How to Unprotect Workbook Excel 2010 without Password   Keywords: unprotect workbook excel 2010 without password, unlock excel 2010 workbook without password, how to unprotect excel workbook 2010, unprotect excel 2010 without password, how to unprotect excel sheet without password 2010 If you cannot access your excel 2010 file or you have forgotten the password, then no need to worry. Here we will discuss methods to unprotect excel 2010 without password. Today the internet and computers have changed our way of living, and it has turned the world into a global village. Today it has now become a part of everyone’s life. People store lots of data and information using computers. To maintain the p and confidentiality of the data, people use different passwords. Password protection methods use in workplaces and offices. In offices, essential data storage or records is usually done using Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel files, which have relevant information, are usually protected with a password; therefore, sometimes, one may receive an excel worksheet that can be protected using a password. These protections are used to save the…

CD Command Change directory command  changes the working directly  a current feature in an operating system.The working directory includes the DOS,, unixAmigaOS and TRIPOS.The Cd implifiers the bare paths in the working directory.Thre are othet forms of CD commands such as the Linux and Microsoft windows.A directory represents a section that holds the computerized files  together in a more logical form.The command is cap[able of  Changing the subdirectory into other basic directorie to enable them move to the root directories.Thre are two paths in a change directory command namely the relative and the absolute paths.The following represents the difference between the two paths and their specific examples (Miele, 2016). An absolute path represents specific details in an operating system significant in locating a folder or a file.The details needed includes the subdirectries and the root elements of a change directory command.The absolute paths are specifically usd to locate folders and files in operating systems and computer websites.The relative paths combines with other types of paths to locate computer  files and foders in the operating systems.the sally and home reports are…

Word War two aftermath Immediately after the world war two ,several events took place.Some of them were the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.The battle of the barge ended, and Germany was on retreat with itself. Moreover, there was a bombing raid on the German city of Dresden start.Many lives were lost in the firestorm that was created by 1300 Allied bombers (Geiger et al.,2017).The U.S marines also raised the US flag on the summit of Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima where only 1000 Japanese defenders were taken, prisoners.After its defeat in world war two, the United States led in the occupation and rehabilitation of the Japanese state.In the Potsdam Declaration, they called for Japan’s unconditional surrender.A 25 percent rough estimate of Germany’s pre-Anschluss territory was ceded to Poland and the Soviet Union at the Potsdam Conference (Darracot, 2018). After the war, there was spread of communism from the Soviet Union into other regions like China and Europe.Moreover, there was the global shift in power from Europe to the two superpowers, i.e. the United States and Soviet Union that later…

Overview of Project Data Collection and Analysis Data Collection             This process will be conducted by giving questionnaires pre and post-education. The twenty participants (25-49 males and females) will attend training programs on prevalence, management, and treatment of scabies among the elderly individuals in the area. These questionnaires will be sent to the nurses via electronic mail. These questionnaires will be administered individually and will be composed based on the objective; that is, each element of the questionnaire should be found on the study’s aim. The questionnaires will be semi-structured (open-ended and close-ended questions). The focus of the closed-ended questionnaires will be to access specific factors without taking into consideration the opinion of the participant (“EXAMINING DATA COLLECTION,” 2015). The open-ended questionnaires will be complementing the close-ended questionnaires via facilitating the participants to expand their claims. The open-ended questionnaires, therefore, will act support for the issues stated by the researcher. Moreover, they will provide any information left out by close-ended questionnaires. The time frame for data collection will be two weeks, one week for training, and then the other for…

Data, Information and Knowledge Businesses are becoming competitive in recent times. For any business to remain on the toss, it must have an innovative idea or understand the current market strategies. In that spirit, the concept of knowledge management is being used widely today. Knowledge management is the process of identifying, analyzing and distributing knowledge in institutions. Knowledge is possessed by the members of the organization. Hence, the organization should have a model of ensuring that knowledge is passed from one person to another in the organization (Pearlson, Saunders, & Galletta, 2016). Three terms have become popular in the field of knowledge management. These words are data, information and knowledge. Many people use the three times interchangeably despite them being different (Pearlson, Saunders, & Galletta, 2016). This paper will differential the two terms and discuss what comes after knowledge in the continuum of knowledge management. Data Data is gathered from unstructured certainties and subtleties. Data is as characters, images, numbers, figures, content or necessarily drawn or jotted figures with no specific arrangement. Data expect to handle to make its utilization…

Data Collection and Summary Overview The initial step of data collection will be to ask for permission from the institution’s administration. A memo about the research project opportunity will be circulated to all the nursing personnel afterward. All the parties will be given a chance to submit their application within a week. After that, the nurses will assemble in a local community hall. The attendants will be assessed on scabies’ experience. The qualified attendants will be grouped into two, the control group and the study group. Consent slip will be given to participants for filling and then will be given a specific identification index. The questionnaires will be pre and post-education. According to Etikan, Musa, & Alkassim (2016), the reliability and validity of the questionnaires provided to the respondents are an essential aspect of concern. On that note, the questions will be based on the highlighted gaps in research. Additionally, the questions will be structured professionally to ensure that the subjects provide adequate and pertinent data in a bid to fulfill the primary purpose of the entire study process. This…

Application of data to problem-solving Medicine industry is one of the beneficiaries in the evolvement of Big data which have changed how health institution manage, analyze, and collect data useful in decision making. Mainly, analyzed data in the medical field help in solving management issues, reducing the cost of treatment, predicting epidemics, combating preventable diseases, reduce the workload as well as improving the quality of life. Notably, data collected and stored in the health system facilitate a review of patients personalize treatments, improve treatment methods, enhances better communication between medics, and reduce discharge time. Importantly, health data analytics will assist the doctors to detect early sign of an illness which will be easily treated and less costly. Therefore, there is a need for health institutions to enroll individuals with personal electronic health records (EHR), which will facilitate the collection and storage of patients’ health information from different sources. Treatment models enhanced by data and improved technologies simplify the collection of data used in providing insight in offering better health care to patients. Notably, data collected can be either quantitative, that…

iPaaS, App Integration, Data Integration: What Are They and Which One Do You Need?   During the past few years, a lot of things have changed in the world of business as far as digital technologies are concerned. Like out of the blues, enterprises have realized that there are a lot of new technologies being adopted. You almost hear new terms every day in people’s conversations, making confusion inevitable.   Some of the most commonly used terms include data integration, app integration, and iPaaS, among numerous others. At times, you will hear people use some of these terms interchangeably, leading to misinformation or further confusion.   This post aims at making things clear for you.   We will let you know what each of the above terms, and most importantly, help you determine the one your business needs.     Source: Smart Sheet   iPaaS stands for the integration Platform as a Service. They are typically platforms used for standardizing the integration of applications into a company – and in turn, simplifying the process of automating business processes and sharing…

Big data in health institutions Medicine industry is one of the beneficiaries in the evolvement of Big data which have changed how health institution manage, analyze, and collect data useful in decision making. Mainly, analyzed data in the medical field help in solving management issues, reducing the cost of treatment, predicting epidemics, combating preventable diseases, reduce the workload as well as improving the quality of life. Notably,  data collected and stored in the health system facilitate a review of patients personalize treatments, improve treatment methods, enhances better communication between medics,  and reduce discharge time. Importantly, health data analytics will assist the doctors to detect early sign of an illness which will be easily treated and less costly. Therefore, there is a need for health institutions to enroll individuals with personal electronic health records ( EHR), which will facilitate the collection of patients’ health information from different sources. Treatment models driven by data and improved technologies enable the more accessible collection of data, which provides insight in offering better health care to patients. Notably,  data collected can be either quantitative, that…

How does social media analytics aid an organization? Give an example of a social media data stream and the type of insight that might be drawn from it. Social media analytics collects data from social party lines and analyzes them, thus making the content useful for business. The tool for media analytics is to make the business grow and to evaluate the impacts of marketing campaigns (Fan & Gordon, 2014). It helps the company build a better strategy by providing a platform for better decision making. It creates brand awareness and improves customer satisfaction. An example of social media analytics; helping an organization to understand the audience that they target. A website from the American gaming services and their media streaming used social media analytics to evaluate and analyze a part of its audience to understand the type of video games that they are interested in, to offer insights, and to support their customer’s ad. Do you believe sending targeted advertising information to a computer using cookies is objectionable? Why or why not? Yes. I see using cookies is objectionable…

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