattern. It conducts the search on a solo line and does not consider patterns that might begin on one line and end on a different line. Every character within the regular expression contains a special character known as the metacharacter (Schatten, Ševa & Đurić, 2015). The metacharacter has a special meaning as well. For instance, within the regex a., “a” is a literal character and “.” is regarded as…

Analyze the keywords that people use to find your WordPress site Keywords are essential for successful SEO strategies. Web visitors use search phrases to access a website. Generally, the web users will type the keyword into the search engines. Through customization of your content and the landing pages, you will be able to drive more traffic on your website and the conversion rates. The accessibility of your website through the best keyword is beneficial to your brand. The users can easily read the available content about your brand. This will prompt them to take action to buy your brand or services. In this article, I am going to analyze the keywords used by web users to find out my WordPress site. Product defining keyword The keywords that are relevant to the product or brand are essential. Many web users will use words that define the product they are searching for. This is a clear indication that such visitors are looking for a particular product. The product defining keywords authoritatively explains and describes the product you are selling. Additionally, when web…

Data Analysis and Forecasting Introduction Expansion is an essential process that an organization has to adequately consider in maintaining a more influential platform for successful engagement. As a salesperson, it is vital to assess different measures which can help in maintaining a unique system for an improved level of development. Various factors need to be evaluated in determining the underlying independent factors that influence vehicle ownership. Thus, ensuring that the expansion criteria are adequately assessed, it would be possible to ensure that the company emphasizes better concepts that promote the needs of individuals. Therefore, this research will determine the data collected in Turkey. The data focused on the most recent data in 2018. Thus, the research will involve the assessment of different factors that will help in improving the company commitment for Automobile Inc. so that it would help in making a better decision regarding its focus on expansion. Scatterplots Scatterplots are essential in assessing the underlying relationship between two variables that are investigated. The relationship can be either linear or inverse based on the relationship of the variables that…

ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNITIES OF GOOGLE Larry Page and Serge Brim first founded Google in 1998 in California, USA. It was formed as a research project which has since then grown and developed at a high-speed rate. Google is a search engine used all over the world that has had a tremendous impact in the modern world of digital technology and has since then undergone massive improvements making it easier for users to access information just by the click of a mouse  (Awais, M, and Samin,2012). Opportunities are external strategic factors that support business growths, in the Google technology business these are the most significant opportunities are: Non-ad business model. With the new technological advancements, Google should diversify its system design model to create a business model that does not generate and entertain ads (Goldfarb, A. 2014). The company needs to take into consideration other users by only committing itself to business deals with the ability to earn more revenue other than ads. Cloud computing. Most businesses in this technical world appreciate the need for cloud services which could be an…

Strategic Analysis for Amazon Inc. Company Profile This paper gives a strategic analysis of Amazon Company; the problems identified the benefits and recommended a way forward in the improvement of the company as a solution. Amazon company participates in retail offers of buyer goods and subscriptions in North America and globally. The company operates through three fragments: North America, global, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).  Amazon sells products and substances acquired for reselling from external merchants with the use of physical and online stores. The company additionally makes and trades electronic goods, like tablets, kindle, TVs, and Echo and different gadgets. Moreover, Amazon provides programs that enable merchants to trade their goods on its Websites, just like its stores; and projects that permit manufacturers, performers, movie producers, application designers, and others to share and sell content. Additionally, the company gives a figure, stock-accumulation, data-stock, and various AWS administrations, just as satisfaction, publicizing, distribution, and computer-based content rights. Moreover, it offers Amazon Prime, a participation program, which gives free sending of different things; access to the spilling of motion pictures and…

Computer and Internet My first encounter with a computer was when I was at a tender age of 10. During this time, I didn’t know most of the capabilities that this device had. All I thought was that the computer is a portable version of a television set. This claim was, however, not true as I came to realize that computers can store information in the hard disks such as files, movies, and images; a capability that a television set did not have (Swedin, & Ferro, 2017). Therefore, my first encounter with a computer served as an eye-opener to me as I could differentiate it with a television set. Having familiarized myself with computers, I was eager to know how the internet works. My main interest was in knowing how to send a stored file or saved messages from my computer to other computers in remote locations with the help of the internet. In this case, I came to realize that computers have ports that support wired internet from a local area network (LAN) (Green, 2014). My first encounter with…

Innovations in Apple Inc.   The apple company has significantly made use of innovation strategies when producing some of its products. The company mainly depends on innovative business models and the introduction of terrific new products. The company is known to use products that succeed one another. Their products are known to have a good software in amazing hardware(GALLO, 2011). The company also goes into new markets looking for new customers — game-changing innovations such as the use of iPad, iPhone, iPod, and iTunes. Game-changing innovations are where a company replaces one of its products in the market with an almost similar product, which has great features and functionality. Leaders are also known to think based on pipelines and platforms where they greatly push for innovations (GALLO, 2011). The company knows how to create, capture, and deliver value. For example, the iPhone is able to make an impact because it is matched with the correct app store together with iTunes (MADRY, 2020). The company is known to work across a traditional industry to come up with a successful innovation-friendly ecosystem.…

Big data Systems in Healthcare Potential Benefit of using Big Data as part of a Clinical System Bid data in healthcare relates to the abundance of health data that are derived from numerous sources such as electronic records, genomic sequencing, research, medical insurance records that help improve in the delivery of healthcare services (HealthLeaders, 2019). The adoption of the use of big data systems in any healthcare organization can help improve the services such a driving healthcare from a fee-for-service model into one that is value based and more concerned with patient outcome. In such an event it is possible to realize reduce healthcare cost while maximizing patient services in terms of diagnosis and treatment. A good example is the new approach in technology where mobile applications have been used to monitor the health of patients. These applications rely of big data systems which are backed up in cloud serves (Catalyst, 2018). Such applications can them offer advice to their patients about their health condition and inform them when to seek medical attention based on the information they input on…

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