
Data Mining

Data Mining Clustering This technique is used in data mining to divide data sets into groups that contain the same objects, plus they give the end-user to have a high level of viewing the database (Srinivas at el 2018). The data is collected and sampled so that it can display the same meaning. When the cluster is put in the same data, set it helps the user to relocate the information that he wants from the database easily. Clustering also helps the user to have the understanding of having groupings of data and the structure of the data set. The clustering helps to have predefined classes that will help the user to search the data in the database easily and have a clear display of having the content that he is relocating to the database. Classification The classification is applied in data that is being held aside so that it can be compared to the prediction of the target values. Rules are set that will help answer the questions that will help predict the outcome in the database (Aggarwal at…

A Critical Evaluation of the Big Data Approach to Drug Misuse Data Analytics Introduction The purpose of this evaluation is to analyze the application of Big Data analytics to understand in deeper the drug usage pattern and the consequences of drug abuse to develop preventative measures. In order to accelerate progress toward understanding how human health may be altered by drug usage, it is critical to developing powerful analytical methods and visualization tools that can help in capturing the data generated from pharmaceutical records (NIH, 2017). Big Data analytics is a process of examining a large volume of data  that have hidden patterns, unknown associations, trends in the market and other useful information that can help the organizations to make an informed decision based on information acquired from Big Data analysis. We have different data analytic tools that ensure the storage of data, processing of data, and analyzing and visualizing the data. One of the tools that can be used for data storage is NoSQL. The predictive analytic tool can be used to analyze data based on past events. Hadoop…

strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of Altium Limited Executive summary The purpose of the report is to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of Altium Limited. This report helps the company to foresee and plan in light of future opportunities and threats. The company is responsible for developing electronic software and hardware that is used in developing circuit boards. The company has a market capitalization of 3.78 billion, and its tools are used in various industries such as defense, semi-conductors, and anonymous vehicles. The company also has a variety of products ranging from designer 3D board, Altium concord pro, and tasking. Though the company i known for providing efficient and powerful user interface workflow, it has been faced by several challenges. These challenges include; connection to the pad or underneath SMD makes connection difficult, placing of connecting vias may lead to certain areas being cut, unconnected inner vias pads may weaken the physical holding cell, and lastly, grounding. Swot analysis is used to identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The study proves that the strengths dominate the vulnerability, and…

Fastnet Cybercafé Operations Space and Equipment Fastnet Cybercafé will be located in London City, Ontario, Canada, along Oxford Street. The business will occupy an area of 1000 meter square. The cyber café also will be equipped with enough equipment that ensures all the services are offered. Equipment Computers-$259 Printers-$100 Photocopiers-$50 Fax machine Tables-$60 Chairs-$40 Lamination machine-$2000 Online game machine-$110 Scanner-$90 Binding machine-$80 Cash register- $200 Telephone- $80 (Alibaba, 2020) The company already has internet cables and a few of the chairs that will minimize the cost of the requirements. The equipment is necessary because the business cannot operate without them, especially computers, printers, photocopiers, and laminators. The business will buy Dell models of desktop computers due to their effectiveness in operation. The building facility also is equipped with a power supply that ensures that all the equipment operates using the source of energy. London City also has fast network coverage where the company would choose a Local Area Network (LAN) that is an appropriate internet service provider. Space Layout The space of the facility will accommodate all the required startup…

Facilitator Report Abstract Nowadays, a reliable team for every project to be successful is necessary. It consists of people handling different roles for the project, and therefore, they need to work in an organized manner. The person supposedly useful to coordinate the team members to be active in project management is the project facilitator. The facilitator is usually highly engaged throughout the project to ensure that there is continuous improvement for the performance of the team members involved in a project. It is hard to imagine that any project management team would be complete without a facilitator. The reason being that this is the only person considerably dependent by all the other members to facilitate the making of decisions, offer a solution to problems that may arise while handling project activities. Another role is to respond rationally to any risk and changes (Bridges, 2020). Besides the person playing a part, this role should be prolific to manage a team using mechanisms that uphold attitudes, performance, ability, people’s diversity, and ability and results of the group. Anyway, our project aims at…

The Financials of Apple Financial analysis is needed to determine the economic health and stability of a company. It helps in understanding a company’s current financial position and its possible financial requirements in the future. The vital financial fundamentals used to analyze the performance of a company include liquidity, profitability and solvency. Financial analysis is essential to investors who want to invest in the respective firm. According to Chordia (2001), financial statements serve to highlight the upside and downside of companies and firms. Therefore, the financial ability and insufficiency of Apple Inc. can be determined by analyzing and interpreting economic metrics and evaluating the financials of Apple Inc. Liquidity Liquidity ratios determine a company’s ability to cover short-term obligations and cash flows. Liquidity ratios include the quick ratio, current ratio, and cash ratio. The current ratio is calculated as existing assets divided by the current liabilities. For instance, a good current ratio lies between 1.2 to 2, which means that the business has two times more current assets than liabilities to covers its debts. A current ratio below 1 indicates…

role of FinTech in project funding, investment decision and operation decision 1.0 Introduction FinTech (Financial Technology) refers to the application of technology in business to automate or promote financial processes and services. Business owners, managers and customers use fintech to manage their financial operation, lives as well as processes by application of algorithms and software that are applied on smartphones, laptops and computers. Like other business UNESCO project will also require financial technology to enhance their operation. Singapore Botanical gardens management considers establishing a project which will attract many tourists in the site hence raising adequate revenue to steer sustainability. The proposal for the improvement of this site, therefore, entails the introduction of an elevated bridge in the garden that would enable visitors to have an aerial view of the garden. The bridge will help in mobility and accessibility within the park. To enhance the sustainability of the resource it is necessary to have adequate resources, make a wise investment decision as well as operational decisions. This project will, therefore, access the role of FinTech in project funding, investment decision…

Home Automation             IoT-levels are, therefore, used to determine various designs that aid in home automation through IoT general systems. This concept can be achieved through sensing and analyzing the environment and human movements. This light can get effectively controlled through the application of smart methods or systems of lightening. For example, when an individual accesses a room, the light will turn on automatically.   Similarly, the light turns off immediately when a person leaves a room. Therefore, for this particular purpose, solid form or state lightening and IP enabled lights to get included for general control of light (Tayyaba, Shahzadi, et al. 340). However, these implied mechanisms can effectively get controlled through web applications or mobile phones, E.g., Philips Hue Lights. Intrusion detection is a process that includes cameras and sensors used to detect any intrusions and raise essential alerts through text messages, images, videos, and emails. These improve security by significant margins (Ehsani et al. 67). Different or various devices get configured and modified in ways that they can notify all owners on matters relating to activities that…

How to ensure safety in online poker As the Internet grows more accessible to people in various parts of the world, online games are also on the rise. Online poker is a card game that is played by users over the Internet. Poker players have quickly embraced the online idea to engage with their fellow gamers from other countries. However, online platforms for playing poker games have become infested by people with malicious intent over the years. Collusion between players, among other types of fraud, has become a part of Internet poker. It is thus essential to enforce some tips for staying safe when engaging in online poker games. Below are some ways to ensure you become a protected online poker player. Connect through a VPN Virtual Private Networks have several advantages when playing poker online. A VPN is one of the safest tools to use in protecting your online privacy. It provides instant encryption to private data such as financial information, location and records of online activities. Websites cannot sell your data to third-party companies, some of which might…

Technology Accessibility Technology Accessibility denotes to tools that can be used flawlessly by people with a wide range of disabilities and abilities. When technology is accessible, all users’ interaction with it is secure in ways that work best for them. Technology accessibility can r be directly available, whereby it accessible and can be used without additional assistive technology, or it is compatible with Assistive technology. Over the years, technology has evolved so fast; it is rapidly changing people’s lives by making things easier and better for them. It is continuously being altered, developed and improved, and it seems like it is changing on a daily basis. With the rise of information and communications technology, there are new hopes for technology being inclusive of people with diverse needs. Despite stumbling blocks, there are notable efforts in implementing the use of information technology to combat the obstacles of the disabled. The information society is representative of significant opportunities as well as potential barriers to comprehensive technology.     Technology use among adults varied significantly, mostly influenced by sociodemographic and health status—the prevalence…

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