POVERTY RATES IN AMERICA Reflection essay: (2 pages) Look up poverty rates in America and do a comparison (you may find this information on [census.gov]), (Be sure to cite any sources that are used). Has the poverty rate gone down since the Great Recession of 2008? Why and if it has, what has been a contributing factor to lowering poverty? What are some solutions that are being discussed by politicians to help alleviate poverty (you may refer to one politician or candidate)? -Your reflections should be 600 words or more. LEARNING OUTCOMES:( Instructions) Students will be able to identify the impact of state and local policies on minority groups and communities. Est. the link b/w poverty rates and demographic characteristics, including family structure, race, ethnicity, and age; and describe how poverty rates have been impacted by the Great Recession. Students will understand various government programs that provide assistance to families to help combat or avoid poverty. [unique_solution]Students will evaluate why Americans are conflicted about welfare policy, and describe how the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program works. * Reading chapters…

  Coronavirus Effects on American Airlines Concepts The article “Inside American Airlines’ Scramble as Virus Grounds Jets by Hundreds” by David Gelles explains the drastic effects that the coronavirus pandemic has brought on American Airlines. The article addresses how the epidemic continues to deliver significant financial losses to the airline, whose demand has gone down drastically, as the staff and passengers reduce movement and practice social distance in an attempt to curb the spread of the virus. Summary The coronavirus is a contagious disease that is airborne and spreading across the world at a very high rate. The pandemic which emerged this year continues to cause great panic on individuals and businesses as it is fast spreading through any contact with an infected person or surface. In an attempt to reduce the spread of the virus, American Airlines is making crucial changes in its operations. The changes include reducing the number of passengers on its flights and withdrawing some of its services. Despite having dealt with almost similar pandemics before, America seems not well prepared for this virus as it…

Outline of Research for Argument Essay: americans need to get vaccinated Introduction:  Individuals who are vaccinated are more averse to be wiped out, less inclined to require meds, and less inclined to be hospitalized. A great many people immunize their children in any case, for a portion of the individuals who quit, the choice is a piece of a more extensive repugnance for therapeutic intercession. It is, as per one master, some portion of a  “pursuit of purity(Finnegan )”.Which grasps clean living, good dieting and, here and there, elective wellbeing. Hook: “In children aged 5-10 years vaccinated against flu, GP consultations for flu-like illnesses were down 94% compared to areas where a pilot childhood flu vaccine programme was not in place. Attendance at emergency departments was down 74% while hospital admissions fell by 93%. The need for admission to intensive care units (ICU) and high-dependency units (HDU) was down 76%”(Finnegan). Thesis:Americans should get vaccines even though there are thousands of people in the united states that don’t get vaccines. Even though it is not only safe for the human but others…

Are universal background checks effective at reducing violent crime in America? Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the assigned chapters in your textbook and watch the videos Identifying Premises and Conclusions, What Is an Argument?, What Is a Good Argument? (Part I), and What Is a Good Argument?: The Logic Condition. In this class, we learn to evaluate issues in light of the reasoning on all sides prior o arriving at conclusions. We aim to evaluate the quality and quantity of evidence, striving to be as objective as we can about what is most likely to be true. If you have not done so already, begin by choosing a topic from the Final Paper Options list to use in your writing assignments in this course. [unique_solution]The next step is to formulate a specific research question that is important regarding this topic. You may review The Research Process resource for more information. [unique_solution]So, if your topic is gun control, you would formulate a specific question, such as, “Are universal background checks effective at reducing violent crime in America?” Once…

Legalization of Marijuana in America. Over several decades, the theme of legalizing or illegalizing marijuana has carried the minds of American citizens into an almost endless discussion. Considerations of who should be allowed to use marijuana and for what reasons, saw states start validating the use of cannabis. By and over the years the 2010s, countries such as Colorado, Alaska, and Washington DC allowed the use and trade of marijuana. The legalization came after significant influence from the votes of Americans with the dispensation of laws governing its decriminalization. Medical grounds and recreational purposes for adults are among stated reasons for the decriminalization of marijuana in many of the states. America should criminalize marijuana despite the endless conflicts from the pros and cons of the drug. Cannabis has the advantage of therapy. On the other hand, the side effects relating to marijuana are endless. Effects such as crime influence, intoxication, and marijuana-related accidents are just a few harms identified. The damages associated with the use of marijuana should be addressed in favor of society’s physical and medical well-being. Massive societal…

Mainstream and Marginalized American Person Life has various opportunities that we have to grab and utilize as human beings to succeed in life. However, different people have different stories on their journey from poverty to riches. Different circumstances limit us from achieving our dreams like other people due to the constraints of social, economic, and political obstacles on the path to one’s journey to success. However, constraints give rise to terms such as mainstream and marginalized in referring to people depending on the chances they have in overcoming the various challenges. A mainstream person is the one with normal conditions which enable them to overcome the difficulties easily without too much struggle while the marginalized person is one who is for a various reason find it hard to aces the services obtained by the mainstream people. The paper, therefore, compares the struggle of mainstream and marginalized people in society on their path to success. Comparison 1: Mainstream American and Frederick Douglas. The mainstream American man had everything on his way easy without a struggle. The ability to rise from poverty…

 conservative in America during the 1920s In the 1920s, American society interacted with new customs and social traditions. It was time to change for the better. However, the 1920s marks American conservative time. Americans elected conservative presidents. Although American society was not afraid to welcome immigrants from other parts of the world, including England, they fear that they would lose their jobs as well as land to foreigners who were arriving in significant numbers (Jarmul, 2006). To mitigate the level of immigration to conserve its resources, America took the step of adopting new immigration laws. This article will write about conservative in America during the 1920s. Conservative in America traces back in 1920, where America had to adopt new immigration laws to limit the number of immigrants arriving on its shores. Although immigration laws were almost impossible to implement, they did succeed in limiting immigrants from certain countries and regions. Further, conservative in the 1920s related to banning alcohol. Conservative Americans were at the forefront to ban the consumption and sale of alcoholic drinks. Conservative Americans living during this time,…

The opioid epidemic in America Abstract The opioid epidemic has had devastating consequences for all American communities. Notably, the opioid crisis adds to the most severe public health emergencies. Opioid crisis accounts for many deaths every day. For instance, this health ailment claims more lives when compared to homicides or fatalities from car accidents. The crisis has led pregnant women to give birth to children suffering from withdrawal syndrome. Countries in America have put varying efforts to curb opioid. Joint principles will significantly help address the current crisis. In the attempt to alleviate the opioid epidemic, the American health department should partner with NGOs such as WHO to focus as well as prioritize to significantly improve access to treatment for the victims of the opioid crisis. The successful implementation of the proposed solution will substantially reduce the overall cases of opioid crisis victims. Introduction The opioid epidemic is a significant health problem that has devastating consequences. For instance, increased opioid misuse is one of the significant impacts resulting from the crisis. It is important to note that the opioid crisis…

Campus Policing in America: A Twenty-Year Perspective In detail, in a paper: Did campus police directors become more diverse between 1986 and 2006? If so, in what ways? Between 1986 and 2006, the educational level for campus law enforcement administrators changed rather significantly. What do the authors argue is responsible for the shift? What type of relationships do campus police agencies have with local police? Has this changed from 1986 to 2006? Based on what you have read in the textbook and in this journal article what type of relationships do you believe should exist between campus and local police departments and why? FORM AND CONTENT: These questions should be answered in a thoughtful and meaningful way. [unique_solution]There is no page requirement however these questions are not meant to inspire short answers of only one paragraph or a few sentences. For example if the question ″Has airplane design advanced in the past 50 years?″ you would be expected to answer the question by writing about the history over the last 50 years and not just give a ″Yes″ or ″No″…

Being Black in America Introduction The life an average African-Americans have increased significantly over the last century. However, despite the improvement, a lot of Black people still feel marginalized. In particular, many African Americans feel like they are less appreciated, judged, and supported that their white counterparts. According to a study by Pew Research Center, 58% of African Americans believe that racism still influences the general operations in the US (Horowitz, Brown, and Cox para.2). Some of the historical events that depicted racial discrimination against Africans in America is racism and the Jim Claw rules. Today, police brutality, high incarnation rates, and low life expectancy are among the aspects used to justify racial inequality in America. As an evaluation of whether or not Blacks are still marginalized in America, five relevant publications will be evaluated in this report. Ta-Nehisi Coates Coates mentioned multiple aspects in his story, which all showcased various racial challenges that African Americans face in the hands of police officers. First, Coates’ story shows the high rates at which African Americans die in the hands of the…

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